New chapter is out and since last thread is almost dead, here you go.
One Punch Man 69
Maybe saying "ruin the joke" was wrong of me, It's more like "at this point this kind of thing doesn't deserve a full page, specially considering the oponnent, just get on with it Murata"
Suiryu knows
Please, Murata always loves to draw one panel pages.
So how do you think the Monster Cells will play into this arc
I cant believe some people got upset over how MS translated the sentence that was under the Fubuki Cover.
Murata stop trying to whore out your waifu. She is pure
Could Charanko beat Saitama?
100% Pure slut
Shut up
vs50Men disagrees.
She's technically pure, but it's nothing new that she's an attention whore.
Yes, considering Charanko is filthy Gary Stu and ONE's self insert
Stupid shit
It just seems like another way people can turn into monsters. Most likely Orochi is making them.
Lin Lin is going to be over Charankos dick after the tournament is over.
>Non canon shit
Everyone knows that the only canon doujin is OH1
Is there anything this man can't do?
>yfw ONE makes a footnote scene after the Murata version of the Garou arc ends where all the characters at the bottom of this plage, plus maybe Suiryu, all come to join Bang's dojo
>yfw Bang sheds a little tear while Charanko doesn't know what the fuck is happening
Remember pure aryan lost to an filthy jap.
I wonder if we will get the rest of the S class hero real names with the reveal of Atomic Samurais real name in Kamikaze.
What's it like being the mangaka of the manga you're waifu is in but not being her creator?
Did anyone laugh at this page?
I dont hate Iaian but his statement of facing Garou by himself with 1 arm was just..laughable.
More like "What's it like working with the creator of your waifu?"
Must be like working with your father in law.
>just get on with it Murata"
Dude, he drew 40 pages for us, I think if he wanted to give this a full page, he deserved it, since it seems like he's finally back with bigger updates.
When's Che Gorilla's next appearance?
Paying his respects to Castro
Chapter gave us some nice foreshadowing.
Also I like how Atomic Samurai cares for Bang
This is so far legit my favorite thing to come out of ONE making the arc bigger in Murata's version - I hope Che Gorilla has some bigger fight, he's such a badass design.
>It's not a banana
>It's a cigar with a banana label on it
I'm not sure why I laughed so hard at this
So who do we know so far? Tats, Bang, Kamikaze, Genos, Bofoy? Is there anyone else we got a name for?
I feel like we're gonna know King's real name eventually
I figure it's going to be some kind of generic japanese John Q Public name that's going to be completely lost on western ears and lead to Mangastream localizing it as, I dunno, Bob.
Bat? Thats how Zenko called MB IIRC.
And, obviously, Sup Forums getting their shit lost when MS tries to localize the joke so it works for everybody.
Is Tatsumaki her real name?
Is Fubuki Fubuki's real name?
Did he REALLY notice it?
Hello newfag. Yes, and Caped Baldy's real name is Saitama.
I am very confused with the chapter numbering. I normally read this at
and they have one chapter that mangastream doesn't.
Is there any place with the raws with the proper numbering and order?
Sample # 66, the name Genus gave to ZombieMan.
Mangastream released that chapter last week though.
I can't find it.
If by last week you mean nov 26, then that's not the chapter I linked earlier.
This makes Garou literally stepping on Iaian's face in the final fight all the more hilarious.
Makes u wonder why didnt they go with a female swordsman.
He reminds me of Katamari from Rurouni Kenshin.
Gotta have one sheman.
Her Lin Lin aren't even that big but they looks so soft, damnit Murata.
No wonder I couldn't find it. Thank you, user.
Pretty in line with her future vision.
Makes you wonder how bad the future she saw was
I always thought the moment Psykos saw the future was a YYH reference when Sensui watched the Chapter Black tape and turned insane.
I did laugh but to be fair, he's supposed to be on the same level as an S class and Tanktop Master is among the weakest members.
