Existence is a struggle against entropy...

Existence is a struggle against entropy. On a metaphysical level every moment I persist in existing rather than surrendering to the gradual decay of the universe is an act of war against nature itself.

In light of this, isn't the mundane violence of culture against culture, army against army trivial? Why protest violence between men when we are powerless to prevent violence between man and God? These things must be accepted as part of our struggle to understand our role in the cosmic suicide that is existence.

But who was phone?

top blog I rate it I upvote it I subscribe to it

hi anno how are the rebuilds coming along

Hello. I'm Kyubey, an alien fighting against entropy. Do you want to make a contract with me?

>im 15 and i just learnt how to use the word existence in a sentence

For a sec I thought this was the old Aikatsu general.

Because entropy is an accepted fact we can do nothing about. It's just a timer.
All the other actually relevant parts of our life we can change.
Also, God is made up.


Ah, I see the middle schoolers are having their holiday break

Chi a wife

Chi my wife


Existence accelerates entropy. Living things generate an increase in unusable energy, so they actually speed the process up.

If you're allowed to be all emo about existence and entropy I'm allowed to be all chuuni about it

We've come so far in our grand resistance against the gradual decay of the universe, our existence alone as you imply almost spits in the face of it. Mankind creates even though every impulse of the universe wishes to destroy.
Why stop there? Why not continue to tell the natural order to go fuck itself and carry on resisting entropy unto the stars themselves?
Fuck your entropy. Go ahead and start closing back the walls of the universe, we'll die trying to prop them back up.

Stirner is best waifu

Is there a more useless pursuit in this world?

Interior design

/ai/ - Idle Activities

Woman studies

This thread shouldn't count as philosophy. It's not useless, it provides with different viewpoints with which to view your life and make sense of anything. That's incredibly important for a lot of people.

>it provides with different viewpoints with which to view your life and make sense of anything.
Kind of like philosophy you baka?

Yep. An atheistic Universe is objectively pointless.

Once you grow up enough you eventually learn to trick yourself into thinking that it's not real even though there's no logic based counter argument that works?

Posting on Sup Forums

>Mankind creates even though every impulse of the universe wishes to destroy.
That's not true. Parts of a system may become more ordered.

About as useless as the world in general?

Can't we just move to another dimension or something

I always thought that an atheistic universe means that we don't know whether there is a point or not since we won't live long enough to see it.
So we just keep on doing what we do in the hopes that all of it will somehow have an effect in the bigger game of existence, not that we'd ever see it.

I bet immortal aliens can't even jerk off to anime tiddies

Like the 2D dimension?

I keep forgetting that universe doesn't equal dimension+

The idea of an atheistic Universe is that there would be no divinity to declare intrinsic meaning and dark energy also shows that literally nothing we do can ever make a difference, so we won't be able to create our own intrinsic meaning.

If you weren't so flat you would just be happy.

I'm mistaking Atheism and Agnosticism.

Atheism means no god.
Agnosticism means I dunno if there is a god or not.

Your life.

Yes, but does she enjoy anal?

So when mankind ends it all with nukes, or some kind of quantum experiment gone wrong, we'll be doing the universe a favor? Deep

Maximum fedora.

>every moment I persist in existing rather than surrendering to the gradual decay of the universe is an act of war against nature itself.
Is it truly though? Or is life just as natural a product of the universe as death is, endlessly recycling itself on both the largest and smallest scales possible, like the ouroboros endlessly eating its own tail?

>Why protest violence between men when we are powerless to prevent violence between man and God?
Are you supposing that immortality is the ultimate goal of humanity; the only purpose to life being "don't die"? Even if it is possible to live forever, this makes not an iota of difference as to the question of the value of existence.
If it all of nihilistic philosophy boils down to the only reason being posited to keep living is because you enjoy it on some biological or emotional level strongly enough to keep doing so, than the only important question is: do you?

Wouldn't agnosticism be true for everyone?

Asami Imai is almost 40.

Economy. Ego. All those interrelated things.

Are you QB since 1993?

I've come to my own conclusion on how to live my own life myself years ago, only to find out that there was already a name for it.

>In philosophy, "the Absurd" refers to the conflict between (1) the human tendency to seek inherent value and meaning in life and (2) the human inability to find any. In this context absurd does not mean "logically impossible", but rather "humanly impossible".[1] The universe and the human mind do not each separately cause the Absurd, but rather, the Absurd arises by the contradictory nature of the two existing simultaneously.

As creatures with such short lifespans, we should seek to find meaning and happiness in doing things and pursuing goals that are possible to us and strive to attain fulfilment in the time we have on this earth. The shittiness faced by millions of people and animals will never abate, only be mitigated. We must learn to accept that and find our own happiness. If it really matters to you that much, you can donate to charity and hope that some percentage of what you donated will find its way to them.

In short, what I'm trying to say is quit your job and masturbate until you die

>Economics is useless

Let me guess, you're a bernie bro

Fuck niggers and kikes, basically.

Just smoke more weed.

Becoming a mod on Sup Forums

Idols don't read existential philosophy.

I knew it!


The Chihaya picture only makes this thread shittier than it actually is.

Congrats OP.