>[ron] Vivid Strike! - 11 [C9806416].mkv
>it's a Jill episode
>[ron] Vivid Strike! - 11 [C9806416].mkv
>it's a Jill episode
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NanoFate Extra #11 - 「The Last Picture Drama」
>[ron] Nanoha Picture Drama 05 - Welcome to Midchilda Academy [9833055B].mkv
The final picture drama unless they make more. It's thematically similar but not directly related to the previous one.
Whoa, you're like 15 hours early ron.
My wife Fuuka got her teethe knocked out but still kicked the stupid out of Rinne.
Sorry, is this a bad time? Should I stop seeding and try again later?
Thanks, that was fast.
She would have died right then and there if it's not thanks to to the special simulator system. That would be kind of funny in a sick way, actually. I kind of want to see what Rinne would do in that case.
Of course not, Thanks again.
Thanks, m8
>The roots are whole, dentist can put them back actually. At least it works with little kids, not sure with adults. You have to put them in milk or physiological solution tho.
Killed herself. Don't say such sad things, let's all celebrate the fluff.
I hope there is no ReinForce moment next episode. Or "oh but Rinne goes to jail, you are not going to see her anymore" a la S1.
I hope Fuuka becomes smug like Ein next episode after she beats her,
>let's all celebrate the fluff.
They didn't even kiss.
Rinne is not going anywhere. They all will get into the hotspring and go stargazing next episode.
As if. Episode will end just as the match starts.
>Fuuka will be in too bad shape to even compete.
>Einhart, you don't look it but you are a bitch.
Fuuka didn't even brake a bone, she will be fine.
>Still no BJ image, or style info.
If the match is touched on, it will a quick loss for Fuuka probably. Maybe it will be just treated in background, like Fuuka coming to see Rinne and telling her "aah, I lost completely".
Something like Miura's match with Sieglinde.
It's being a smart strategist. You don't win a war with brute force alone.
That doesn't apply to the last two episodes of Vivid Strike.
Hegemon Ingvalt does.
He died in a middle of a battle at the end, though.
But who says he didn't win?
Puting aside the win of being reborn as cute heterochromiac girl with absurdly cool voice.
So I hope rinne becomes a beast for TANOSHII after that fight instead of getting domesticated
>Claus could never punch a girl's face
>Einhart keeps trashing random cute girls' faces without any hesitation
It sure is nice being a cute girl yourself.
Done already!
What an underwhelming ending.
She wouldn't punch Vivio in the face though, IIRC. While Vivio had nosuch reservations and went after poor Hegemon's chin and face all the time.
The real finale is always the tearjerker, not the fight.
Maybe during the beginning of Vivid.
Vivio broke Claus.
honestly i'm just tickled her magic lets her essentially parry with her face
she is LITERALLY blocking with her face
man i imagine vivio parrying with her face with tthe dark souls SFX
then just riposting with her accel smasher
You can still get through her armour with a feint.
Einhart can punch Vivio's face but she still held back a lot because she knew that a clean hit from her without the simulator system would likely kill Vivio. This match would have been decided right here if Einhart had dankuu her or just given her a serious punch.
>Her first actual move set skill
That was intense.
I bet Rinne would be more of a monster if she was trained better.
Rinne is just a shitty person. Thank god Fuuka has better friends now.
I honestly don't think Fuuka got more than 10 lines worth of dialogue this episode.
Right. Fuuka got taught all sort of shit while Rinne's technique point is this low. Jill made a mistake in thinking that she can just gorillapower her way through everything.
It's sad that unlike in Japanese, you cannot avoid using this word in English.
she was too busy befriending the fuck out of rinne
Who cares. Rinne is the MC and the only character we care about, Fuuka's job is just to be a target of Rinne's affection and a symbol of her past life.
Is this yuri?
That's not true at all.
I want to punch the teeth out of Fuuka and deny her dental insurance claim.
It was already impossible to take this series seriously but the QUALITY sure isn't helping.
