Ok Sup Forums I have an illegal immigrant that I would like to assault and then deport. Can I do this? Are there laws against the assault part? Cuz I’d be happy with just the deporting.
Ok Sup Forums I have an illegal immigrant that I would like to assault and then deport. Can I do this...
No you can't assault them (legally)
Just call ICE
What a retarded thread this is
How would Hitler treat you?
The Goyim Know about The Hollow Hoax
They don't have rights so you should be fine
Can you show me what says that? I want to know for sure
spit in his face and wait for him to strike you
>tfw that’s my fetish
Just deport the cunt dont be a retard.
Where’s the fun in that?
Have similar issue. Bump.
Just murder them and toss the body over the border
Why assault them when you could just murder them? It's not that hard to get away with murder if you aren't retarded. Grow a pair and go all the way or you may as well just kill yourself instead, coward. pic unrelated
I live in Iowa nigga
You're going to want to bait him into throwing a punch at you where there are witnesses, and then deck him and press charges. Luckily non-whites tend to be thick and have poor self control, a MAGA hat and a comment about walls should do the trick.
if an illegal is the victim of a heinous crime they can be given citizenship, look it up
Make them mow your lawn for free
Assault them then.
Just kill the spic. No one gives a fuck about native americans anyways.
Okay Sup Forums I am also a illegal immigrant, wat do?
Bearing the piss out of him is still on the table
Oh hai thar FBI.
Laws apply to anyone on American soil legal or not, dipshit. Just like if he assaulted you he would go to jail despite being not being a legal citizen. Retards like you need to be deported as well.
There's regulations against outright assaulting an illegal based on UN treaties. If you record him being a threat and them whacking him, then that's fine. Deporting is just easier.
This is based on case law. Can be overturned easily.
>Some of you guys are alright, don't cross the border tomorrow