Who is the worst girl who has ever existed and why is it Swim Swim?
Who is the worst girl who has ever existed and why is it Swim Swim?
Can you please stop insulting my wife? Thank you.
Shhhhh. You're gonna trigger the anime original swimposters, and they're like broken records.
I want to MARRY Marika!
I want to make a long line of little potted plant Alraunes with her.
Clearly Keek is worse than Swim^2
Because this piece of shit exists user
Just like their waifu then
Hello Daisy!
She killed true best and TOP MOM
Keek mind
Autist is worse. It's not Keek's fault she has a psycho of a mentor
TFW a sexually frustrated OL, the purest love tomboy ever, a qt former delinquent milf, a lonely orphaned loli, and a loyal wanko are all brutally murdered by a brain-problems oppai loli with no personality
Top Speed is still alive through my tulpa.
I wonder if Cranberry got triggered the moment she saw Mao Pam.
off with her head
Post horny girls.
Swim-chan is our girl
Ripple please
this needs some commentary. I love her cute smile, thinking about how Ripple would do as her loyal subject
Damn forgot the pic
So she's the queen of the third faction right? I like that all three queens have reminiscent powers.
That was easy. Now if only there was a picture of them doing lewd stuff to each other with their tails.
>tfw Ren Ren will never love me
Finally a fem Pucelle
I really want a unicorn magical girl who's actually a narwhal
Spoil me about this Faction in LoM
Ruler's feeding the worms, user.
Rulah is dead. Long live SwimSwim.
See you next week
Don't know myself, just secondhand stuff, but my understanding is there's three sages who founded the land of magic, and there's three people who claim they're reincarnations or something. I believe Puk Puk and Grim Heart are two of them, and I assume Lethe's the third.
But I'm not sure; its gonna be the main focus of Aces and Queens I'm sure.
She fucking crossed the line when she killed the poor doggo.
an animal abuser is not a good wife. Imagine how she'll treat the kids.
Ruler is in Nemurin Heaven with Tama playing with La Pucelle's Pucelles, if you want to join them all you have to do is die
She's like 7 and possibly a highly autistic impressionable little girl.
Swim Swim literally did and is doing nothing wrong.
Ripple is literally doing everything wrong.
Shit Shit a shit.
From the author himself
>Once you become a Magical Girl, you’re on equal footing and all bets are off. If you’re a young child and not as experienced at fighting than other adults, then you could die.
Doesn't matter what you are as a human, when your an MG you don't get special passes just because you're autistic. Next week can't come soon enough
>oppai loli
not even once
Ripples kill count-1 homicidal maniac
ShitShit kill count-her mentor,a girl trying to protect her lover,a pregnant woman who so far only help people and get candies and a girl who saves her
Sasuga ShitShitfag
The top score doesn't lie.
Posterie is the best looking girl in the franchise
Lethe is actually apparently on Team Osk with CQ Angel Hammer and Grim Heart
Actually, I'm curious about something. What determines how physically strong a MS is? Like say, Cranberry can kakyoin the fuck out of everything in her way but Rulah and Pure Snow White are apparently physically weak.
According to the author all MGs are on an equal footing... but that doesn't mean they're all equally powerful, are they?
Not that pure power means much; luck, intelligence and planning help a lot more.
>An idiot
>Creepy little girl with god complex
Perhaps Pfle was right all along. Now let see what kind of personality did Lethe have
She's still like some 7 and doesn't have the same thought process as say some of the 18-20+ year olds she killed
Swim Swim killed people when they all were forced to a state of kill or be killed. Ripple starts the game all over again because she's a salty cunt.
So Lethe is part of Grim Heart faction and not the leader of 3rd faction?
>Be a 7 year old bullied, orphan school girl
>She dedicates herself to protect the one good person she knows
>Be a perfectly normal 7 year old school girl
>Kill everyone, even innocent people
Alice was a Martyr
Ripple will be the hero we need and deserve
Also in the fanbook. Not what you're really looking for but related
>How durable is a Magical Girl?
>Durability depends on the Magical Girl. Just like people, there’s no set “only this can hurt a Magical Girl”. Extremely weak Magical Girls may be hurt by a mine explosion, stronger ones will just shrug it off. It depends on their biology, equipment, and individual strengths. You could try dipping them in lava or acid then asking when it hurts though. I doubt it’ll work in Genopsycho with her suit. Still, a Magical Girl isn’t invincible, and there will be a point where they can be hurt. It’s just that point is ridiculously high, but variable.
Fav is being an idiot as well. He's going to regret helping Ripple, big time.
probably based on magical potential. And other stuff; Captain Grace has really high combat stats, because she was a musclehead normally.
I thought Alice was 13, just a year younger than Snow.
