Look at the disdain for the media on Barron's face

Look at the disdain for the media on Barron's face.
I feel like the potential for Barron being the true God Emperor is all there.
>The purest Trump, untainted by Jew or Mischling heritage
>Looks like a more handsome more Aryan version of The Don himself
>As tall as an average man at 11 years old
>Spending his formative years on the periphery of Jewry all around him that is antagonistic toward his great father.
Imagine what this kid is gonna be like after 8 years of Trump and he's 18.
Contrasting his normally quiet demeanor and the disgust he has in his eyes for the media in this photo to him playing with his nephew here:
You see that he is a fundamentally kind boy being so enamored by his baby nephew but that look he gives to the MSM coming out of the same person gives me a lot of pause, especially considering he's only 11 years old. I feel like this kid is gonna get turbo redpilled by his own life, plus just imagine when he starts getting into social media and he hasn't already and starts seeing everyone relentlessly attacking his dad, and then...when he sees who isn't attacking him, who his most ardent supporters are...and if he ever starts to identify with them....wew lad.

Other urls found in this thread:


that tongue tho

Barron poasting is comfy af. Long live the king. Reminds me of myself as a kid socially fucked staring at the assholes around me with disdain

would you

Barron is an autistic soyboy. He's probably OP actually.

>>/m4tY1by fpbp

mind your manners sir this is the start of a dynasty that shall set the USA on a course for the implementation of German Idealism . She shall be royalty in the near future, choose your words wisely

>calling someone who has yet to even go through puberty a soyboy
manlet detected

Barron not only watches Anime, he posts on Sup Forums now too?

I love that little bastard so much. Barron will guide us to the promised land one day, you mark my words.

get fucked

He's probably already taller and has a higher testosterone count that you do, faggot. Go jerk off to your dolphin midget porn and get the fuck off of Sup Forums.

Reptiles sense the air with their tongue

best kid in the white house in my lifetime fuck the haters that kid the great

They are probably up their with the Kennedy's as being the best first family.

daddy's orange, sonny's gray

@FyOWoizt LOL good one

Going to be just as stupid as his father.

This is my favorite picture of the Trump's.

Barron showing his power level.

And hopefully just as unacomplished.

trump is like
>yup, hes got the tism

Add some Samurai training and we know the rest.


The kid reminds me of Damien in the movie "The Omen"

>6 foot übermensch, still a child
>son of a Trump
He's more of a man than you'll ever be


Barron 2048

To be honest that right there is a sign of something utterly unautistic, or as autists call it (((neurotypical))).

>can't even see who he's waving at
>can't even see if the crowd waved first

Do you think Barron smokes weed?

I for one welcome our new Trump overlords


you're trained like some sort of parrot or something topkek

Yay barron trump,


I've felt the same way. I wonder how it affects the boy to see them vilify his father the way they do. I think if the liberals still hold any real power when this is done, he'll hate them in the truest sense.

Barron will be the first American Emperor st the age of 19.


I love Charlotte "AC/DC for the LGBT" Pence.


Barron is the man.


He has a very narrow path to 270 delegates.

Kindly please don't lump us Trump-loving manlets in with those Barron-bullying fuckheads.

> be Kathy Griffin
> destroy what little remaining career you have on headless Trump picture to upset Barron Trump
> sister gets cancer
> find CNN gig cancelled
> find your dates cancelled
> Weinstein is out, so your previous ‘blumpkins for gigs’ deal is over
> have to sell $4.4mil house
> eighteen months later
> living in cheap LA motel
> new crackwhore gig not doing so good
> today was a good day; old gay fag recognized you, gave you $20 and half a bottle of Soylenr
>shoot up Mexican heroin you bought with money
> holyfuckingshitthisisthegoodstuff.jpg
>door unlocks, Barron Trump walks in, too high to say/do anything
> “It was me all along, Kathy. Ever since you declared your intentions against my father and I, I’ve been working on a long plan to destroy you, in mind, body, and soul. I gave your sister cancer with CIA drugs, just like they did with Chavez. Your house? Remember how Sup Forums drove the price up to $10 million, but then back to under $250K? That was me. But I didn’t have to destroy your career; you did that yourself. The last thing I’m going to do though, is switch your regular cheap heroin to fentanyl.”
>pic related is the last thing you see as deaths door opens for you


>our shoe

>Matt LeBretton, the company’s vice president for communications, told The Wall Street Journal last week that “we feel things are going to move in the right direction” under Donald J. Trump.



