Can Ya'll Redpill Me on the Nazi Economy?

Whenever I try and find info about it on the net, I'm greeted with "Nazis were racists" instead
Sure, but, what about their economy?
Did Hitler really intiate a labor backed currency? Sources?

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Bump cause interested

he was a socialist who completely and utterlly ruined his country, i dont think you should make an example from this guy when it comes to economics

>he was a socialist who completely and utterlly ruined his country

>When Adolf Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, he introduced policies aimed at improving the economy. The changes included privatization of state industries, autarky, and tariffs on imports. Wages increased by 10.9% in real terms during this period. However, reduced foreign trade meant rationing in consumer goods like poultry, fruit, and clothing for many Germans.

he nationalized whatever he liked and mde the whole country work on a war that was impossible to win

back to plebbit or dumblr with you, cuntface

>ruined his country
If you believe this then you're probably retarded. Hitler literally turned Germany from a deprived shithole with mass degeneracy and hyperinflation to a world superpower in a few years.

The German economy was a different economy during the war as policies changed from autarky to full war time controls. The party was also known for its gift giving and also stronger propaganda efforts to keep control of prices and goods. It became more closed over time

>he nationalized whatever he liked
like what?
>the whole country work on a war
As did the allies

Dude just put your nose to the grindstone and read Mein Kampf.

Its all the red pilling you'll ever need

>Dude just put your nose to the grindstone and read Mein Kampf.
I've read it twice, but it isn't an exact blueprint.
But economic theory and practice often yield very different outcomes, so I'm interested in what was implemented, how it worked, how it failed, etc

Pretty sure the Nazi Economy was Nationalized Syndicalism.

This is the best info I got for you.

Wherein the economy is controlled by workers unions rather than capitalists or the state. Of course this was before the war and all the of the interventionism.

They took out a huge amount of loans then went to war rather than pay them back. Bold strategy.

From my understanding he spent way too much money on building a new army and had to aggresively expand to keep the country from collapsing in on itself

It had flaws. It was a market/socialist mix. It was designed for war production. To be totally intelectually honest, it did not exist long enough, and did not exist long enough in peacetime to make an accurate assessment.

damn, you guys are actually reading it. but isn't it too messy ? it's common knowledge that the book is badly written, too dense. the dude goes full frmost menti comes to jews and is obssessed with France. just why ?
+ nazi economy was a mess, so was administration. there was only the army

Because some one was a better speaker then writer we should not read what they wrote? As for his talk of France in the book is because of the context of the time of writing. After he came to power the issues with France were settled at least politically for a time.

>aggresively expand to keep the country from collapsing in on itself

Pure bullshit. The country operates based on its population, it grows as the population grows and shrinks as the population shrinks. If you need more people then you breed more people, you don't breed more people for the sake of breeding more people, Hitler encouraged more breeding because their population had dipped. If the population had been excessive it wouldn't have been important.
We (((need))) to constantly inflate our population because (((capitalism))) can never have enough (((consumers))) and because our (((economy))) relies on (((capitalism))) you need more and more and more people. It doesn't matter where they come from. A nigger's money is worth just as much as a white man's. The economy is just like any business in capitalism, if it isn't making a profit then it starts going backwards. Not making a profit is the antithesis of capitalism.

I meant more in terms of economically not having enough money to keep it running, so needed the resources of other countries to feed the war machine rather than it being a matter of there not being enough (or too many) people in the country.

I remember reading that during the Nuremberg trials they did IQ tests and the Finance/Economics minister had the highest IQ out of the Nazi leadership. Forget his name, bit apparently he wasn't an actual party member but an old guard German nationalist.

Googled it, it was Hjalmar Schacht, had an IQ of 143.

Ben Bernake, former chairman of the federal reserve described Hitler as, "The guy that got economics right in the 30s"
The National Socialist economy never had a specific plan, but it's money was backed by labor.
Hitler often joked that the reason Germany was so successful in the economy was because they didn't adhere to a specific system all the time.

