Macross Delta

The new Walkure album will incl. a Freyja ver. of Seikan Hikou & Mikumo ver. of Diamond Crevasse!

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people still remember this show?

Does it include a non-boring second half of the anime?

>still no Kaname solo of Giraffe Blues


at least this guy knows whats up

Giraffe blues was heartrending

That's on it though.


Reina a cute.


>Freyja ver. of Seikan Hikou
oh hell yeah

Movie when famalams

There should've been a Freyja solo of DYRL in the last episode. Instead we got a rehash of the first cour's songs.

Would've rather had an original song than either. Or at least a medley, though that probably would've felt too close to Frontier.

One of the things I was really liking about the show early on was the variety of music. Very few if any repeats during the first third.

Then suddenly almost nothing but Bokura no Senjou and Giraffe Blues.

Does it have the protoculture version of DYRL?
You know the one Mikumo sang in the final ep.

>1. New song
>2. Literally the worst song in the whole anime, now with Claire!
>3. Ranka 2.0 memes
>4. Bokura no Senjou Freyja solo version
>5. Diamond Crevasse Mikumo version fuck yeah. Lion when?
>6. same as 4, but Mikumo version
>7. 4th version of Giraffe Blues. Now by the worst girl with the worst voice.
>8. New song
And they are charging full album price for only 2 new songs.

>And they are charging full album price for only 2 new songs.
Wait, they actually charge ¥2,400+ which is still too much for 2 new songs.

Wasn't it released with 2nd OST?

>2. Literally the worst song in the whole anime, now with Claire!
>7. 4th version of Giraffe Blues. Now by the worst girl with the worst voice.


give me endless \x/alkure

>4. Bokura no Senjou Freyja solo version



Havent listened to all of it but so far th DYRL is the full walkure version not the song of the stars version.

>DYRL is the full walkure version
Do you know what OST means?
Click on a small volume icon for song #27. You're welcome.