Would you a card?

would you a card?


Of course

Card games are for fags.

>fucking entirely human trading card monsters
Weak shit, m9.


Yes. With every fiber of my being.

not that card though

>9gagagag girl
fuck off

oh fuck YES

most definitely

any time

>not superior dark magician girl



>nigger dark magician girl


>literally dark

I like it


>New Yu-Gi-Oh cards
>Wall of text to read for each effect monsters
>95% of monsters are now effect monsters
>Even simple et cool monsters from beginning are now bullshit effect monsters

I miss the old and total unexplain bullshit but still fun Yu-Gi-Oh

African voodoo girl?

It's not like her effects are complicated, it's just discard a card to special summon her and get a dark magician from your deck, or discard her from the hand/tribute her on the field to make a dark spellcaster gain 2000 atk/def during damage calculation.

You are acting like Mana herself wasn't dark-skinned.

I stopped playing after synchro, which I thought were really cool. Are they still viable or are here some new op shit that's going on?

harpy queen is the best btw.

Did you niggers forget that BMG is supposed to be originally brown and the soul of an egyptian qt?

.......what does she mean by that face?

Harpies got some new shit and is a fun deck.

Still can't compete with the current meta though.

I wonder if there's a viable cute grill only deck.

buy Zoodiacs

>tfw solid vision isn't a thing so I can summon a cute monster girl to help me fap

why live

I can't be the only one who slept with this under my pillow

The dark one is definitely hotter.

I absolutely would.

Looks like she's lifting someone by their arm. It's a face of physical exertion.

Its about taste.

White dark magician girl look like she enjoy headpats and cuddles

brown dark magician girl look like she enjoys fucking you till you ahego


Where the fuck are the brown DMG doujins.

Who wouldn't?

We have good normal monsters now too. My main irl is Vanilla Pendulum with 3x Heart of the Underdog, 3x Summoner's Art and 1x First of the Dragons as the boss monster.

what would happen if I play this in a tourny?

You will lost, because BMG is a shit card.

This is a custom made card. right? Do they have a company that will make this or something? Or do you just make yourself by printing it out or something?

I noticed it doesn't have any kind of serial number or anything official on it.

I always loss when I go against a dmg because I can never find it in my heart to kill her.

Hifumiyo's Dark magician girl is the best.

i´d bone this

I'm pretty sure that Madolches are primarily cute girls and are consistently tier 2.

genwunner yugi fags are seriously the worst

hope this triggers you too faggot

better one

Yes. Silent Magician is perfection.

Same, though in my opinion the meta could handle XYZs. When Konami introduced Pendulums and made all those stupid ass rule changes was when I knew that the game was dead to me.

I sure would.

>that card you held onto only for the fap


Also related

Frenchfag detected
>I miss the old...
Nostalgia friend detced

All monster should be effect monster. if not, there are still some support card for him. It is fun like it and it was almost like it at Yu-Gi-Oh DM.

The problem now is the effect are so broken nowadays, it kills the fun


My first fap.

Bustinatrix a cute

Show us uncensored you fag.