any ideas on how to stop this fool
Any ideas on how to stop this fool
Why stop him. Let the packets be free!
I'm not even sure why Trump is letting him do this.
Fool, that is Ajit Pai you are talking about. Be respectful.
Drumpf is doing this for money
You know how to stop anyone. Stop asking us.
removing net neutrality is a mixed action; there's potential positives and negatives from it's occurrence. if you think it will either be great or terrible in impact, you've been convinced by shills on one side or the other without a proper understanding of what will happen.
>but my shills are not evil
wow 8th thread on this shit, sorry but the ministry of truth, and all the other bull shit that was snuck in with the defense reauthorization act of 2015 will die.
>YouTube and Netflix shouldn't have to pay more for using more bandwidth
Fuck communism.
Don't let him poo in the loo
why would i respect him he wants to stop net neutrality
Are all packets of the same value? I say no!
Good thing right now lefties think Trump is going to come down on them in some fascist purge of leftwing opinions. Maybe they will show up in mass during the vote in December to protest.
I`m with you man, down with the regulated markets and social safety. Faster and harder the next crash is, closer the revolution will come.
Oh no! No more corporate welfare. That sucks!
Because he has no idea what net neutrality is.
im not even from reddit
Das rite, regulating markets is literally corporate welfare. This is why we need to abolish FDA. People should be free to choose if they want higher risk of mercury in their water or not market should dictate that not the government!
That shit better be fake.
I'm triggered.
Cause Trump is a big business cunt, that's why.
>hey you better keep the ISP level of the internet neutral because censorship is inherently bad
>but not any other part of the internet though, wouldnt want those racists on
Reminder we're being slid right now.
Reminder Comcast will block bittorrent again. Reminder Soros only threw his money behind NN to drum up support on the right wing to end it. Reminder Comcast and the like having more control is the last thing you want. Reminder 51% of Americans live in a monopoly and can't switch ISPs, damning them. Reminder letting ISPs freely block data they don't like means people living in those monopolies will get force-fed left wing, pro-Comcast bullshit since they will be banned from accessing other sites. Reminder if you're against NN and you're not a telecoms shill you're being played like a fiddle.
Yes you are. The fact that you put OP as your name when you have an id to backup identity means you no know how pol works mechanically. Dead giveaway.
i can't wait for the day when a poo becomes burgers president. kek.
i'm from the other Sup Forums boards
can someone bogpill me on why nn is a bad thing? so far all i've gotten in response is faggots who toe the party line and have no real reason other than "durrrr government regulation durrr obama supported it so it's bad". I'm talking about real-world applications here
So you want the FCC to regulate the content of the internet? That's a pretty big step up from the current regulations.
Woohoo! Seven more years!
if netflix offers 8k streaming and everyone uses it
infrastructure will need to be upgraded
who will pay this time, netflix or the taxpayer?
NN is a bad thing because it gives ISPs the ability to freely block things they don't like, such as BitTorrent. Now, you might be saying, lol who cares about BitTorrent, in which case I suggest you remove the botnet from your machine and install a FOSOS, which uses BitTorrent to update.
It's obvious he's a corrupt grabbler. Just need to gather evidence of his misdeeds. Don't go around whining like some leftist faggot, not doing anything. Do some fuckin research and bring this scandalous buck-tooth cunt off his high horse.
I have other last resort ideas, though.