Do you agree with Tomoya that Megumi is the most beautiful?
Yes. She has the prettiest design, especially when she's sporting the short hair.
No. Also why should I ever agree with some random faggot.
>Short hair
Why can't someone with short hair be beautiful?
No, not when Eriri is before my eyes.
>ugly fang
>childish twintails
>iron-board body
>bad attitude
Eririfag please.
Wow, we've even seen her bare ass. I wonder if we'll see a nipple someday.
This. Eriri is sexier too.
>has seen Utaha in revealing outfits and literally slept in the same bed as her
>still picks Megumi
Really makes you think.
I think Utaha is the most beautiful but Megumi is pretty, especially when done up well. I also prefer her with short hair.
Utaha >= Megumi > Eriri > Michiru > Izumi
Megumi > Utaha > Eriri > Izumi > Michiru
>blond hapa
>hey lets just cram fetishes together to appeal to plebian faggots
She is so sexy
If Eriri was a plain girl like Megumi no one would give a shit about her.
Every time I see this picture, I get the uncontrollable urge to fap for days
Utaha would be top tier in design if it weren't for that headband.
She's still the least popular of the main heroines by far.
Eriri > Utaha > Michiru = Megumi > Izumi
Eriri = Utaha > Eriri > Izumi > Michiru
Megumifags sure are insecure and mad.
>if you don't like my waifu you're a mad and insecure megumifag
That picture is more disturbing than one might think
>clearly triggered because other people post Eriri in his Megumi thread
You are the triggered one friend. So insecure that he needs to shitpost with his waifu, typical Eriri faggot tbqh.
But they're right. Eriri's design is so overdone and generic that only a delusional fanboy would think it's the best.
>no denial
>Typical and insecure Megumifag shitposter, everyone.
Not him, but that's just like your opinion. Don't fix what isn't broken etc.
>But they are right. Megumi's design is so boring and plain that only a delusional fanboy would think it's the best.
>Short hair
Into the trash.
Megumi isn't as pretty in the anime as she is illustrated in the LN
>Don't fix what isn't broken
Maybe if the author didn't try so hard to sell Eriri with the design alone and focused on making her more likeable she'd be more popular.
Cool greentext bro.
>doesn't provide evidence contrary to claims made in thread
>only responds with 'lol triggered' shitposting
>pretends I am a megumifag even though that was never implied
You aren't even trying
Eriri is already love and perfect. I'm sorry you think otherwise.
>Eriri first
Stopped reading there.
Must be the difference in detail for the hair.
>Triggered as fuck
>Still doesn't deny loving Megumi
>Pretending he has the higher ground when he shitposted first
Eriri is #1!
Not liking twintails, ZR, fang, blonde, dfc, and tsundere makes you literally gay. They're all top tier fetishes.
Of fucking course.
The real question is, short hair, ponytail or long hair?
>completely avoids the arguments presented and continues with triggered rhetoric
Where did I ever say that?
>eririfaggots reading comprehension
Not anymore.
>Where did I ever say that?
You greentexted, insulted, and used reaction images that indicates you have a problem with them. How else could anyone interpret it in any other way?
Tomoya has bad taste. Why would I agree with him?
Tomoya has probably read more LNs, VNs, manga and seen more anime than you.
>Where did I ever say that?
Are you serous?
>Still no denial that would make sense at this point
>Trying to save face despite the shitposting that he did
Updated summaries fucking when? I need more cute as fuck moments from Megumi.
Not liking a shameless pandering character that combines all of them in a desperate attempt to cater to the lowest common denominator and fails hard at it isn't the same as not liking each individual fetish.
Maybe for VNs. Still bad taste.
>hey lets just cram fetishes together to appeal to plebian faggots
Eriri isn't even an actual character, she is an amalgamation of fetishes tastelessly crammed together in excess to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Notice how I never said any of the fetishes were bad anywhere in my post.
>Reading is hard.
Show us your oh so superior taste, then.
>Eriri isn't even an actual character
You are trying too hard. Stop.
