Sup Forums doesn't care about this show?
It's been a great ride.
Double episode release finale next week.
>inb4 le cg memes
Sup Forums doesn't care about this show?
It's been a great ride.
Double episode release finale next week.
>inb4 le cg memes
>full 3DCG
Utter shit
Did S2 ever get subs?
turns out the story is really compelling
you know, if you care about things like that in anime.
they're on nyaa
Just read the manga, asshole.
Why the fuck did the producers decide to make it CG? It looks horrible
no matter how awesome the storyline is, the animation style makes it unwatchable for me
remind me is this the one that's jojo but without the fun
tha'ts one way to describe it
It's pretty fun.
It's super interesting
That doesn't look bad at all, what's with the hate? If it was 2D there's no way they would have animated all that movement.
CG is fine, but fps is unbearable sometimes.
>turns out the story is really compelling
Then read the manga
pretty good
I dunno whats going on with the kid tho, feels like he just kinda does a 360 on personality
I fucking hated it.
The CG looks like shit, but there are some many moments the storyline was pants on head retarded. For instance:
>bad guy ajin attacks the government buildings or whatever
>we need to stop him!
>let's not bring out anti-ajin tranq weapons, since that will make the public panic
>let's just keep shooting him each time he respawns
Literally the worst scene in anime I've seen since the hungry chicken shit in psycho pass s2.
I agree, but I put some blame on the consumers as well. If fans didn't demand CG to emulate 2D anime so much, they wouldn't go with such a low frame-rate trying to emulate it's limited style of animation. It works in 2D because the frame-rate is variable depending on the scene, and because Japanese animators are masters at cutting corners in just the right ways.
The manga is very good, though I hear Season 2 is mostly original content so it's good to experience both.
It really doesn't look bad.
The low frame rate is jarring at first though, and so it turns people off and they just refuse to try and see it for what it is.
Ajin does 3D CG right. It doesn't try to use it to pretend it's hand-drawn stuff, it uses it in a different way entirely, putting much more motion into scenes.
>let's not bring out anti-ajin tranq weapons, since that will make the public panic
Tranq weapons had also previously failed to work against satou, tranqs simply don't work as fast as bullets to the head.
Satou is extremely skilled, and keeping him dead is actually the most effective way to keep him subdued.
It almost worked and it would have if satou did not have backup, or if the counter-snipers had done their job.
You should watch S2 to see how effect tranqs are against satou.
That seems to be the case from the clips I've seen and I'm glad my previous comments don't apply to this series. I also liked how they adapted Satou charging that facility hallway. They did a good job of framing it differently than the manga.
in the show tranq guns are single fire and since the ajin usually move in groups they can easily reset each other. tranq weapons have the reload times, accuracy issues and weak armor piercing. Its better to kill them and then restrain them while they respawn
now if you want to complain ask why aren't there rapidfire tranq guns and it's prob because of japs laws and it makes the show better
Rapidfire tranq rounds wouldn't work because of overdose. You shoot someone with more than 5 or so tranq rounds and they'll die.
Why not just like set him up on an IV drip of tranq drugs then? They clearly had him suppressed for several minutes at least.
>You should watch S2 to see how effect tranqs are against satou.
The concept of Ajin itself was the only thing I enjoyed about s1. I didn't like the animation, the character, the dialogue, or the story. It's irredeemable to me at this point.
>Why not just like set him up on an IV drip of tranq drugs then?
When? How?
You need to already have subdued him to get an IV drip up on him.
Then you have to contend with the fact that whenever he is alive is when he can use his ghost.
He was clearly dead for a while.
The best way of subduing an Ajin is actually liquid nitrogen and oxygen-free atmospheres. Not because of the cold, but because the lack of oxygen kills people and would keep an ajin very dead.
Although I'm not sure if the ajin recovery process gives them any oxygen. From what is likely, it's possible that the recovery process gives them a little breath of air, so they'd constantly be waking up and dying. It's not a painful way to go so they might not even notice.
Anyway the point is that you can't use a ghost to stop the air.
i like it, its pretty unique. just gotta drudge through cg shit. only like a 6/10 tho.
wonder what would happen if they cut his head off and put it in a box?
Jojo without the gay.
IIRC the body just regens from the largest mass
one of the reasons why the government didn't want to give ajin rights because companies were using ajin to harvest organs and shit
Protip: IV doesn't work if the heart isn't beating
That looks godawful. Something about the frame rate screams "unnatural"
I've been tempted to watch the original parts of the anime but I haven't done so yet.
Fuck Polygon
I couldn't even finish the first episode. Fuck this garbage, cost-cutting cgi bullshit.
CG anime should look like this or at least the same level as Etotama
fuck Polygon for ruining Sidonia and Blame!!
