Would Sup Forums let their daughter go to college?
Would Sup Forums let their daughter go to college?
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Only if she has an IQ above 120 and gets into STEM. Anything else she should probably be a housewife.
If she has an IQ of 120 she should be at home having more kids
If there's a decent school near me and she lives at home while she attends it, and she does not pursue a worthless degree.
Why waste the money?
What is a worthwhile degree for a woman?
fuck no, she'll come back a liberal retard
I do not want my daughter going to college. Not until she has found a husband and had a few babies, then she can revisit education at a later date if she wants.
You know there's definitely hotter girls out there than these women and all but these women are still far more attractive than your average college thot who might be "sexier" looks wise imo. They just seem like nice normal girls who don't feel ashamed about being women and trying so hard to live the individualistic solipsistic feminist lifestyle that the media pushes onto people. Now that's a unique rare thing.
You know "girl power" "you can do anything girl" "yass bitch slay" kinda shit. It encourages girls to try to be more like men, go for careers and look out for themselves and try to acquire power, and of course many girls you'll met at uni and in lib areas will have this mentality. They're taught that traditional gender roles are archaic, oppressive, patriarchal, and holding them back from their full potential as strong sassy women. There's an inverse effect to on males, with men being raised in this culture becoming more pussified (numales) and acting feminine and kowtowing to the strong women, because masculinity is discouraged and women get praised as goddesses for little things. These men become pushovers. Women act like they want this "nice sensitive woke guy" but obviously they don't, so these men cuck themselves in a futile effort to get scraps and get left with nothing. I think we're seeing a sort of reversal of gender roles happening, and you can thank feminism, postmodernism, media, ((())), etc for all that. That's why "stay at home daughters" is something that isn't considered normal but apparently worthy of a political movement.
Of course there are some girls who are genuinely intelligent and can contribute to math science whatever, but we know that the majority of these girls aren't that and just want to party and fuck around in their sorority for 4 years. They just major in dance therapy or creative writing or some crap. Society would be better off if women didn't fall for the feminist meme, hell they'd probably be happier too.
Basically just in case she's ever in a situation where she has to support herself, so she has something to fall back on.
Why would she need to support herself?
Fuck no. Ain't no daughter of mine going to be any near a school.
I've already got my daughters marriages arranged and they'll be married as soon as they turn 16 and only that late because the law won't allow it earlier.
HOLY SHIT this guy knows whats up
She should be homeschooling her children.
Not wasting her years in LibShit schools.
if I'm gone and something happens to her husband and she's left with a bunch of kids to support. I'm thinking about all those dreadful scenarios from like the Depression era and before I guess.
With their looks they probably should stay home
The money you pissed away on college could afford a pretty nice life insurance policy
If a woman's husband dies ownership of her goes to his brother if she has no sons yet old enough to provide for her.
>Would Sup Forums let their daughter go to college?
not if it's known to be a leftist planning headquarter, which is most of them
She could make decent money from home watching kids and giving music lessons
Slutschool? Yeah, no.
Learning NO household/community skills or appreciation thereof.. learning to be dependent on city economy by having everything taken care of by "lower" people
Programming her to measure herself according to the standards for men..
kek exactly
the way the educated society operates atm is almost like a creature seeing itself in the mirror and attacking it
Yea I actually kind of like the one of the left. i never been with a kinda "kooky" church girl. Anyone know what theyre like in bed?
Yes, because it's necessary to survive in today's world but I'll make sure to teach them not to be whores.
God I hope they don't have daughters...
just marry them off young
barring that, honour kill your daughter if she becomes a whore
I need a 10 yr old wife. I could enjoy her prepubescent body, have 5 beautiful healthy kids, have her sexy and hot when I'm 50 and die happy.
I don't get why we don't trade 5 yr old girls for dowrys anymore.
>barring that, honour kill your daughter if she becomes a whore
The older I get the more the Muslims become right about things... What the fuck is going on.
me neither
Muslim women wear bed sheets on their heads.
Bed sheets. All day long in 100+ degree temperatures.
Next argument.
>need a 10 yr old wife. I could enjoy her prepubescent body
oh wait we do
stay mad hahaha
Christian women should be veiled
>For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.
Daniel Boone's wife was 9 when he married her. And she was his second wife. Asshole.
Your a sick fuck u want ur ip trace fuckwad cunt?
>because it's necessary to survive in today's world
How so? If anything a willingness to be a stay at home mom is a much more valued commodity than a college degree in modern society. Assuming a bachelor's degree is necessary to function in life is antiquated boomer logic and it's responsible for the job market being flooded with unqualified people with shitty degrees. Would you want your daughter to become another thot with an anthropology degree? Or worse, a masculinized STEM chick?
>I need a 10 yr old wife.
A 10 year old can't be your wife, Achmed. Girls don't reach reproductive age until 13 or much later.
It's not an argument, just an observation.
You're a sick fuck... Don't you know the trolls are going to rape your open neck hole? fucking r-tarded fucking cunt
I think they should balance the gender quotas for sewage workers, offshore rig operators, truck drivers and such
these professions are in DIRE need of some equality
Religion is retarded as fuck. I have a deal with the universe, if god exists, and I die and run into him, I'm going to snap his fucking neck.
wow so edgy
fuck off back to /r/atheism
I like to think myself and my woman are pretty red pilled and traditional but the truth is we couldn't afford even a middle class lifestyle on my salary alone.