In the end it was a good heartfelt conversation that made him fall for a girl not tits and ass.
The world isn't ready for the fatal amounts of cuteness shed in this volume.
So you can dismiss it out of petty spite because I didn't like your waifu? Nah, enjoy yourself.
Nah, but are you an Eririfag? Because calling Tomoya's taste bad also means calling Eriri bad. Just think about things like that before you post.
Eriri's design is perfect and she's more than fine as a character. You're acting like a faggot now with your LCD ranting when you're on Sup Forums of all things and here in a harem thread that literally is built to pander to otaku.
>we want to make Eriri a waifubait.
Why not make her character just thinking about the circle and being supporting for Tomoya?
>Loving Eriri over Megumi
Pick one.
>you're on Sup Forums of all things and here in a harem thread that literally is built to pander to otaku.
Not all elements in most harem series try THIS hard to pander to otaku.
>Implying I like any girl from this awful and pretentious show
>that look on Megumi's face
She's totally in love.
It was true for about 10 volumes out of 11 + 2 side stories of the LN.
You just need to accept that you have shit taste user.
Sounds like you are in denial.
His taste is better than yours, Megumifag.
That's you.
Back when Tomoya still had taste. How unfortunate.
>still pretending I am a megumifag
>better taste than anyone
My sides.
>liking Eririshit
Gosh you're killing me.
Saekano is 100% otaku pandering and there's nothing wrong with that, senpai. You don't need to make illusions so you can feel better for enjoying it, you know.
Eriri and Utaha are the girls made to pander to otaku.
Yeah those goalposts aren't going to move by themselves.
I wonder if there are actually people who thinks Saekano is some form of higher literature.
Not true. Tomoya loved Megumi more than Eriri ever since Volume 7. V11 is just him finally realizing his feelings.
You're forgetting Megumi, Michiru, and Izumi there.
Megumi a shit. Megumi is to blame for tainting Tomoya's taste.
The anime is actually really well-made. If they don't both the adaptation of the later material it'll be remembered as one of the best high school romcoms.
No one said the series isn't otaku pandering. Eriri is just a tryhard overdesigned character that panders to the most shallow fans with easily manipulated tastes.
Megumi wasn't intended to pander to otaku.
>only girl that stayed by his side and gave him hope and inspiration again to continue his dream when he was left alone despairing
>tainting anything
Try harder.
>the normalfag girl who goes along with MC's crazy plans of making a VN and ends up turning into an otaku who's the perfect fantasy for an otaku MC
>Has all the traits and moe personality that makes her shine more than two school girl goddesses
Megumi panders more than Utaha and Eriri combined. Crazy real life otakus would eat her poop and buy thousands of dollars of merchandisesof her.
>Megumi wasn't intended to pander to otaku.
Based on what? Everything points to just that.
It isn't. Truthfully, something like DAL is more intelligent and interesting than Saekano despite its generic fluffs. Not even kidding. Tomoya would agree since he lives by DAL.
Megumi is cute but Utaha is a BEST everything.
>Megumifags are the worst
As usual.
Minor fix.
The fact that she wasn't popular until the anime. Eriri was on the front cover.
Megumi doesn't even like Tomoya romantically unlike Eriri.
Insecure, easily triggered, and obnoxious fans like Megumifags are always the worst.
Ever since the summary and translations of the latest volume have been out, Eririfags have been more annoying than usual. It was obvious that she was going to lose to the heroine. She's so irrelevant that the Nips don't even care about her.
This thread is just proof that the vocal minority of Eririfaggots are insufferable and shitpost any saekano thread to oblivion.
First cover doesn't mean anything in context. Most LNs become popular after anime. You need better reasons.
This thread is just proof that the vocal majority of Megumifaggots are insufferable and shitpost any saekano thread to oblivion.
Cutest: Mayu
Most beautiful: Megumi
Sexiest: Utaha
Hottest: Michiru
It's just one or two guys who obsessively samefag and jerk each other a lot and only come to the threads to stir up shit. Their MO is obvious since they always start blaming Megumifags to start their meta shit.