I have a question for all the Trump supporters here. If Trump is honest & truthful, then how do you explain this(pic related)? It's obvious he's always been a pathological liar from the get go. But if you want to pretend that Trump isn't a liar, then be my guest.
Trump is a pathological liar!!!
Damage control, as if we didnt see that coming.
Except some other guy on the list also got a similar call and also declined and tweeted to POTUS about it.
OP reminds me of this.
Trump will never be president.
hmmm who to believe.. yeah, I'm going with Trump.
The more likely scenario is that Time called Trumps people to arrange the photoshoot/interview in advance just in case he was voted POTY
Jeb will surge any day now!
link to tweet please?
>Implying we don't like that that he uses hyperbolas all the time and lies sometimes.
Here is what you don't get user!
Someone used TIME's phone number and fooled Trumps aides.
Altho i believe TIME-people lies, since fakemedia and all that.
Maybe this was even a setup, so they can make president look bad and are now laughing because it was so hilarious prank.
He has this way of telling half-truths just to shit test different groups of people at the same time.
Pretty much.
Nice try, but lies don't fly very high here.
>Trump will never be president
I never lie to myself like that. Unlike Trumpcucks. Try again.
Hillary is irrelevant. It's funny how you Trumpcucks always bring her up. She's just as much of a liar as Trump is. Neither of them are worth trusting nor defending.
Keep lying to yourself. It's not gonna make it true.
Some people aren't as sheep minded when it comes to Trump. But many Trumpcucks are brainwashed and will blindly defend him.
Pretty good conspiracy theory. I still don't buy it.
Fair enough.
>TIME does not comment until publication
You mean TIME doesn't tell the public until publication. You know damn well they called him up.
Except they hadn't and you have no proof that they had.
ARGH trying to find it. I saw it over on The_Donald earlier. I know, I know...
>Hillary is irrelevant. It's funny how you Trumpcucks always bring her up.
The very obvious point was to show Time's pro-hillary bias.
if only leftists applied this level of scrutiny to sexual assault claims
Read this,
as you enjoy a Merry Christmas song from your pesident.
the irony coming from an anti trumper
well that's not working out bub
Time being bias or not, doesn't change the fact that Trump lied.
Luckily I'm not a leftist. I'm a centrist. I'm skeptical about the sexual assault claims, not just Trump but the others being accused as well in Hollywood.
>Seething Trumpcuck confirmed.
Doesn't prove anything.
Except I provided proof. You lose Trumpcuck.
Wow, i expected an australian flag to be behind these posts
LOL Nope. I'm as American as it gets. In fact I have an American flag hanging in my room, as well as a couple of flag pins. I love my country, just not the liars who run this country.
Didn't they reset the polls several times? Someone saved the screen shots?
"Trump makes stuff up"
-the media
I love that even shills admit Hillary is irrelevant now.
The media never lies!
Having a bunch a flags around doesnt excuse your anti-American rhetoric.
Guy lies, but this is not one of those instances.
Republigoyim start to fall asleep when you dont scratch and sniff your balls or crash in Cheeto's powder. If you aren't a down and out scum, you're not one of them. Simple sound bites. Fellate isisrael. Cry yourself to sleep. Anytime any issue gets slightly more complicated, they think we are descending into communism and they change the channel to watch more Macgyver
Editors prepare different versions of the magazine before print. The finalists probably between Trump and someone else. Time said hey you might win this time let us start the article. Trump said shove it, not interested in competing with anyone for a worthless title that wouldn't help him in the least.
Have you perhaps considered the possibility that you are wrong? That you are acting on incorrect information?
You're picking 1 out of 2 unsubstantiated claims and saying "das it! Das da proof mane!"
I have little doubt POTUS Trump was called in advance to arrange a meeting or potential photoshoot. Look past your bias and understand that prior to POTUS he was still a successful and busy businessman, with significant connections to every single newspaper and publication as a result of his wealth, business, and associates.
For a man that literally had everything he could ever want or need, you mesn to say that a magazine will call him the day of the Time's voting to let him know he won and they need him asap for a photoshoot? And he'd do it? He's literally too busy and too "important" for that. He makes the rules, others follow.
1) He's a narcissist and everyone knows it so "whats another award anyway" and they give ol Don a call /just in case/ so they can get his face on the Mag.
2) Or he is lying based on a tweet.
I'ma go with incomplete information based on all related past evidence.
>what evidence
You should probably see what one of the icons of American Capitalism haz been doing for over 40 years. Get his biography.
Go ahead and be in denial about Trump lying, but he was caught red handed. He's lied other times too, breaking his campaign promises. Remember when he claimed he was going to prosecute Hillary? He later says "she's been through enough". What a pity, I was looking forward to seeing Hillary arrested. But he's nothing more than a corporate puppet.
>Implying that I'm a shill
Except that's a lie because I never voted for her, as I hated her as much as I did Trump. Try again Trumpcuck.
Lie to yourself all you want. The only one bitter here is you Trumpcucks because you can't defend this.
Probably? LOL If you say so.
>The media lies
And Trump doesn't? I find that hard to beLIEve. Everyone lies. Trump, the media, many celebrities, they all lie.
>Everyone who criticizes Trump is anti-American
Except you're wrong Trumpcuck. I support my country, just not a tyrant. Besides you Trumpcucks criticized Obama the same way. Does that make you anti-American? If you say no, then you are a hypocrite & a liar.
Keep being in denial. It doesn't change a damn thing.
I have no clue what you mean by that.
>Being this delusional
What a strange fictional world you live in.
>Have you perhaps considered the possibility that you are wrong?
You should ask yourself that same question. Trump always lie to stir the pot, cause some controversy in order to draw attention to himself. He feeds on it. That's what pathological liars do. So you can either lie to yourself and keep defending this idiot or you can admit that he lied, just like he lied about that he was going to prosecute Hillary, only to turn around and say "she's been through enough". Or how about all the people in Hollywood with skeletons in their closet that he was going to expose? Never happened either.
Awesome shitpost. Don’t know how people still fall for these. /ptg/ was a mistake.
Stop mass replying like a faggot. Holy shit.
>Seething this much over my post
Stay angry, Trumpcuck.
Bourgeois loser faggot. Obv. Time called him and they are little cutlets, so get lost with your pathetic post.
Parsley ... Rosemary and thyme
Trying to deflect all the criticism, huh? you are a leftist faggot. Begone
Is... is it possible that TIME lied? I mean, have you never sat down and read their magazine?
>pretending Hitler isn't the most well known human being of all Time