Why is Whoopie Goldberg there
>the fist of the pure blood master race
yes. Those are really their names.
had me dying
OPM just keeps getting better and better
>Atomic Samurai... just how fast are you me boy?
>heh. These plebs have no idea
This chapter made me want to see more Garou and Bang flashbacks.
But Sonic already fills the trap role.
Am I missing a panel? What happened to Genos? Did the t*rkroach come back?
Oh never mind I just missed a bubble
Sonic isn't a trap in the sense that he acts femine on purpose. They're totally different.
Sheman is like a fusion between Sonic and PriPRi if anything.
I want to see more Puri Puri action.
So do you think we're going to continue with this or switch to something else going on
>My eyes are up here honey
What did she mean by this
She knows you were staring at her juicy thighs user.
Stop staring
post the rest of the pic
I wonder what Charanko's gonna do after this arc if the ruse is not exposed by the end of the tourney.
Pull a Mr. Satan and enjoy the fame? Pull a King and just go along with the ride to avoid the embarrassment? Just make it clear from the start that it was someone else and save himself the trouble?
I imagine it's going to be the third, since he seems to have enough sense to realize he can't live up to his new reputation. The joke would be that people won't believe him and think he's mocking them by hiding his strenght, but are too afraid to get BTFO again to try and fight him.
>Charanko disappears
>The contestants try to look for the dojo of the Water-Polo Carbonated Fist but never find it
That would only work if Sourface decided to keep quiet about it. And I doubt Saitama has the foresight to even ask him to stay silent.
So one of them was talking about Spring Mustachio being one of their students, who was the one speaking then? Atomic Samurai?
Whichever one of the masters is the fencer. Atomic Samurai isn't one
Nah, they seem to be the same generation.
It's hard to say, everyone else seems equally samurai in style, who the fuck would be the fencer?
It's obviously Whoopi Goldberg's ass
user, stop defending it. Geez, you act so offended that people don't like how needlessly liberal MS is. I bet you're one of the types who thinks it's better to just change someone's name completely to make it a 'pun' because it makes for a better 'localization' that way. More than that, you'd talk down on whoever dislikes that, as if there was anything wrong at all with being against wanton changes.
How strong do you think the swordsmen are? I think it would be weird for them to be weaker then Atomic Samurai's students, so at least A-class.
Also, I think Haragirl was a Demon level monster, Amahare and Zanbai looked worried when he was going to attack them, but Nichiain just looked pissed off.
And idiots belittling people for stupid "localizations" they find smart and witty will come out in droves, yes.
Atomic's students are all S class level, the webcomic's narration labelled them as such. Just on the lower end.
If Harakiri's (It should be spelled that way rather than Haragiri, I believe) sword drawing speed was faster than the speed of sound, then it sounds like he'd be S class in the same way Sonic is. Perhaps he and Atomic Samurai have a power gap relationship similar to Sonic and Flash?
No, MS translated it as fencer, but it should probably just be swordsman. The trouble with Japanese is that the word for both fencer and swordsman can be the same thing. In essence, they're all 'fencers' because they're all swordsmen.
Considering they're sending help, I wonder if that means we'll be seeing Garou going up against a group of their students in the future. Seems like Garou will have a few more adventures to go before we get to the MA arc proper.
>Legends begin to form about the mysterious man and the legendary Water-Polo Carbonated Fist
>Wolfman Garou is quickly forgotten
Charanko once again BTFO Garou
the pun was too good to pass up
I would
This chapter was off the chan with the Kurosawa references
more specifically
They'll probably be a part of this
boy did redraw turn into self absorbed trash
Aren't these just Melzalgald gibs?
I'm a manga-only pleb (sorry), does this ever get touched on further in the webcomic?
The wrinkled old guy.
Nah, user, they just have similar textures. ONE reuses it quite a few times. It's only meant to represent something grossly organic.
They weren't in the webcomic, you know as much as we do about them
Genos level?
it doesn't happen in the webcomic, so no