LWA screening news:
>IT'S 2 COUR (split)
>animation is still super good, at least for the first 3 episodes that they showed
I'll post staff listing next post.
LWA screening news:
>IT'S 2 COUR (split)
>animation is still super good, at least for the first 3 episodes that they showed
I'll post staff listing next post.
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Split cour seems a good compromise.
Split cour is cool, I'm glad about that. Seems like production is going well, too.
リトルウィッチアカデミア TVシリーズ
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こんにゃく @honnyaku_blog 13m13 minutes ago
I have a good feeling about this.
Everyone seems to be praising the animation, even sakuga fans like honnyaku.
>Kou Yoshinari did animation for his younger brother's show
According to a report, he animated a big statue monster.
I thought LWA was going to be a sort of half-assed attempt. They're really going for broke.
>2 cour
Holy shit best day ever.
>There was a screening
Fuck how did I miss this
>split cour
Well, at least it's better than just half-assed 12 eps
my interest just increased 100 fold
I'm not ready
Wasn't Kill la Kill's animation praised at the preview event too?
I heard somewhere that this is very well scheduled and production is the smoothest its ever been on one of their projects. I have no source though, but I'm a bit more hopeful for this than history would have me be.
Wishful thinking by some sakuga fans on twitter does not count mate
Lemme be optimistic about this, just this once
Best to keep expectations low
Trigger saving anime once again.
They at least already have 3 episodes finished three weeks before broadcast and they're doing split cour.
This shouldn't be a trainwreck like KLK.
I haven't been disappointed so far.
To be fair, it's the first Trigger production from Yoshinari instead of Imaishit, so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt
>2 cour
Alright, Im the only one that just came?
LWA has a history of good production, and their most recent work (Kiznaiver) was solidly produced, if literally nothing else.
Indeed, most of the problems that people associate with Trigger is just Imaishi being unable to stick to a storyboard and production schedule.
And their 3 frames per second animation, use of cheap animation tricks that pass of as "style", and also how most of their shows flop.
To be fair they barely finished LWA2 on time. That wasn't exactly a great production schedule.
It's a shame because Imaishi is a virtuoso animator and easily my favourite person working there. I'd love it if he were able to pour everything he's got into a passion project sometime in the future.
Right, those are consequences of production failure.
Kiznaiver's animation was generally unremarkable, LWA looks to be a far more ambitious project so it will be a bigger challenge for the studio to keep up.
Story will have focus on the mysteries of the school, the origins of the big stone, Ursula/Shiny Chariot's past and Diana and her family.
I keep seeing people say shit like this, but they're incredibly talented. Whatever their measly budget they have, the staff they got there transform that money into something that looks like they had twice that budget. They make it go a long way.
>animation is still super good
There goes most of the concerns. Can't wait for this.
Not in Imaishi's recent works, no. He has this tendency to resort to this awful flash-tweened lookalike nonsense which looks terrible.
Right, but it wasn't anything close to bad and certainly didn't even hint at Kill la Kill levels of collapse. I think it's a godawful show but if nothing else it gave me a glimmer of hope for future projects.
So it's a complete retelling / reboot? I'm cool with that.
The amount and level of talent at Trigger is insane, they're just not often able to capitalize on it because of aforementioned issues during production. Many undeniably talented artists though.
>animation is still super good
I was a bit disappointed with LWA2 and feared they may drop the ball on the series
>An event where only trigger fanboys assist
>Expecting bad comments
Most likely the animation is meh compared to the OVA but cant give bad rep to trigger so early. LWA is going to flop anyway
>3 episodes
That's like 50% more episodes than I was originally lead to believe
>LWA is going to flop anyway
So fucking what? Do you need stalkershit for your shitposting? or to know if you enjoy it or not?
Animation in 2 was great. If it disappointed you you may not like the show too much, I seriously doubt it'll maintain that level.
Is it a reboot or a continuation of the movies?
It's a reboot.
Did Trigger actually manage to fill the venue this time?
>2 cour
Thats cool but wheres that new mecha imaishi anime?
