What's the greatest anime of the 2010s so far?

What's the greatest anime of the 2010s so far?

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According to MAL Kimi No Na Wa
Definitely not Flip Flop

From the New World

Ice Cream

The Wind Rises

Yuyushiki motherfucker.

Yes, Shinsekai Yori is so well made.

Hyouka, Nichijou, Concrete Revolutio, Flip Flappers, OPM.



The original series. Not Rebellion. Rebellion is worst of 2010s

It's between OPM, Mob Psycho or Flip Flappers.





Ping Pong

rebellion is the only release associated with that franchise that allows the artistic qualities of the image to overcome the abjectly retarded semantic content



>not even top 3

Ping Pong

Yuri Kuma for single series IMO

best franchise has been monogatari series imo.

anime started in 2009 though,.,,,

Shirobako definitely deserves mention.

Do you like to answer your own questions?


My niggas.

The one where they kill all the magical girls.

This is objectively correct

Rebellion is best, though.

>the abjectly retarded semantic content
>not liking fucking Faustian allusions

Objectively speaking it's Madoka.

Samurai Flamenco

Kill la Kill will be the only classic of our generation.

Isn't it Nichijou?

Rebellion for now was the best animated thing to be made. Budgets tend to be spread so thin in these massively packed LN adaptation trash filled seasons there hasn't really been too many originals with any clout.

what about TUTURU

Norman's and Norma's might say Attack on Titan.

Is there any doubt?

It's Sup Forums's greatest creation and current AOTY.

What is with that retarded layout

This entire image is bait.

The pinnacle of visual quality in a television anime.

>Tasogare otome
What every fanservice romance should be compared to, and one of the most tightly written romance ever. A smart final that made sense and was explain from the start.

I can't explain it but I loved it.

First episode should be showed to teach how to make a single episode romance. In the age of mmo world, it's an original, organic, world that's explained but only when it's needed.

>Ange vierge
How to make fun and silly anime.
Special mention to
>Utapri and OG Idolmaster
For starting the idol anime fan in modern times.

>houkagto no pleiades
Because I liked it even more than Madoka.

Already a thing.




>What every fanservice romance should be compared to, and one of the most tightly written romance ever. A smart final that made sense and was explain from the start.
I hope you're talking about the manga and not the anime. The anime was meh, the manga was a masterpiece.

This was easily one of the best underrated shows this decade. It shouldn't have been good at all. It had nothing going for it that dozens of other moe anime had done before. It was supposed to be just another advertisement for some other piece of trash LN or Web Novel, yet somehow whoever directed it made the story great, realistic, and characters easy to relate to.

shut the fuck up and stop spamming every thread that mentions keit-ai no one cares about your shitty manga you dumb shit

a buddy of mine just turned me onto this show from a couple years ago and I'm highly enjoying it so far. Don't know how it flew under my radar.

It's a shitty meme.

1. K-On!!
2. Hyouka
3. Tamako Love Story
4. Koe no Katachi
5. Nichijou

I forgot Chihayafuru, the best sports anime of this decade so far.

Keit-ai meme aside, Kimi no Na wa is the only noteworthy anime of 2016 and a worthy candidate of 2010's best anime since it's the best one to come out since Spirited Away.


>$10 Patreon

>Non Non Biyori
>two time AOTY winner

Certainly it's the 2010s AOTD.

wtf is that bait

>57 posts
>no Tantei Opera Milky Holmes


Nice to see anons trolling thinly veiled recommendation threads with shit anime.

Definitely in the top 10 so far.

Maybe because it was shit?
>hurr im an autistic genius in a retarded household where no one can adult!

tatami galaxy, no competition


ETERNAL goat. K-on!!
1. Hyouka
2. Hibike
3. Hibike S2
4. Sakura Trick
5. Nichijou
7. Tamako
8. Kyoukai no kanata
9. Chuu2
10. Phantom world
11. Free
12. Free S2
13. Chuu2 S2


9001. Sup Forums core anime

Strike Witches s2

>almost all the anime I unreservedly love aired in the second half of the 00s
It truly was the golden age.

You posted it.

t. kyoanus licker

Objectively Madoka. A shame the fanbase is the most repugnant thing to brace Sup Forums since horsefuckers.

Ping Pong
Monogatari S2

great list

All memes aside probably some Ghibli-tier movie 10 people from Sup Forums watched.


2010s Ghibli will be remembered for their lack of substance.

Marnie and Kaguya are better than anything else Ghibli's done in years, though.

>According to MAL
MAL and 'edgy teenagers with shit taste' are interchangeable.

Re Zero, the Evangelion of the 2010s

attack on titan

Ping Pong or Rakugo

hibike by a mile

Marnie was super meh imo, can agree on Kaguya though

One guy was right.

Reminder: Wind Rises > Princess Mononoke

Might not be greatest if the 2010's, but it had the best threads.
Was amazing to see it become even more batshit crazy each week.

The 2016 Presidential Election

Ping Pong

Is it even possible to fanboy any harder, Kyoanus licker?

I knew the obnoxious Shirobakofag was one of the cancer spamming Keit Ai shit

>Flip Flop
fucking dank meme
>Nichi "forced animation" jou
>One Meme Man
>One Meme Man
>Meme Psycho
>Meme Pong
>Meme Pong
>Nichi "forced animation" jou
Fuck off spamfaggots
>Nichi "forced animation" jou
>Nichi "forced animation" jou
>Meme Pong
>Nichi "forced animation" jou
>Reddit Zero
>Meme Pong
>Meme Pong

>forced animation
when will this meme stop?