I know writing was never Jojo's strongest point, but holy shit

I know writing was never Jojo's strongest point, but holy shit

honestly is he wrong though?

yeah, that was definitely the dumbest part. The entire sequence is pretty good overall, and it's my favorite final fight in the series, but it doesn't change the fact that all the kid had to do was go around the corner and yell.

They could have added a lightning strike when Josuke screamed to at least make it more believable.

the man has got ptsd and a dolphin fetish, and is probably on the spectrum with how reserved he is.
cut him some slack

just a way to write out Star platinum, he's broken as fuck

Why is Jotaro so fucking autistic? Was he dropped on the head as a child?

>it's the same type of stand
>it's the same type of sound
jojo... jojo never changes

The rain is supposed to be loud.

And the explosions are supposed to be silent. DP fucked up

>Actually being autistic outside of memes
Most legits autists have little control over their emotions. Haven't seen Jotaro throw a tantrum yet.

Jotaro and co. were supposed to be 2 street blocks away from Josuke and Kira.Davidpro just made the mistake of placing them closer to the fight and making the rain not seems as heavy as it was in the manga.

Hayato is somehow smart enough to attack Kira and get Jousuke there, but despite knowing where the others are he can't go get them? Kira can fire one bomb at a time, if he tried to attack Hayato while he was running away, Jousuke would literally pulverize him while he was open.

I love the series, but holy shit is it stupid. The people who pretend the fights are all clever and well thought out battles of wit must have single digit IQs

That was part 2, part 4 is all about style.

They're not well thought out, but they definitely are clever.

That was the one that started off with a fight where Joseph snuck a dozen grenades onto a guys back and then tied the pins to another grenade before he noticed, right?

They range from amusing to too silly, clever isn't the word, entertaining is. The problem is when the solution is too obvious and they don't reach it because of plot induced retardation.

The best thing about jojo has to be Narancia.

That's not Old Joseph.

That's fucking disgusting get that old man out of here I'm trying to make love to my beautiful wife.

I love him so much it hurts my dick.

Why are you trying to fuck your wife while being in Sup Forums? Pay her the proper attention and get out of here until you're finish.


He likes it when I insult fuckers trying to talk bad about him.
Makes my dick harder too.

This is going to become a meme for the anime-onlys, isn't it?


The anime did make it sound retarded though

it didn't seem like they were that close in the manga

the manga version is fast-paced enough for it to make sense

Kira was in their way most of the time.

Anime fault, in the manga the rain is more strong.

One part that annoyed med was Kira was standing past the corner during the fight with his stand out.

If any of the were looking or turned around during the 1-2 minutes he was there with killer queen out, they could have easily joined the fight

>What's wrong Jotaro?
>Nothing, I just saw a man wearing a pink cat costume.

Another thing that annoyed me was Crazy Diamond beats Star Platinum(until josuke uses the world) and Star Platinum beats Killer Queen.

So why did Killer Queen trade evenly with Crazy Diamond?

>screaming at women for making any kind of noise

It might've been because josuke was becoming careful in their fight since he knows If Killer Queen were able to touch Crazy D with its fingers he loses.He did beat Killer Queen later by making him attack first so he'll immediately go in for the counter in close range..Also I'm slightly dissapointed that they didn't include pic related in the anime before the killer queen vs crazy d stand battle.

Why didn't he just freeze the ripples?
I was told that it will be explained why he's not like Dio even though he put on the Stone Mask.
But I finished Part 2 and they didn't come back to this. Did I just miss it? Is it added in the anime?

>Why didn't he just freeze the ripples
Every vampire gets a unique power, just like stands. Dio doesnt have snakes in his face or hair with a mind of its own now does he?
Only Dio could freeze because thats his personality. Its also why his stand could Freeze time
If Jotaro put on a stone mask hed probably be able to control his body temperature

Ahhh now I get it.
That's pretty cool.

B-but Za Warudo is Jonathan's stand

Well in the first fight, Josuke was in hair rage which made him a lot stronger than when he's normally pissed. The real question is why didn't the fight end with Kira making fun of Josuke's hair? It writes itself.


Kira poured all his points into LCK.

They really did a bad job in handling the rain, it should be heavy rain that blocks out the sound. But in the anime it's but a light drizzle that wouldn't block shit.

the explosion sounds are for the viewers benefit, you think The World really makes a clock noise when it stops time?