I've researched a while into it and I believe:
>It was a mixed economy, like the US, but more centrist, due to the welfare programs being more predominant
>The government actually makes sure that the companies don't harm their population
> They also made sure that as a government they are not in the way of entrepreneurs, i.e. requiring expensive licenses, fees, etc.
>Their social programs would pay for licenses, education, medicine, etc, so they used taxes to help the population.
>Hitler even said that by socialists, he just meant to help your fellow patriots with taxes, but the moral obligation of the one being helped was to repay.
>There was an imprison (forced labor) way to make them repay if they didn't want to, plus I would imagine some type of virtue training so they don't repeat it
>Also there was an infrastructural budget, to keep the city aesthetic, clean, and functional
>On times of war, of course the industries received the most money from taxes
>The policing of Germany received a lot of budget, because German's security was a priority
>German companies received greater benefits, while foreign ones were taxed to distribute with in Germany
What else is there to say, anything you want to know?

(you) are right, I'm an an-cap idealist but , yes socialism is good for one thing, centralization of power and the direction of production (ex weapons and non-consumer supplies in wartime). The Nazi economy is highly reflective of most modern European economies, in terms of it's structure and policy. Just my two cents, I believe the whole smear job on the Nazi's is to disguise the fact that Fascism (in it's true sense) is the way of the modern world.

Here's the unemployment numbers from the time

It worked out perfectly that's why i told you to go read the book

What do you want to know? I can answer to my best of my abilities.

unemployment doesnt say much, hitler was increasing production and firing up the war machine.
this also COSTS a lot of money to the state.

so unemployment was low but draining alot of resources.
find the numbers for 40 41 42 43 44 and 45 and theyll well talk and discuss


cant find it right now but I do have a fascism 101 if you want

I've got a few if I dig thru the archives

>Compare an economic system to determine whether is good or bad, but only when they're financing an expensive war
You are fucking retarded

Hitler's economy was a vampire economy. It survived off government purchasing, war preparation funded by taking gold reserves from the countries they annexed.

wasn't their economy already unsustainably high and they had nothing to show for all that spending except for an army that would provide no financial return (unless they started looting their neighbors, which is what they did).


Adam Tooze was right again

ahh... found it

prepare for redpill

Considering Hitler wasted a disgusting amount of resources on ideologically driven things like the Holocaust I think it's safe to say he wasn't exactly a mastermind



no, you got it wrong dude.
germany was already building up to the war long before the allies, they started much later.
id love to see the later numbers to be able to compare it.

if you want real data dont just pick a little part and say HAH i found what i was looking for to support my own claim and then call it a day



read 'em and weep
for we have been bilked by banksters all of our lives

Hitler was a pedo
Just like Trump

I cannot recommend the New Ford Translation enough. It is by far the best translation and provides excellent explanations and context for the now obscure references. The audiobook is available in full on youtube.

They were on the verge of economic collapse by 1939, hence the decision to attack Poland despite concerns from every major armed service that Germany's military would not be prepared for a full-scale war until 1945 (work on Plan Z, the German naval armada, had only just started work in 1939 and Admiral Raeder was working under the impression that Germany would not go to war until 1948).

>with mass degeneracy and hyperinflation

The hyperinflation happened a decade before he came to power. It was the Great Depression that he had to fix (and what ultimately allowed him to get into power so easy), which was also a major hurdle but it did not cause people carrying a bag full of money to pay for a loaf of bread.


The war time economy helped the allies very much to end the great depression

Also the war effort made more German jobs and sure as hell didn't hurt them when Hitler took most of Europe

>It was the Great Depression that he had to fix
which is incorrect because Weimar republic was already going to fix it. Hell, the Autobahn was their Idea.I'm pretty sure he also stole other ideas from them.

wow thanks for the info.

Fun Fact: Germany lost one of it's newest warships in a failed bid to seize the Norwegian treasury's gold reserves

>Germany lost one of it's newest warships in a failed bid to seize the Norwegian treasury's gold reserves
were they still using WW1 Schematics for WW2 warships?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> REDDIT

The Admiral Hipper-class cruisers were named for the WW1 admiral, but were a new design (the first ship was commissioned in 1939 as part of Plan Z). The Blücher had been declared ready for service a mere five days before it was sunk (Titanic lasted longer).

Hitler nearly doubled the GDP by the 1940, mostly because of war preparations which ramped up the production. Trade played an huge part too, nazis built up a "clearing system" which worked just like barter. They usually tried to dump german products on every market they wanted to have influence on.
It's a pretty smart way to prepare for war, but for anything else...