Pretty sure Alice is older. Like 11 12 13 something. And Swim Swim is Autistic. The clinical legit kind and not the Sup Forums kind.
Hard Gore is a middle schooler.
Also she's an idiot who dedicated herself to being a meat shield in a battle royale.
>Calamity Mary
>Swim Swim killed people when they all were forced to a state of kill or be killed
I don't remember Sister Nana,Winterprison,Ripple,Top Speed,La Pucelle and Snow White were so desperate to kill each other.
Doesn't matter. Talk shit get hit. Hell even Ripple got punished in later arcs.
Is it Pukin-like to make Rain Pou eat tenderized Postarie?She has a Gourmet stat of 4 stars after all
She had to kill them or risk being killed herself.
Everyone was in the Battle Royale, it's not Swim Swim's fault they decided not to play and just sit around til the timer ran out.
You can't save her, user.
>Also she's an idiot who dedicated herself to being a meat shield in a battle royale.
With her ability?She certainly know her stuff because it actually works
>One of this things is not like the other
>The clinical legit kind
Is this mentioned in the VN's or is she just dumb?
Swim Swim didn't do shit to Nana.
Winterprison was the weekly sacrifice to not die from lack of Candies
Yeah, but what determines their toughness/strength? Can they train it, or are the parameters of their MG bodies "fixed" and all they can do is train to make better use of what they have?
A bit like Overlord and how Ainz trains himself.
Well, apparently MGs need very high magic potential (Mana mentioned it somewhere in Limited) and maybe a naturally strong body contributes to it as well.
To be fair, she is perfectly suited to being a meat shield. None of CM's guns worked on her, and those are like vehicle mounted weaponry,
Alice is also really fucking strong too, she was smashing CM into walls and she kakyoined Magicaloid, who was a robot. Too bad she's not as ruthless as Cranberry.
didn't even think of this
thank you
>Alice is also really fucking strong too, she was smashing CM into walls
Yeah only in the anime
She would've if she stayed
>Winterprison was the weekly sacrifice to not die from lack of Candies
Nah. She was planning to kill everyone until the 8 person quota was reached, regardless of the weekly eviction.
>sou-chan died a virgin
Why must the world be so cruel?
IIRC athletic people get a boost in terms of physical forms compared to say NEET people. So mental/physical state plays a big part in MG stats, the magical skill is where you need a bit of luck though.
What if La Pucelle was perpetually wet due to Souta's libido
>She had to kill them or risk being killed herself.
There no one trying to fight her retard.Show me where all I mentioned above ambush SwimSwim and her gang,you can't.
>Everyone was in the Battle Royale
What was Fav instruction again?
>We are dropping half of you,so if you don't want to be killed,get Candies as much as you can
>get Candies as much as you can
He never told them to go straight out combat
Cuisine is everything to Pukin
Cranberry want to fight Alice,but even she knew it would be pointless because Alice can just stand there without fighting and regenerate infinitely
>Is this mentioned in the LN's
Autism have strong dislike/fear on loud noise and bright light. Not to mention she show some symptom like repetitiveness, lack of emotion and fear and some others.
>or is she just dumb?
She is just 7 years old. But she is actually a fast learner with 5/5 learning skill.
>He never told them to go straight out combat
Yeah sure m8. Fav did nothing wrong right? She is a good electronic fairy right?
Are you saying that Posterie gets grinded into meat? Don't hurt me like this user she's so cute.
I'd better lift in case I get picked for it, then.
That kind of makes sense. Also, did Cranberry actually solo the demon by herself as a noob MG?
They are all competing for the most candies for the right to LIVE. It became a game of survival and all bets were off at that very point.
Besides, the 12 week wait as everyone died one by one would've been much crueler anyway.
what was her name again?
Destruction Darcey
Catastrophe Catherine
Cunty Cunt
Tell me where he told them
Oh wait,you can't because he don't,thats why Top Speed/Ripple and SW still collect Candies after Nemurin's death.
I said it last time but I'll say it again
Horrendous Hag
Rape Penelope
Alice ability is regeneration.
She literally can't die unless she get vaporized up until the her cells level. Also she only killed magicaloid44 by accident since it was the first time she actually punch someone with her new found magical power. She never knew she was that strong.
>Swim Swim:
>Dislikes: Noisy Places, Glazed Carrots,Ruler's Enemies
>Ruler's Enemies
Ruler please leave
Yeah,Cranberry effectively soloed the demon after it killed everyone else.
Red Marisa a shit
>Besides, the 12 week wait as everyone died one by one would've been much crueler anyway.
Not really,it would only make Clamberry and Fav super pissed and thats a good thing.Then desperate Clamberry would revealed her ugly battle side and all of them can just gang her.
Best duo
>Dislikes:Doing things she doesn't wanna do
What did she mean by this