Chitose is sad because, from Davinci's Discord,
>ts is done, tl could take a week
Cheer her up!
Chitose is sad because, from Davinci's Discord,
>ts is done, tl could take a week
Cheer her up!
Chitose shouldn't be sad because I've already watched the raw with ts subs and even understood something.
Nah who am I kidding. Chitose should just die.
I know that tl is translation, but what is ts?
I asked you to cheer her up.
Why would typesetting be done before translation? That doesn't make much sense.
now I'm confused? how can ts be done when tl still take a week?
Because of this, I... I wrote a song for Chitose.
Rip my throat, drink my blood,
Strangle me, drown me,
Give me vain and give me pain,
Knives running through me,
Oh, Chitose - cut me
Chase me, waste me,
Leave me in your arms
Cold hands, fingers like razors,
Break my neck, put out my light,
Crush my hope, rape my life
Cut me, hurt me, cut me, hurt me...
Cut me, cut me, cut me, cut me,
Take my life, kill me and kill me
I am not what you deserve,
Chitose, kill me or I will dismember you
I hope she likes it.
If only the new manager had Chitose from the beginning maybe she wouldn't be a failure.
>the scene when Chitose bumps into the passing girl and falls
>that whole post-ED scene
>she starts losing fans to Nanami
I wonder how the fuck did she became seiyu with this kind of laziness tho?
It'll be fun if Nanami is actually has evil back-face and planned all this shit fro the start
I don't think it's difficult to become seiyuu, getting roles and staying relevant is where you need to try hard.
you need some luck and skill to make agency hire you
She actually attended the KuuSure event, she'd have to have planned this for a long time.
>That final scene
I guess it's time for some brother-sister bonding if they are really going to make Chitose take a new path on her career. Kuzu already started to redeem himself so the anime going to have a happy ending.
Most likely she asked her brother. When she was talking with Momoka she said she wanted to do it because her brother did it.
Well, I guess you need to read LN since it probably has some of the Chitose backstory
There are perks to having your brother working in an agency. Don't even have to leave your kitchen for that promotion blowjob.
Well, it's fortunate that no one seems to read the LN. If that was the case, probably LNfag would already spoil it.
She hasn't appeared in the LN yet
Also, she'll show up in the next manga volume that comes out in a few days.
So, how come we get her instead of Koto x Gojou-kun which canon in the LN?
Are the LN has sparate storyline than the Anime?
How do you know they're "canon" if you haven't read it? I wouldn't judge their relationships based on a few pics from LN
fuck you DaVinci. What are we paying you for?
user, it wasn't funny the first time, and it's not funny the 6th time you post it.
so, it was a lie?
It most likely was just a speculation based on LN pics.
Maybe they're talking about the time synch for each line. You can theoretically do that in advance.
>implying the anime will have an ending at all
It's like you never watched an adaptation in your life.
Girlish Number anime, manga and LN all have different stories
So, only in the LN Gojo scores?
There's a chaper in the manga where he talks with Koto about someting too.
confession? so who confess first?
So there's like, two or three episodes left?
I'm guessing Chitose will gt some encouragement, break out of her idiocy and actually work hard and practice, and the last episode will end with her managing to land a role in something decent
She'll just become a manager like Gojou. It's not like she was ever that passionate for voice acting in the first place. Either that or she'll marry some guy and leech off him.
or not married and just leech Gojou-kun
Changing jobs would be interesting, but I think the most likely outcome is this
I actually find Chitose a very relatable character
I too was being a lazy idiot by wasting my 4 years in college on shitposting on Sup Forums, watching anime and other basement-dweller activites instead of studying and making connections, and now that I graduated I realsied that I barely learned anything useful and there no one that would hire me.
This anime was decent when it was just fun and games. It's been going to shit since they tried to rip off KyoAni and add character drama.
What did they rip-off that Kyoani invented?
At least you graduated.
Making connections with normalfags is too hard. Being Chitose is so much easier.
>he still believes in the networking meme
Connections mean jackshit, son. Getting a job is all about succumbing to the wage slave dream. Any middle of the road place will hire you as long as you don't look or act like a stupid motherfucker and with all the stupid motherfuckers out there getting fired everyday it's piss easy to hang low on the grape vine of employment.
Are you me?
Yeah, that's the only positive thing about it.
But realising that you could have spent those years on learning jap, learning programming, etc. insead of doing those things only after you graduated really makes me think.
