
>99% white
>Africa-tier shithole
This kills Sup Forums.

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thats your beloved communism working its magic

fpbp, shills btfo

> What is Jewish Bolshevism and Communism fucking up Eastern Europe and turning it into a shithole .




So is Ukraine like the West Virginia of the Soviet Bloc?

>99% white

quads confirm


and i also got in the id


What new meme is this?

>tfw you are so poor, you don't even have your own ethnicity because your are literally Russians

>not negros

No one cares you stupid wog

Slavs aren't white.

Pretty stupid argument. Ukraine is not communist for 25 years already. And what about other post-communist countries? Why do they manage to do better than Ukraine?

>meme flag

Of course we aren't.
We're better.

You can't unfuck communism. Especially not Ukraine, since it's still has Russia benis in it.


Ukraine still has a relatively diverse economy and manages to compete with western countries in certain metrics. There isn't literally no metric, however, in which any sub Saharan nation is comparable to the Western countries. I'm pretty sure like 95% of Nigeria economy is oil, gas, and other resources

simple, we performed more radical capitalist reforms

>Ukraine is not communist for 25 years already
top kek, i have bad news for you

And it's beautiful...

There is literally no metric***

>More meme faggery
I bet you're an American too

Pretty much


Ethnic Ukrainians are nonwhite goblins. Their home is Asian steppe.
Ethnic Russians are European White though (Northern Germanic, Baltic, Baltoslavic and Finnic)

Ukrainians are bunch of try-hard-to-be-European mongrels resulted from Circassians, Pechenegs, Tatars, Armenians and Jews starting speaking Slavic for the sake of convenience

«Укpaїнцi – цe cтapoдaвнi тюpки, якi poзмoвляють cлoв’янcькoю мoвoю»

"Ukrainian are turkics that use the Slavic language" Omelyan Pricak, Harvard University Professor, founder and first director of Harvard Institute for Ukrainian Studies.

Boris Malyarchuk, M. V. Derenko, G. A. Denisova, M. R. Nassiri, and E. I. Rogaev. "Mitochondrial DNA Polymorphism in Populations of the Caspian Region and Southeastern Europe." Russian Journal of Genetics 38:4 (2002): pages 434-438. Abstract:

"Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) restriction polymorphism was examined in Turkmens, Eastern Iranians, and Ukrainians. The gene pools of all populations studied were characterized by the presence of European mtDNA lineages. Mongoloid component observed in Turkmen and Iranian populations with the frequencies of about 20% was represented by groups C, D, and E/G in Turkmens, and by M*, D, A, and B in Iranians."

Ukrainians (ethnic) are literally more Turkic than Turks.

Ideally all Ukrainians must be exterminated (or at least moved to Kazakhstan),and Ukraine absorbed into Russia


But seriously, what do you expect in the aftermath of communism?

I like Ukraine,hope you guys improve the country

>Ukraine still has a relatively diverse economy and manages to compete with western countries in certain metrics.
Yeah, but that's left-over of soviet union.
And it's getting destroyed rapidly and replaced with agriculture and food, which is 42% of Ukrainian export as of 2016. Rest is mostly steel.

>Nigerian exports


Still more diverse than Nigeria

See also, PISA scores, IQ tests, crime rates for diaspora.

Ukraine was probably as closest to anarcho-capitalism as you can get in the 90s. And today to call Ukraine communist is pretty retarded.

I've been to Ukraine and Poland. What I learned is that you guys are sub-human. Actually worse than Iranians, Kurds and many other sub-humans. You are not quite nigger tier but it isn't far from it. I didn't meet a single normal person. Either people were caveman tier retards or autistic robots who hadn't showered for 6 weeks. Women were hot in Kiev but that's because all the hot women move there to persue gold digging and prostitution. On the country side everyone looked like trolls. Fuck Poland and especially FUCK Ukraine. Slavs are truly not worthy of being called European.

Just for the reference - that’s how Ukrainian
ETHNOnationalist scene looks like

GDP is a completely meaningless indicator of how a nation performs because each nation calculates their GDP differently with sometimes completely different markets (e.g. some nations factor in illegal economy, others do not). Go on Amazon and pick up the first two books when you type in "GDP" and redpill yourself on Jewish financial trickery.

Nigeria's homicide rate is four times higher. Their total adult literacy rate is 52%. Their life expectancy is 20 years younger. Ukraine is 79th in medical care, Nigeria 187 (one below Liberia).

And Nigeria is this bad even with their books cooked (they are high in corruption index), while Ukraine had a territorial war over Russia and lost a warm-water port.

60% of Nigerians are in absolute poverty. 4% of Ukrainians are in poverty.

If you want to know which nation is better to live in, look at the people and not these meaningless metrics. Ukrainians are civilized so you'll feel safe and in a cultured place. Nigerians are not.

if you were right, you'd be as rich as china

This. I'm sure you could statistically prove why Ukraine is better than Nigeria, but all one really has to do is look at pictures of Ukraine vs. Nigeria. Or walk through Kiev vs. Lagos

Many “Poles” have jew, tatar, armenian shitbloods and Ukrainians are assimilated Turks. The evidence to support blood purity, of anything

Poles cant claim that Poland didn’t :
A - gave refuge to subhuman gypsies killed by Germans
B - bring armenians to Europe
C - give a homeland to the jews
D - import lipka tatars

It was to this guy

Ok Jamal.

that man on the left is a tatar,he has every right to be there.
their country is run by jews

thats your beloved communism working its magic

And had over a billion people with no souls

Even if that's true 25 years is short time to recover from such deep wounds

>Choose to be Russian and have space program, military operations in Syria etc
>Choose to be Polish and defend Europe from Merkel's immigrant invasion

>Or instead invent Ukrainian nationality and live in sub-Moroccan society and be eternally butthurt about Russia that is doing far better than you.

