National Capitalism

become a national capitalist! we saw it with pinochet and we can make it happen again!

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Capitalism destroys nationalism.

No thanks.

National Capitalism, a unique ideology to America, arising from the spirit of the American Man (Manifest Destiny, Rugged Individualism, Civic Nationalism) yet embracing the modern world’s Technology and economic principles, is rising. It is a philosophy that sees the Nation as a buffer against internationalism, globalism and multiculturalism, and advances Capitalist economics as a buffer against communism and socialism


>For civic nationalism
>Against multiculturalism

What do they mean by this?

for all races but against the evils of the illegal immagrants

Part 1: The nation
9.The Nation must allow all men the right to purchase and carry firearms, with no restrictions.

Yeah that doesn't sound fucking stupid at all. Let's give guns to Tards and the mentally ill.

Other than that seems soild.

yeah no shit, if everyone had guns then they would be able to shoot the shooter right then

Also allowing people to print their own money and having no agreed upon common currency is fucking retarded. Maybe I'll finally get paid in strident layers though.......

Hmm sounds like rebranded fascism desu

its not, we are civic nationalist and capitalist

come in my discord

I'm not saying over regulate guns, I think our current system is pretty good besides the stupid taxes for suppressors, SBRs, SBSs, and full auto. If you've been committed to a mental health instution or jailed for violent offenses you lose the right to firearm ownership. Other than that if you are a citizen there shouldn't be any other requirements.


What does that even mean?

>Civic Nationalism

You had me before that.

what do you perfer

discord link

>National something
>civic nationalist
Interesting desu

>buffer against internationalism, globalism and multiculturalism
>but we're civic nationalist
>living already in a multicultural world tearing itself apart.
You sound retarded as duck.

imagine pinochet... thats national capitalism

i hope you consider it

well i mean, 3/4ths of america's demographic problems would cease if illegals were deported an immigration limited to skilled individuals (i.e euros and other tolerable minoriteis)

exactly,so why not join a ideology that fix's that, while at the same time restoring nationalism

Here’s how it would work; Individual self sufficient nations would practice free market capitalism within their borders with substantial economic barriers between them. International trade would be limited to resources, limited materials and specialty goods. International currency for such trade would be these very such things, which would likely mean gold, silver, gems or needed resources. This way no nation could become a ‘factory of the world’ for greedy sellouts or manipulate currency and forced self sufficiency from lack of trade would autonomously balance economies (i.e. agriculture vs. industrial) out of necessity. Also, no nation would willingly give up its productivity for tourism and entertainment because of what necessity would dictate, therefore preventing that particular facet of decline. These dynamics plus competition between nations fueled by a lack of them relying on each other would likely fuel a second industrial revolution. Such competition would likely NOT fuel war because these nations would be philosophical (and in terms of WN, blood) allies. Standard of living would skyrocket. Resource trading would likely insure no nation was unjustly left behind. Nations with surplus production could market specialty items like luxury oriented goods or valuable materials to the world. This could all be done NOT with central authority and planning, but by simply implementing free market capitalism and enforcing strong national borders where only certain items are allowed to pass and only in certain quantities, hence National Capitalism. An autonomous system that is much, much easier to sustain long term than a centrally controlled one.

just curious, are u huwhite. And how did u stumble upon this ideology. Post yer story

i'm majority white, i stumbled opon it while studying Pinochet

noice. SO what is your stance on guns

the link i posted says "no regulation on the second amendment"

natcap has to be the most cancerous right wing ideology there is

Capitalists will always prefer globalism over nationalism because it's more profitable to outsource the labour and exploit your nation's resources at the expense of its quality of life standards. The commercialisation of culture is the worst fucking thing to happen on this planet.

Face it, you can't have both capitalism AND nationalism.

how about ethno-capitalism?

Race? It is a feeling, not a reality. Ninety-five per cent, at least. Nothing will ever make me believe that biologically pure races can be shown to exist today.... National pride has no need of the delirium of race. -Mussolini

I don't give a fuck about what others try to brainwash us.

If there are, lets' say, 1000 native persons things will go forwards, everybody else is an outsider and have no rights in that zone.

I want forests and animals to still be around in a closed border nation with nor muslims or niggers so my offspring can live on this planet. So no I won't accept you sugar coated materalism, greed and degeneracy even in nationalist flavor.

It's that same poster who thinks he invented an original ideology so he spams up the board every day hoping people will bite and eventually elect him Fuhrer.

I endorse some of his points but this whole thing is just juvenile and non-compelling. Write 33 pages which explain how your points fit together and why you think they're good and original (they're not). For a non-shit-tier modern political manifesto from our generation, read Markus Willinger's Generation Identity.

And for god's sake stop spamming up my Eritrean cattleprod fetishists' heliography channels.

How much of the economics canon have you read? I'm not interested in watching you pull this shit out of your ass, what I'm interested in is your arguments. I see a lot of blank propositions, but zero arguments. How do you expect to be compelling without any arguments at all, let alone compelling ones?


It's like a foreign country took over and took you women, what are you gonna do about it?

The answer is go to war, or become extinct.

I see what you did there !