Only 1 (one) episode left...
Will Fine take Izetta's virginity?
Fuck you OP, and fuck your depressing thread.
My name is Sophie and I approve this message.
I'm hoping she goes NUCLEAR on this shit show.
Isn't her hymen already torn by riding all those guns and shit
She already has
>future tense
I don't think you understand how hymens work.
It went nowhere, I'm glad i dropped it
Well considering you can break it by riding a bicycle I think it's in the realm of possibility
I liked user's theory that Izetta will die, but be resurrected when Fine's love repairs the broken witch stone. It would be the perfect cheesy ending for this rather cheesy show; I mean that affectionately.
Also would be a nice wrap-up of the witch's curse storyline, with Fine symbolically atoning for her ancestors' sins.
Good riddance.
Most hymens don't break that way anyway, don't believe that feminist propaganda, it's overly exaggerated.
t. female
Personally, I'm still expecting an Iron Giant/Dark Knight Rises end. Possibly more similar to the latter.
hymens aren't related to virginity
Got a subtitle-free version of this?
SS guy was cool. None of that pussyfooting "I'll shoot him on the count of 3" shit. Just straight up executing them.
Oh, sure, me too, but I'm still holding out hope for a full-on happy end.
This was so fucking gay and perfect, I had to cover my eyes in embarrassment.
Time is money, every second spent messing with them is a shekel lost.
Don't touch Fine-sama!
Is Bianca trying to take Izetta from Fine-sama?
This guy was better.
Fabulous till the very end.
She's trying to protect Fine-sama's property while she's not there.
>literal jew in the SS
>not-Germany making a nuke first
>not-Japan is nowhere to be found and not-America is already entering the war
They're really taking the piss with this anime.
>wanting to burn bunch of cute girls alive
What was his problem?
Sophie gets the Iron Giant sacrifice as redemption. Izetta will just get the standard fakeout.
Possible. But literally what would cause that redemption?
>implying Sophie the straight witch won't win
The last episode isn't called "Sophie", Otto
Don't magical girl powerlevels and their gayness directly correlate to each other?
Elystadt propoganda machine please go. Sophie did nothing wrong.
On a scale of 1 to dead how dead is Izetta?
Usagi is still killer of Gods tier in terms of magical girls, so no.
Sophie's purely driven by FUKUSHUU.
Fukushuu > Izetta's thirst for pussy
She'll be reminded of love, naturally.
I hope you won't get mad in the end when Izetta converts Sophie.
>suffering and slowly dying chick whose only pleasure in life is mass murdering people will turn good because of muh love
Stop with this meme.
dead x 10
Is the title any good?
>muh ___
This is a much worse meme, honestly.
>Episode 11
>Episode 12
What could Izetta even say to Sophie? Izetta was never betrayed (everyone was pretty upfront about using her and she doesn't care) so she has no idea how Sophie feels.
Not really, she isn't the last witch.
I hope Sophie doesn't die
Talk about how the people feel about her, talk about she and Fine, the stone, Izetta dedication, I don't know but the chances of this happening are high.
It's not a matter of Izetta understanding how Sophie feels, but Sophie understanding how Izetta feels.
Which she of course already did, once.
Her legend is about love. Of course love will be what ends it.
If Izetta flops in the Blu-Ray rankings, will Yoshino ask Sunrise to work another anime title soon or will they not notice him anymore because every disappointment series he has been doing since Mai Hime.
Sophie has no reason whatsoever to care about Izetta and the people who loves her and whatnot. Sophie was betrayed, and the fact that Izetta wasn't actually means she can't even understand Sophie, let alone actually convince her to change her mind.
No because Sophie has no reason to care about how Izetta feels.
Yoshino will keep getting work even after Izetta flops. The writing is shit but that's not the reason it doesn't sell. It's the lack of proper marketing.
Rape 'em.
Speaking of flops. Does Izetta have any chance of not flopping?
Are you being serious? Because you sound like a very bitter person.
Sophie is bitter, if you haven't noticed.
>a character whose only purpose is revenge
>not getting healed in the end
How new?
That flying scene was gay as fuck. As a lesbian even I felt uncomfortable watching it.
That's some argument.
Big question will Sunrise ever plan on doing more Mai HiME with or without Yoshino
>literally lives in nigeria
I don't think understanding a character means you have to behave like them, however.
>Speaking of flops. Does Izetta have any chance of not flopping?
For better or worse, it really doesn't.
I'm memeing phampai.
Why? I loved it. Both cute and a bit erotic.
>I don't think understanding a character means you have to behave like them, however.
I never implied such thing.
I guess that when you're closeted that's too much lesbianism to handle.
I was talking about that user (you?) sounding bitter, and you brought up that Sophie herself is bitter.
I'm not sure what else you were trying to imply.
Of course, raging lesians love is the best.
>It's the lack of proper marketing.
>that broom ride
>my dick
I was just pointing out the one who's bitter is Sophie.
Honestly, I'm baffled you think Izetta bragging about how lucky she was Fine didn't have a jealous husband to ruin everything is supposed to make Sophie feel better and change her mind. But to each their own I guess. We'll see soon enough anyway.
Witchslapping whiny little girls into ARCHDYKES of DESTINY
Aniplex is not producing this show. The main funder and producer is a company that makes military models. They had this anime made as a sort of advertisement for their products.
As soon as Sophie summons fat old men Izetta will be finished.
Cmon sis.
Not everyone lives in the Islamic Republic of LGBT aka Sweden, m8. Plus what's the point of coming out if I don't even want a 3D gf? It would just bring me problems.
I wanted them to kiss on screen so hard. I was hoping.
I was waiting.
I think I'm going to end up down the ol' Road of Disappointment for that still, but. I'll hold out hope.
Kiss comes after earned victory. This is the ultimate reward at the end of her journey.
>Izetta bragging about how lucky she was Fine didn't have a jealous husband to ruin everything
What the heck are you talking about?
But that aside, like I said before, Sophie does indeed already understand how Izetta feels. Because she did the same thing already. She knows what it felt like to break witch code and fight for a country -- for Eylstadt, in fact -- for the person she loved. As long as that isn't completely gone, there's still hope for her being redeemed.
There's even more of a chance of it happening if she's still, deep down, in love with her Prince. The Prince of Eylstadt who probably wouldn't approve of his country being wiped off the map.
To be fair, I think the issue is she thinks the Prince betrayed her too. When it was just his wife the Princess behind it.
But I guess, to be fair, she was utterly betrayed by people she thought she could trust, so her anger is kind of justified.
>Bianca in a necktie
Good lord my dick.
Sophie was betrayed by the prince's wife, after he was already dead. Izetta still has the person she loves, and there is no jealous husband to fuck things up for her. Izetta got lucky, Sophie didn't. I really don't get why you think Izetta bringing that up would make Sophie feel better. It probably would get the opposite reaction.
Izetta bringing what up? I didn't say anything about Izetta saying anything.
But 3D girls are really soft, and you can hug, and kiss and hold hands.
If Izetta doesn't say anything, what do you expect to happen? Why would Sophie change her mind?
No. Stop this.