What are we gonna do in this thread?
What are we gonna do in this thread?
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don't ichigo the marshimarro.
She never got her cheese.
The best Mashimaro.
What percentage of current Sup Forums would you say has seen this anime? I would not put it over 0.5%.
People should watch it. It's a nice, cute SoL.
Well then give the name
what is it
Kiwi Crackers.
Lucky Star.
Lolis Increase My Erection
>Watching the LIME release of this
Good times.
Fuck you cunts I learned name by searching the names that
You are no help whatsoever you cunts
You are this guy. What do you do?
Do you think Barasui would have approved of those subs?
What, do you want a cookie?
Who fucking wouldn't?
Occupy the hallway.
Jet-Puffed StrawberryMallows
It has to be higher than that. Ichigo Mashimaro is a classic.
All girls best girl
That's hilarious. I should check out the Ichigo Mashimaro manga sometime.
You really should. It has some of the cutest illustrations.
The manga is greatly superior to the anime imo.
But I'm pretty sure Barasui is kill, so.
mango was cute. the animu is uncanny valley giant forehead bullshit.
It depends what you count as 'Sup Forums'. Are you talking about core anime nerds or including the hordes of crossboarding faggots who come here to talk about madoka/eva/snk/penismonogatari/triggershit/deathnote/etc/etc/etc?
is night time Sup Forums back?
Boku no Weasel
I'm so glad I watched this before I knew lolicon was a thing.
That's a damn lie, fiveheads are confirmed canny.
You are very cute.
I liked the Christmas episode. Should watch that as part of my Christmas marathon.
>You will never be Nobue
So there was an anime I vaguely remember where a girl lost all her clothes in the middle of Tokyo(or some major city) and the entire episode was about here sneaking through the city naked trying to get home without getting caught
Does anyone know what show this was?
The Simpsons
I tried to watch it, but it had no seeds.
AB my friend.
Me on the right sniffing that shit
I'll just give one of these a try again.
If you don't mind watching the older DVD rip rather than the BD you can find it on Bakabt.
Yeah, don't try Bakabt. I'm sure there's no chance of it being there.
Although for some reason they have the LIME release as the preferred option. Whilst the LIME release has its charms, it's an Xvid encode.
Is the BD worth it? Some of the older shows that have been getting the BD treatment have wound up looking like shit.
Guess i'll watch the DVD instead.
Every time I see an IM thread I feel like rewatching it but then I get lazy.
Here's the obligatory post about peeing in Miu's butt.
>But I'm pretty sure Barasui is kill, so.
Nah, he's still publishing mini-chapters, that's why we don't have a new volume yet.
Every day I have to live with the fact that my favorite anime will never get a new season. I will never get some of those chapters adapted. I will never know if Chika and Miu will get married. At least I can still try to learn Japanese and listen to those Drama CDs I saved after all these years, and maybe I will understand them.
The BD is shit
What the fuck I literally just finished marathoning this series for the first time an hour ago
spoilered for blog but holy shit Sup Forums get out of my fucking head
Nobue best girl.
Miu is the sexiest.
It's just CGDCT, bud. There's a new one every season.
I know, but there's always a special place in my heart for Ichigo Mashimaro. You shouldn't trivialize such things though user.
I love Chika so much. She is my waifu.
I want to lure her into a van with the Aphex Twin discography.
>I got everything, ambient works, richard d. James, etc but you got to get in the van to give them to you
>I love Chika so much. She is my waifu.
Tien pls
More importantly, what percentage of current Sup Forums would you say have read the manga in it's original language?
A strong contestant for my favourite anime, I re-watch it regularly. The manga is also excellent. I really would like to know what's going on with Barasui.
Chika is best loli, Nobue best girl.
The BD is terrible, the DVD image is much sharper.
>I really would like to know what's going on with Barasui.
After he got married his work basically came to a stop. Ball and fucking chain, man.
Maybe his wife is a legal loli. Can you blame him?
If that was the case he would be drawing exponentially more, considering he has done and on again, mostly off again autobiographical manga (ばら日記) between drawing one page or so every few months for 苺ましまろ.
Literally the series with best character songs.
Miu's is incredible, the others are just okay.
Chika's is the best one
>No Anna-chan to pat
god damn, she is annoying
Miu is necessary to provide humour and accent the other characters.
Be closer to the mashimaros
I'd seed the mashimaros
I watched most of it, but I don't remember . Which episode was it from?
If Nobue ever got a boyfriend, she would never sleep with him herself. Instead, she would get him to have sex with Chika while she watches and masturbates.
I can live with that.
What did she do that make you think of this?
Do Japanese people really make this face towards others who hand out tissue paper on the streets?
Why do Japanese people hand out tissue paper in the first place?
>Why do Japanese people hand out tissue paper in the first place?
>Why do Japanese people hand out tissue paper in the first place?
Because those tissues are advertisements, they're basically like fliers except more useful.
Advertisers want people to blow their noses on a picture of their product?
The tissues themselves are white.
God I miss this show so much, fuck you.