Prove Bill is the Father
(Protip you can't)
Prove Bill is the Father
It's been an open secret for decades now.
Ms. Clinton doesn't even deny it anymore.
I'm all in favor of leaving Children out of it... until she proves she a child eating satanist like her mom, I think it best to just lay off Chelsea.
If you run her pics through MakeApp she starts looking like Bill all of a sudden.
are you stupid
>I think it best to just lay off Chelsea.
Fuck off kike, we will speak about your satanic clan whether you like it or not.
Or is he the father of both of them?
Dude I found a pic on Google Image Search of Chelsea as a teen before braces where she was laughing hard with her mouth open and it was literally one of the ugliest human beings I had ever seen. I didn't save the picture and went to find it a week or two later and the thing was just fucking GONE. I'm pretty sure it was completely scrubbed from the internet. Really bummed me out because it would have been fucking perfect to meme.
Chelsea is such an ugly vile Jew-looking bitch.
Prove Web Hubbell is the father of either of them
This one's similar but not as bad. God she looks like a mutant.
How come she's no longer a Ginger? I've heard of people outgrowing blond hair, but never being a Ginger. Does she dye her hair?
Fuck off faggot.
T. -O.P.
I trust this either is a shoop or some convincingly lookalike roastie
Why are the children of so many presidents marrying Jews?
Jews whose families are known criminals at that?
lel, hadn't noticed it
>fuck off kike
>posts (((bernie))) propaganda
really made me think
not saying the clintons don't have to be drained with the swamp though
>Pamela Moore
such beautiful women
shop right?
I see Hillary on the left, so left is Chelsea?
Yeah, she really does look just like him. I'm young, born in 1992, so I didn't know who Web Hubbel was until I watched the Rules of Engagement Waco documentary. I saw him testifying at the hearings and I thought, I've never seen anyone who looks as weird as that guy. Then I did some reading and concluded that he was basically a 'Clinton fall guy'.
Bring me the DNA of Chelsea Clinton
Yep. Sorry for low quality. Best I could do.
Still waiting on Willy's
She has the same fat ankles as her mom.
Also chekt and rekt.
I don't know, but those are 2 Jewesses, if I ever saw one.
>Still waiting on Willy's
you can ask Monica to provide it
what kind of genetics does that schnozz come from?
Now there is a man of impeccable intelligence.
What’s the story behind this
Is there vids of her seizures?
I thought Alex Jones was larping
It's probably unusable at this point though
Kind of like young Ivanka. You can really spot the Jewess in them at a certain age.
If we can theoretically rebuild a wooly mammoth from DNA 100's of thousands of years old, I am quite sure we can determine Billy's ball strain from the said dress
Ivanka doesn't have jew blood dipshit
I would release my fluids upon those pepperoni nipples tho
I really really doubt it. DNA has a half-life of over 500 years and we've successfully extracted DNA from animals that have died over 50 thousand years ago. There's definitely enough DNA there to extract and see if that kid is his son or not. She either has not heart, has been bribed by the Clintons, or is a greedy bitch who wants to sell the dress in the future and doesn't want to risk it being damaged. Kind of heartless to refuse to help a kid who just wants his dad to recognize him. But she is a Jew...
We are told we do have enough of the genetic strain as of yet. *wink wink
This will be discounted as a 100% larp but there is DNA proof that OP is right.
Sure she doesn't you filthy Goy retard.
Those lips and nose say otherwise.
I mean, I don't think the dress has been stored below freezing temperature
If I was Monica, I would suck Black Willy until his asshole flexed with white privilege again, just to let Bill know she can get the job done, unlike his prickly partner.
All they say is slav heritage
kikes have them too because they're converted khazars, not the original hebrews
She's a grown ass woman
Prove Ted is the Father
(Protip you can't)
But. but, she was muh President.
That doesn't matter. Freezing will increase the time it is stable, but even in a hundred years from now, you will be able to extract his DNA from that dress just using the methods we have today.
You sure Goyim?
I don't see what's Jewish about it, but she does have a weird nose. Weirdly small.
Women are a lot harder to pick out, I can't lie.