What if we archive it unvis.it/www.nytimes.com/2016/11/16/business/statement-on-trump-puts-new-balance-shoe-company-in-cross-hairs.html

Damn he's got a lot of body to grow in to. Why do I get a feeling he already doesn't like Jews? kek


I wouldn't thrust the responsibilities upon him. If he is the true emperor he will come to seek the American throne and then, and only then, should Americans advocate and support him. Least he becomes a puppet and not a man.

Not bad 7/10

I've just noticed something, have we ever heard Barron's Voice? is there a single recording of him where you can hear him?



tfw you just waned to play vidya games


To me Barron is the most human and soulful of all of them. I hope he survives intact.

Baron is sad because he doesn't have Tiff's panties to beat off in anymore while wearing a pair on his head. I would be too

Little known fact, Barron is fully fluent in Slovenian and Don Jr. is in Czech.
How do you think they would react if Mama Merkel and Macron get their EU army and try to force-pozz Central Europe with niggers?

List of Presidents

Donald Trump: 2017-2025

Eric Trump: 2025-2033

Donald Trump Jr: 2033-2037

Barron Trump: 2037-2045

Ivanka Trump: 2045-2053

Donald Trump III: 2053-2061

I apologize, user.


8.7/10 good stuff

Official Shoe of the God Emperor of Mankind

not bad

Please tell me more about how language skills = political allegiance lol

I'm not talking about skills I'm talking about identity.

I feel better having a classy young gentleman like baron in the white house instead of those two smelly nigger cooozes that michelle obama shit out into the toilet

>I feel like the potential for Barron being the true God Emperor is all there.

He is the Kwisatz Haderach.

he's 11 you retard

that is a good picture of young Barron!

>strong blond with huge tits
A world of wonders awaits him.

>good picture
I agree
>young Barron
crazy that it was from less than a year ago, he is growing very fast
Also, checkin them optimum digits of truth

Repulsive Jewess tries to smear the Übermensch Barron and gets BTFOed.

>Imagine what this kid is gonna be like after 8 years of Trump and he's 18.

He will probably learn to clap by then.

He reminds me of Freddie Bartholomew.

>Sup Forums is for masculine people


Dinosaurs violence scantily clad huge tit blonds. The Little Chad does my heart proud.

>he doesn't know about /fit/
You need to lurk at least 2 years before posting.

>tired look in eyes
>predatory stare
Little mastermind here will grow up to be fine. I think he's just tired of following his parents around. He's still a really young kid. Didn't even hit puberty yet to really start bouncing off the walls.

Hell he's half my age and would easily tower over me. If he can get /fit/ and /sig/ really hard, he's going to be alpha of alphas.

>wait two years

-ill be a maids lampshade in 2 years

And in his 18th year, the autist Barron Trump brought back the public hangings, and did hang Harvey Weinstein, Steven Spielberg, and Quentin Tarrantino for their acts of pedophilia. A huge celebration and kick off of his second run for the United States Senate.

This sounds like the Don

This isn't reddit, sweetie. And you heard it here first folks second Shoah incoming.

I've yet to hear his voice either. As a result, my perception of him is a quiet, slightly autistic kid with lots of potential with GEOTUS under his wing.

This is probably on purpose and I don't want that to change.

However, there is footage. I am unable to analyze his voice signature for any deep analysis, but he talks very similarly to his father. He definitely looks up to him.

what's /sig/?

Self-improvement general

>Look at the disdain for the media on Barron's face.

Yes, for the media. While looking at his father.

Those tits though.
Good heavens.

/sig/ is a thread named "self improvement general". Topics generally include homesteading, fitness, nutrition, diy resources, financial responsibility, and other topics that pertain to self-reliance and self-actualization.

It's one of my favorite threads and one of the few golden eggs that Sup Forums shits out. It can also be found on /fit/ on occasion.

One day I'll look back on /sig/ and realize that Sup Forums saved my goddamn life. I don't know what to think of that. I basically embraced weaponized autism in the process and it's only been better for me ever since.

9/ 10

Would read again.

Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul

>Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

I have a feeling that once the Trump presidency can operate on full tilt they are going to end up having me teach him how to master his 'tism. Not entirely certain why. Just a hunch.


I think Ivanka will be after Donald Trump. Would be a nice fuck you to Crooked Hillary, having the first female President be a Trump.

Not just you. All of us. Trump has already spoken to us and seems to like Sup Forums, warts and all. Although he can't acknowledge us publicly (and he shouldn't), he gives us signs. Just look for the tweets when he wants to talk. He's made it abundantly clear that he groups things in threes to indicate things.

Most notable is when he uses triple fours in his posts, usually on the date.
>4:44 Mth. xx
>4:04 Nov. 24

No no no, Ivanka is terrible. She's a fucking liberal married to a kike. She can never be president. Com Jr would be great, don't know about Eric but I don't think he's charismatic enough.