>have 144hz monitor
>watched this without issue
>watched sidonia without issue
>even downloaded 60fps ones
>didn't notice a difference
>watched berserk without issue (there was some low quality shit but nothing major)
are my eyes just retarded
I think you may have a mild case of shit taste.
but what does my tongue have to do with it
that animation look awful
take a look at the leg, seem like they using low tier motion capture
and the low FPS to mimick 2d animtion make it even worse
It really isn't. The only reason to read the manga was the art and Satou's antics being fun.
And since the anime throws at least half of the enjoyment out the window there's really no reason to not just read the manga instead.
That said, I do like Ajin's OST. Probably the only good thing to come out of it being animated.
Sidonia was never good.
it was good before penis monster show up
the same scene in the anime, it look like he airshiting though the hall way, too much extra action
in the manga it is much quicker
If all you care about is the story read the manga instead of watching this poorly animated shit.
Sidonia was enjoyable until Nihei started focusing on his awful characterization instead of his excellent world building and artwork (which looks quite a bit shittier than his previous series).
Guess that's what happens when you sacrifice personal artistry and try to appeal to the general masses to sell more books. Fucking hack.
I'm still upset that the meat grinder scene won't happen in the anime (unless they sneak it in during the finale somehow).
>turns out the story is really compelling
Theres a fucking manga you mong.
This is an adaptation. Ajin deserved better than 3dcg. Now it will never get a real adaptation. This anime is worse than nothing.
why is the source of the story so important?
whether it came from LN or manga or from the back of a fucking napkin, it's a good story.
Because the manga is better by every visual metric than the anime.
>that episode 9
based Sato-san
I'm loving season 2, most of Sup Forums couldn't get past the first season though
You guys should watch new Berserk
Looks like shit to me.
She's a million times cuter user.
I bet you go for ugly girls irl too.
>one attractive character makes a shit show not a shit show
I bet you liked Darker than Black season 2, too, huh? I feel the same as : it had a chance to get a great adaptation, and now it never will.
>OVA still isn't out
Realistic CGI is worse. I rather have this.
I just wish they used more color.
I'm for realistic CGI style or full-on anime style like Bubuki Buranki. Ajin just seems like an uncomfortable middle child to those two extremes.
The story and characters are garbage.
At least Satou's antics are amusing.
99% of the reason I think people watch this anyway
Also Sato's seiyuu does an incredible job, easily the Bane of anime without being a butthurt fool.
Fun ride but the plot sometimes gets retarded and the CG killed it for the majority. Would've been pretty popular if it was 2D.
I know everyone complains about the CG, but a few minutes into the show I completely forget about it. But I generally agree with Satou is a kind of likable villain.
Because satou is operator as fuck.
How does the CG compare to Arpeggio/Sidonia?
Kinda the same, for me, but a little bit more badass
it has the most adorable literal ex-slut of the year and an entertaining villain
No one cared who I was until I put on the cap.
How is the manga?
>No 9/11
That being said I still like it.
He'll get a new head.
There's like 2 pages on the whole dilemma of if you're the same person if that happens, but Sato doesn't give a shit and tosses himself into a woodchipper.
Why can't we watch both the anime and the manga?Problem solved you nerds stop posting.
Thanks for saving me the trouble of making it myself.
Call me a faggot but I love the animation in this
Wesker vs Sato.
Who wins?
It's okay, I just can't stand the low frames, why make a cgi movie in low frames? I don't get nips.
Since so many people are complaining about the framerate I wanted to see what this would look like with interpolated at 60Hz.
This is Played at 60fps with interpolation, but recorded with fraps and the converted into a webm, so apologies for the bad bitrate.
Another thing is my potato might not be strong enough to both play and record at 60fps it seems, SVP eats a ton of resources.
Got more webms of Sato, user?
Not that many.
Just caught up
Hoping they do a S3
Are they gonna escape anytime soon?
Just let the thread die, we'll hopefully have one next week.
And to answer your question, soon™
Are they already that advanced?
Wasn't that like this summer? Is the anime going to surpass the manga?
That's not what I said. In fact I didn't say anything about the show, I just pointed out that he was wrong because one character does look better in the anibeh.
If you use interpolation when watching this show it looks ALOT better.
I've been buying the manga so I guess that's something, enjoying it though, Satou and Izumi best.
Do you think we'll ever see a time skip where Ajin outnumber the human population or even enslave them and Kei's sister is leading the rebellion while Kei is in a high position of power within the Ajin community?
That looks pretty good.
The anime has been going anime-original for a while now.
You can choose the level of interpolation you want with SVP. I think that guy's example is too high a level. If you keep it on low level, it looks smoother without feeling sped up.
Teach me. I'm just chalking it up with my laptop being unable to both do and record 60fps at the same time, making it look pretty crap.
Maybe messing with the values will ease the memory usage as well?
I suggest 1.5m for interpolation mode
I like it, fuck all the 3DCG anime haters. Better than the other 3DCG shows that have come out.
Satou makes me feel funny inside. He is husbu material.