
My gunpenis is very hard right now.

New chapter when? /ak/ do your magic

Ch 16 is out now m8.

Shit, new chapter?

Please give an in-depth description of what feelings arise in you when looking at this.

Urge to polish barrel

Need to smell her gun-scented hands and hair.

I'd chamber a round, if you know what I mean.

Blinding rage. Jesus christ whoever drew this is a fucking retard. You don't even need to have held a rifle before to know that stance is unstable as fuck. Shit like this makes me want to kick toddlers.

That's wrong

The stance is wrong, I know. I just said so. If you're trying to imply the stance was in fact not retarded, then I suggest you get yourself checked.

1945 wasn't enough?

Nice arguments

What kind of fucked up muzzle brake does that nugget have

There's no nazis. I'm getting a balkan vibe with asians thrown in.

So their technology is basically cold war tier?

Dunno. Early coldwar era maybe. The tanks look pretty garbo, but I'm no panzer expert.

>not being excited for the incoming rape

>tfw can't even post some pages because they are fuckhueg
Thanks /ak/

always love it when qt girls's faces gets warped and destroyed by getting shot in the face

Wouldn't the fumes just burn her face and push her head out of the way of the bullet? Can you even sudoku with a fucking sniper rifle?