People shouldn't declare independency just because they can.

point being?

According to most Ukrainians, Kirovograd is the most "run-down" city. This is a photo of their most run-down city. "Kiev" is their most unlivable, but everyone knows Kiev is an extremely aesthetic city.

Forgot pic.

We all know Ukraine is Communist polvy.


Lagos is considered one of Nigeria's top cities. Here's a photo of Lagos.

That's what happens when jews control your government.

>Ukraine was probably as closest to anarcho-capitalism

That's probably why it's a shithole now.

>Ukrainians are civilized so you'll feel safe and in a cultured place
I don't really feel safe in Ukraine though. Bunch of drunk and retarded bydlo everywhere you go.

>have jew, tatar, armenian shitbloods and Ukrainians are assimilated Turks
>implying r*ssians aren't exactly that

sure, and america is 98% white

I’ve been to Ukraine and while it is a beautiful and pleasant country, the Russians only stopped raping it after getting tossed out 3 years ago.

It’s like asking the United States why Mexico had a drug cartel problem.


No, it’s self reported ethnic Ukrainian and NO GOOK SUBHUMAN has a right to live ANYWHERE in Europe

1/64 tatar? Rope

t. Pawel Vatnikas, mongrel Polish-Lithuanian resident
>imports nonwhite subhumans
>gives equal right to nonwhite subhumans
>works with mongols against Rus
>collaborates with gook tributary like Poles too

The Grand Duchy and Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth = comfortable for nonwhite subhumans
Muscovy Rus = racial laws and extermination of nonwhite subhumans

Can’t get any simplier than that

even the fuckin bears wanna live with white people

this, slavs and russians are fundementally different in genetic behavior than western europeans. They have the asian defect of shame instead of guilt culture and will do anything to get ahead if they think they can get away with it.

Ukrainian cities are far more pleasant to live in than American cities, which are far more pleasant to live in than Nigerian cities, so you interpret that as you will.

And doesn’t feel safe in Ukrainian because is a moskal zhid shit who can and should be rightfully beaten and dumped into a garbage container.

You’re country is literally importing Somalians to go live in it, you have no right to call anyone a subhuman.

>It’s like asking the United States why Mexico had a drug cartel problem.
Because those cartels exist only because of USA?

Avars, Huns, Bulgars, Magyars, Tatars were part of the Great Migration period that created Europe u cunt.

t.Totally not bavaro-russo-albanian poster


ITT: people who believe that capitalism automatically = success and therefore Ukraine is still communist because it’s not successful.

Ukraine had to deal with a lot of shit during the early century.

No matter which way you cut it, blacks are absolutely the lowest form of “human” there is.

Choose one

This is what I thought when the French reported Russian radiation in here before Finns and before Russians.

Every time nuclear accident or leak happens.
>West: We fucked up, terrible incident happend. We will immediately start fixing things.
>East: Kharaso, nothing to report.


>unknown units

well if you wanted to prove that ukrainians were retards, you did a pretty good job

Africa has experienced the same raping by westerm powers and colonialism, careful you re not using cognitive dissonance here.

Hahahahahahaha nice one Moor.

Your empire has fallen Arab boy.


Asalam aleikum Muhammad Martinez

Still more white than any american.

Ukraine's been through a lot :(

Fuck Ukraine

Europe was created by Europeans. INVASIVE nonwhite subhumans just be erased from Europe, and better yet killed globally

Not 100% European? Realize the gas

>Ukrainian cities are far more pleasant to live in than American cities
>so you interpret that as you will
I can only interpret this as a load of bullshit
>is a moskal zhid
You wish. Jews are the most privileged group here. I don't feel safe here because it is a corrupt shithole, where some rich bitch can mow down several people with a car and get away with it no problem. Or police can do whatever it wants without any repercussions. Nothing really changed in that regarded even since the russkie puppets got "tossed out 3 years ago".

I don't know how long have you been here. But visiting for a short time and actually living here are different things.

Irrelevant. There is only one way to deal with a nonwhite: a whip, a gun, the rope or branding iron.

Anything else - cuckolding

Soon you'll be the new niggers.

They r european. And here’s the kicker. The so called European White Aryan genes R1a and R1b are Found in the highest concentration among Bashkirs. The blond blue eyed white people trace to Central asian turks.

t. urkish subhuman

Poland :60-80% European (one drop rule - 1/64 tatar or 1/32 jew is NOT European)
Russia : 65% European

Germany : 87% German, 91% European

good meme

nigeria is way shittier

so is honduras, sudan, nicaragua

Who honestly gives a fuck about the amount of melotonin it's intelligence that should be our metric.

Eastern Germany is 50% slavic rightful polish clay.


>rightful polish clay
Subhuman, please. The moment Germany uncucks itself you bitches will be shaking in your boots.
Can’t even spell right - talks about genetics. Blood purity + eugenics = Europe

Pic related - we wuz high IQ and shieeet

Eugenic selection combines MULTIPLE factors