Prolly not until late next year.
If it's hand drawn I will cum
>2 cour
And to think I thought LWA was just going to be a one-off so long ago. How things change.
It wasn't bad, but it didn't seem to me to be as spectacular as the animation on the first one. The script was also quite boring in comparison.
This is the only think I don't like, we just will see an extended versions of the OVAs, that doesn't sound very appealing to be honest.
Yeah I think most of the problems people had fell to the script. Not bad though, I still really enjoyed it. It'll be good to see the added characters fleshed out more in the series.
My gripe with the second OVA was Akko's character development and how it came about. If they don't make it as contrived in the TV series, great. It also gives them a chance to expand on the cast as a whole, especially the girls introduced in Enchanted Parade. It following the same overall plot of the OVAs doesn't mean there won't be opportunities for plenty of new scenarios along the way.
Sadly, it seems that ever since PSG he has fully embraced le westakek pandering ironically shit anime style.
Just what happened to the man that once directed Gurren Lagann
>2 cour
That's good, hopefully is more SoL like than plot foccused, no "big bad to end it all", just nice character arcs and maybe a graduation ova to end it.
>still well animated
Eh, while hearing such things is always comforting in a manner, it's no guarantee of being true, specially considering the praise ep3 of Kill la Kill got before airing, and look at how that turned out.
Did you watch Sex and Violence? That's one of the most Imaishi things he's ever done. He still "has it" somewhere in there. At least that's what I think, I'm not giving up on him despite many disappointments.
It was pretty badass, but it still had the same ironically shit vive as PSG and Luluco
>specially considering the praise ep3 of Kill la Kill got before airing
>literally stillsland in the first climatic battle
How so? Felt far closer to Dead Leaves than either of those if you ask me.
>tfw almost SAVED
>ironically shit
It still had the same ADHD-ridden, cheap flash-looking aesthetic.
Im just not a fan of his new style
Important impression:
>Diana's yuri qualities are up.
Also, they made it more obvious and less blink and miss it that Diana was in the Shiny Chariot show at the start.
Why not just watch it twice if you missed it the first time?
If you say so. I don't think it looked like that at all, if anything it's closer to old Imaishi's aesthetic than new.
How would you know that you missed it if you missed it?
You should know from the banner.
What the fuck is that broom?
Don't you see her hair changing at the very end? That could tip you off to rewatch
It means that it will be 24-26 episodes long.
There you go. Please use google. Don't be retarded.
>thick outlines
>90s murrican cartoon-looking characters
>lolsprandumb sex humor that even a 12 year old would consider low-brow
If you say so
it means there will be 24-26 episodes instead of 12ish
Have you seen Dead Leaves? How much old Imaishi do you know besides Gurren Lagann?
Dead Leaves looks more proto-Gurren Lagann than PSG to me
Have you seen it though?
Thank you
i didn't think anything would show up for something as dumb sounding as "2cour". Checking on it now, the definition does show up, so, whatever.
So Netflix will wait until it's done to stream it outside Japan?
This guy clearly doesn't know what he's talking about.
If they do we'll get around it anyway
2 cour, huh? I hope Yoshinari has enough good ideas to carry through that long.
Wait, they're brothers?
Yes, Kou is called Animation and You Otonari for a reason.
Trigger actually saving anime this time.
>2 cours of finwitch
Fuck yeah
Yea, Yoh is somewhat terrified of his brother as Kou trashes his shit all the time. He pretty much shat on Yoh's Gurren Lagann designs.
Are they always on bad terms?
They've worked together on the same projects before so probably not. Kou is probably just bullying his younger brother for fun.
January 1 on air.
20:00 pm.
●TOKYO MX…1/1(日)20:00~
Guess they're hoping to raise awareness of the franchise with the second movie.
>Caring about little flop academeem
The original twitter(Japanese one) didn't said it's split, maybe it's 2 cour(24-26x1?).
>caring about sales when it's Netflix show
>muh netflix
Harry Potter crossover incoming.
May i know where the top image was taken from?