>not her "important person" that is not officially admitted to be homo lover and life partner
The BDs will fix it.
There is a lot of fixing to be done.
Just wait a year or two and it will be all fixed I'm sure. Look at all those Vivid improvements.
>The weak should fear the strong.
>moving so fast that you only see the splashes from their steps
Ein is next. Fuuka will look good with that belt on.
Fuuka has furiously and forcibly re-befriended Rinne if that last scene is any indication.
Is she?
Why are people named Harry so negative?
Shame Nanoha couldn't have been there to watch.
>the last part of the fight
Sure wasn't much animation in this episode.
On the other hand, this was exceptionally cute. When are Fuuka and Rinne going to start running Loli Fight Club?
why does midchilda have girls named victor and harry? why is there a girl named fuka for that matter? didn't they mention once that only people who came from earth have jap names?
Rinne will join their gym next episode. The fun starts now.
That loli butt.
Fuck off.
>The raging autistic troll just came back
Remember to ignore and report.
nanoha wouldve enjoyed this fight
The best part is that she doesn't even care even if that was the case.
Even Nanoha and Fate have never verbally and openly shown their love for each other as much as these two. Vivio's one way love has gone down the drain so it doesn't count.
>you will never have an osananajimi
Orphanage Sisters power activate!
>I've made a terrible mistake
Loli Fuuka and Rinne were probably crackbabies and emotionally/physically abused as babies and toddlers.
Should have recruited Rinne instead.
>those steps
>those whirlwind around her fist
>how it blasted through the guard and sent the opponent spinning away after the contact
This "Longinus 0.5" move looks strangely similar to Einhart's Dankuuken, at least much more than what Fuuka does.
>Einhart's training is so harsh that Fuuka is traumatized for two weeks in a row
would be funny to see that nove and einharts training was even more harsh then jills
>after she beats her
>beating Einhart
No, you win wars by sacrificing your waifu to a magic spaceship.
The lesson Vivio keeps trying to teach people is that they need to beat each other to the point of permanent injury in order to realize how much fun they're having (likely from the repeated concussions). The girl has some serious issues.
>dental insurance
She's a part timer. I doubt Nove gives her benefits.
>Fuuka's fighting style is ???? because she just learned a bunch of basic stuffs and hasn't gotten enough time to see which one suits her the best yet
>Rinne's special move is ???? because she literally doesn't have one
>Fuuka's training was never shown because it would traumatize the viewers
>Einhart's BJ form isn't updated because she doesn't have any actual fight
It all makes sense now.
She's fine. Just a love tap.
>Fuuka's lifesaver and master
>Rinne's aspiration
Einhart's senpai power is so high her sweat glints.
Of course. She's the coolest.
the coolest senpai
Fuk the Fuuka.
She needs to get laid big time to loosen up a bit.
Why is Fuuka so perfect?
>you call that cumming i want my womb filled to the brim, I know you can do it!
Does anyone else find all the "talent" talk silly given that someone like Signum or Subaru could just waltz in and btfo all of them
Look at me meme!
The cutest and perfectest.
fuuka is so fluffy i just want to headpat her
dunno how they did it but shes just so damn fluffy looking
>projected her dreams
>pretended to not noticed the pain and torturing
>exploited her talents and physical abilities, but didn't taught her properly
>hellish training that went too far
>thought she was helping, but really took advantage
Worst coach ever. Someone call the police on her for corrupting and harming a loli's well-being.
I want to protect this smile.
>training your athlete so hard that they vomit and pass out
Jill is an idiot, that's the fast track to injury and exhaustion
There is such a thing as overtraining
here the smile you want to protect
Fuck this shit. They couldn't have made this more predictable, right down to the details
If you've watched the first season of Nanoha you've pretty much already know how VS will play out.
All the talent talk was a red herring created to turn your attention away from the mismanagement of athletes training and mental welfare. And of course, none of the Vivids stand a chance against any of the Nanoha crew. Maybe Einhart could put on a good show but that's about it.