I don't think it's really a meme depending on what kind of job you want to do right from the start and also what country you're from.
I could get a job with decent payment where I could have spent 90% of my time browsing Sup Forums or reading/watching if I didn't let it slip because of laziness when I was given the opportunity.
I'm pretty sure there's plenty of people like that here.
Shitposting on Sup Forums isn't a waste of time. It's the only quality social interaction I get.
>CR will be the fastest release
I bet Daiz did this.
Yeah, but you could have spent that time on Sup Forums and something useful instead of only Sup Forums. Surely you don't need that social interaction every day for 8-16 hours.
>and something useful instead of only Sup Forums
Like what? Watching anime?
I do. It's the only reason I haven't killed myself. I can't do anything for long without checking Sup Forums. You don't think memorizing twenty kanji a day gives you a headache? I constantly went back and forth from shitposting and studying, only way to stay sane.
>memorizing twenty kanji
That's why I'm getting a graduate degree. Do that!
When you're memorizing their readings and meanings and doing other schoolwork, then sure.
>wasting my 4 years in college on shitposting on Sup Forums
Now, be gentle user, there's people who wasting more than 4 years in college
I think you're studying the japanese wrong. How much time do you spend on actually reading something instead of doing Anki?
>Master in history and political science, working for minimum wage.
What the fuck am I doing?
Sorry for blogshit.
Nah, I've been doing front-end stuff for quite some time so I'm set getting the job in that field.
Write a history book about how anime creates better work environments at finance companies (IMPORTANT make sure on the back jacket to list all your credentials and wear something classy in your black and white headshot photo), hype book up showing that every wallstreet loser who reads this book becomes a billionaire, get sweet speaking fees, retire and only take gigs when you run out of money to buy anime and figma while writing your MASTERPIECE a full otaku history of anime following every animator and mangaka closely and detailing all their inspirations and how they got there.
Make sure to pastebin your book on Sup Forums when its done so we can all say it's crap but will secretly love it.
On the bright side, if no subs come up by Wednesday we should still have HS!
(not that bright though)
Yeah, you also forgot to mention that you leech off your parents like Chitose leeches Goujo.
Dumb tripfag
>learning kanji readings
Different strokes for different folks. I found learning vocab by itself too difficult and that it was better to learn kanji onyomi and their meanings and then blitz through vocab decks.
>tl should be done in about 3 hours
>posted 2.5 hours ago
It's coming boys.
It's coming.
you still there? can you translate this?
i'd be very grateful
but davinci will be out in 5 mins, see
I wonder what's next for Watari after this.
I'd like GN LN to be his main project, but I doubt it's popular enough to keep making many volumes.
Yahari V12.
oh nevermind then
I want to cook Chitose some eggs
Oh, yeah, he might as well not end Yahari and continue to milk it for a few volumes more instead of ending it with 12th
How much can it possibly sell?
There's still quite a bit stuff to write about. Ending it in one volume always seemed too rushed to me.
Matsuoka is really good when he voices crazy/confident characters.
Probably doing some QC or something.
Just because the TL is done doesn't mean it's been checked for typos and stuff yet.
I actually like Nanami's song, it's pretty catchy.
I just noticed her racquet is broken there.
is it out?
Got lazy and stopped following after ep4.
I hope everything will be alright for chitose, she is best girl.
Guess she can't get married now.
My uncle who works at Davinci says: soon.
The transition from spoken part at the beginning to singing is really good
Better ass than any keijo ass
It's out
Nanami's role in the story feels cheap.
It also cheapens the entire story. Consider this: Watari had to resort to this to bring some semblance of conflict in the story.
>subs out
>still dead as fuck
guess everyone stopped caring
Or they're watching it, dingus.
Yeah sure retard, if not for me bumping this thread it would be dead already.
It has been two hours since the episode has gone live. Anyone could have started posting one hour ago.
>Front end
It's a shitshow, but it pays the bills
Make sure to know some backend stuff (optimization, big O runtimes, DB stuff) to cover your bases and it shouldn't be hard to transition to other roles if need be
I guess that makes you a hero then.
I want to fuck Chitose until she can't walk anymore
There's another thread up. It's not big or anything, but it's there.
I kind of like her new manager. He really isn't letting her take the easy way out of things, and actually forces her to do her work properly (unlike Gojou).
And damn, that personality change from the company president came out of nowhere. It looks like he's actually pretty competent after all.
A week?