Why is Coconas hair so fluffy? What's her secret?
Flip Flappers
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>that stupid hair hook on the right
Literally needs to be removed.
She has a lot of static electricity because she like rubbing pussies together.
This is my girlfriend Sayuri. Please be nice to her.
Being pretty is better than being sexy, cute, or beautiful.
Cocona is very pretty.
Keep talking like that and you're gonna get removed.
She's also pretty sexy
It's for catching lesbians
we'll get a vector of this any day now.
So assuming that KKK Grand Wizard is Salt's dad what is the significance of the two lab assistants in the overall scheme of things? Are they Cocona's siblings?
I want to lick every part of that delicious body.
It is literally illegal to sexualize Cocona
This is a free country you communist faggot. I'll sexualize whoever I want.
>the two lab assistants
You mean Hidaka and Sayuri?
They're probably other former asclepius researchers that broke off, or else possibly even younger test subjects that Salt rescued.
If you mean the two other pointy-hat guys with the special robes that are always with the big boss pointy-hat guy, I'm pretty sure at least one of them is Yayaka's dad, but collectively the 3 of them are essentially the leaders of the organization
Other defectors that followed Salt from KKK? I doubt we'll get an actual explanation, honestly. All that matters is that Sayuri is my gf.
Call the cops, it won't un-flip you.
>wake up
>Japanese grandma comes to greet you and ask if you've had a bad dream
>you realize you are Cocona
What do?
Kill the robot and go kiss Yayaka.
I do what I want.
Masturbate then have sex with Papika.
Sex sends us into PI since we're feeling the same thing. Have crazy PI sex, then transform into mahou shoujos and have some more sex. Yayaka is forced to watch.
Masturbate publicly
Trib with Papika
Let myself get dominated by Sayuri
Let myself get dominated by Sayuri again, but this time with Papika watching
Buy some hair extensions and coloured contacts and ask Salt if I could be his Mimi for the night
Day two would involve cramped Thomasson tribbing and wild PI henshinsex. Yuyu, Toto and Yayaka are all invited to watch
Start picking a good high school
This is why none of you will ever be a little girl
Are you trying to tell me little girls don't masturbate?
>not letting Yuyu fist you
My hair is like this. I don't know why, it just is.
A lesbian's best friend
I want to protect this smile
Do you think this'd qualify as a kid's/teens show if they toned down the fanservice?
No. And there is no fanservice that I can find.
How is Cocona feeling in this very moment?
I'm pretty sure that is Mimi smiling
I don't think the fanservice is actually blatant enough to register on a kid's mind at all.
It only stands out to you because you at it with the mind of a horny adult who wants to fliup their flaps to JCs. If you showed this to your 9 year old niece she probably wouldn't even pick up on the fact that the vulvas are puffy or the asses fat.
I don't think this show has actually done anything that'd be outside the emotional scope of a child except maybe the alzheimer's episode.
I thought the shaded face meant she was unconscious or at least not in any kind of control over her body .
>Who am I?
>Where do I belong?
>What in the world is left for me?
>I wanted a normal life, but I didn't know why.
>Maybe I was just afraid.
>Maybe I was killing my inside.
>I saw a flame in my life, I looked for its warmth.
>But I was an empty shell in the end.
What if they show two girls kissing on screen?
What about it?
Whys is Miki so smug
Bah, you'd get lesbian bed death by your first night, mark my words.
Uexküll don't give a shit. Uexküll is a chill nigger.
She's facing the conflicted feelings of getting exactly what you wanted, but losing everything in the process.
She controls PI. She knows everyone's secrets, traumas, discarded dreams. She has seen behind every mask, knows everyone's true persona, and can pull on the strings that guide your life.
>lesbian bed death
That's a thing?
Far right Mimi has me concerned
Is Uexküll just another one of KKK's creations designed to monitor Cocona's daily life?
>I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds
>Yorokobe, shoujo
You didn't know?
Can't be, robots can't flex and squish like that.
It's almost like his body is amorphous
Uexküll is a parting gift from Mimi. The clover pot too.
This would be cute. He's clearly not a real bunny, and looks like he could've walked out of Pure Illusion. Maybe he's from a special PI that Mimi always enjoyed going to, playing with the cute woodland critters there, and saved one for her daughter when she had to be sent back to the real world.
>used by FlipFlap
>used by Papika
>used by Yayaka
>grandma is a fake
>all her friendships are either a lie or erased
>hunted by an evil organization
>now being possessed by her mom
Cocona... had a hard life
Well he was able to enter PI in ep2.
If henshin can't leave PI, neither can things that live there.
war. war has changed.
I'll never happen.
Every night I feel my eye.. and my flips.. even my flaps. The shards I lost.. the PI I lost.. won't stop hurting. You feel it too, don't you Cocona? I'm gonna make them give back our past.
good scene, good faces
>you don't have some awkward complicated past that would make me question our relationship do you Papika?
>Papika you broke my heart. You have to make a choice between me and Mimi... But I will still choose you though.
I feel like this series is ripe for a 5 minute version
>You don't have some really complicated backstory that's going to turn my life into a flaming wreck, do you?
>next scene
>You have to make a choice between me and Mimi...
I thought they were on a 2 for 1 special
FlipFlap is full of good faces.
I dare say it's one of my favorite parts of it, how the characters are actually animated. Anime usually looks like a bunch of cardboard cutouts which just stand around, blank faced, never moving.
>Buy some hair extensions and coloured contacts and ask Salt if I could be his Mimi for the night
What the fuck
Stop wasting our bandwidth with this upscaled png garbage.
Is it raining in here?
Who is the character with the best reaction faces and why is it Yayaka?
Papika will only have consensual sex with Cocona.
Do you even have to ask?
Please never stop
This is my favorite Yayaka face!
Do you see the priceless face in here?
You know how many times these cuties held hands? I've fucking lost count because it happened more than once in many episodes, episode 5 had like 7 handholdings. They're were all over each other
Now this shit really stings
>I wonder if they'll invite me to the wedding
You, I like you.
I guess you could say their relationship has encountered some impedance
Let's settle this Sup Forums
Yayaka would look 10 times better without that ridiculous fivehead
>Look out Cocona, ghosts!
>all that art of them holding hands
>cocona putting an end to it all
It hurts Sup Forums
I wonder how Yayaka will react when she learns that she was NTRd by a middle-aged cradle robber.
You don't need a pool to figure out facts.
They'll reconcile. They have to. I refuse to believe this series ends with anything other than them being happy together.
I think Yayaka's threehead looks cute. But yeah, I agree.
Does anyone have the edit of this that doesn't cover her whole face?
He's gone off the deep end
She'd use it to her advantage by calling Papika auntie and asking if she's not too old to hang around with middle schoolers