Of course like every good Sup Forumsack I'd prefer to live in the woods in a quasi-fascist Hobbit folk village but we can't all LARP 24/7 I have to earn money to buy food, fuel, shelter, technology, etc. especially if we're going to have kids.
It's not unreasonable to expect that even if I can raise a daughter who is not a degenerate slut and wants to have a traditional submissive role as a wife and mother, she may still need to work at least some of her life to support her family.
You are a subhuman beast.
>I have to earn money to buy food, fuel, shelter, technology, etc
but how much does all of that really cost?
Because we started pretending that cunts are people and should be allowed to make their own decisions.
>oh no, he said something I don't like
This isn't plebbit, you can't get people banned for not agreeing with you.
>A 10 year old can't be your wife
Because roasties will get mad? So?
About what we make, coincidentally...
Actually Canada is a very expensive place to live: housing and transportation costs as well as anything to do with telecoms like Internet access or phone are much more expensive here than in US.
>Because roasties will get mad? So?
Because a 10 year old is incapable of fulfilling the duties of a wife.
If they're redpilled enough to want to skip college for ideological reasons, then college wouldn't be able to turn them into a lefty anyway. The only people who get brainwashed that easily are people who didn't have any strong political convictions going into college.
Atheists run earth. Back to the basement with you. We got your god in a fucking choke hold.
>About what we make, coincidentally...
There are always places you can cut back
>If anything a willingness to be a stay at home mom is a much more valued commodity than a college degree in modern society.
>a 10 year old is incapable of fulfilling the duties of a wife.
She can cook and mend clothes and take dick, what is she incapable of? It's good for a girl to be married early so she will be closer to her husband.
>Girls don't reach reproductive age until 13 or much later
what the fuck is wrong with leaf pre teens? Girls can menstruate as early as 9 and the average is 11, are you talking bullshit or there's something in your water supply?
Sure, but not enough to raise kids on my salary alone.
So that's why if I have a daughter she will need to have the option to fall back on her education. It's not realistic to expect her husband would necessarily be rich enough to support a large (traditional) family on one income.
I really don't get conservatives. They're all about virginity, intact hymens, They're like Mormons, into kids but won't cop to it. But yeah, the whole Catholic Church is full of kiddy diddling priests.
Yeah, conservative pedophiles. Can't come out and admit who they are.
>in STEM
God not. Women belong in Liberal Arts degrees like God intended. Women in STEM are poison and contribute nothing to any field.
who is this gook?
A 10 year old can't take a dick or have a safe pregnancy and is a bit small and weak to be cooking and cleaning full time.
A 10 year old is basically a child. Wait until she's at least the age of consent before getting ideas.
even if you were able to reduce costs you would be outcasts because the majority has their priorities like this
Tell that to the 8 yr old girls married to America's pioneers. Life started a hell of a lot earlier back then.
I understand where you're coming from. But I think there's a difference between a career and a job. Expecting your daughter to have to work a job to provide some supplemental income is not unreasonable, and it's also not something you would need a college degree for. My mother worked for most of my life and she never graduated college, her friend was a manager at a nearby hotel and got my mother a job as a receptionist. Along with my father's income, we lived a comfortable middle class lifestyle. If you don't think a setup like that would be enough, with the man having a career and the woman having a job, then I don't know maybe you need to move or something because needing two people to work full on careers in order to provide the bare minimum for a middle class lifestyle sounds a bit ridiculous. I mean like that's the type of shit people from places like LA or NYC complain about.
No, I don't want any of my children going to Communist indoctrination camp.
>A 10 year old can't take a dick
A girl has a mouth doesn't she? She has hands and thighs? She can be of use to a man.
Also, at 10yo a girl is perfectly sized to take her father's dick in her vagina, FACT. Therefore she is ready for dicking.
>is a bit small and weak to be cooking and cleaning full time.
What? Please, a girl that age is plenty ready to run a home.
joke's on you i have a beefy life support policy for cheap :)
Don't hang out with degenerates
Even this typically unattractive girl on the left looks far more healthy and appealing than an "attractive" roastie.
leaf would probably need to move
she probably is more healthy. and she will be much better companion
so there's that
I want to marry this girl and breed with her so badly. She has the look of a loyal housewife. I really wish I could find more girls like this, but colleges brainwash women into being no good whores. What do?
go to church
you just know she would do anything to please your cock
of course, a healthy diet, exercise, and mental health does far more for a woman than fucking makeup ever could. Who the hell even finds "bimbos" attractive - the typical boneheaded jock?
What about female doctors?
that girl looks like somebody Roy Moore dated
>What do?
You dont even need to some IFB church in the deep south to find girls like this
These are typical california mega church girls
they are everywhere
Plus since most men dont want to settle down there is actually a surplus of them
the problem with this is the classic "bait and switch" though. I wouldn't want her to be sexually conservative in a monogamous relationship with me. Plus marriage as an institution is so untrustworthy at the moment.
If the rape allegation is proven false (as it likely will), Roy Moore did nothing wrong as the other women were above the age of consent. Honestly, that's the ideal situation for both the man and the woman, a young woman has far more energy to raise children than your typical "professional" woman. Plus women mature faster than men.
>I wouldn't want her to be sexually conservative in a monogamous relationship with me.
>Plus marriage as an institution is so untrustworthy at the moment.
You should have the mindset that divorce is acceptable in the first place
>I'm sorry I've upset you lately user, truth be told I'm just not a very sexual person
>"Wives, Submit Yourselves unto your own Husbands as unto The Lord"