>the date is XX/XX/XXXX
>Martian Colony finally declares it's self-sufficient
>No longer needs supplies from Earth to survive or expand
How long after until it declare independence and forms the first Martian nation?
The date is XX/XX/XXXX
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>tfw space colonization will never be a thing
You don't want to. The first colonists will be faggot numale redditors sent by faggot numale redditors Elon musk. You're going to want to be the one who stayed on earth
It will, but we won't be a part of it. We'll be too busy trying to save our home planet like the sentimental romantics we are.
how is that a bad thing? it's not like the space niggers could come back or trade anything of value
you know napalm napalm it sticks like glue!
in all seriousness a lightly armored vessel could quickly make it uninhabitable
no it won't. dead core.
>implying they wouldn't want to form a new nation free of the evils of the white man and have it be super multi-culti
It's like you're not even trying
Hard to tell, Martian colonies are notoriously difficult to set up and make self sufficient. The biggest factor would be economic. The baseline Cost of living would be astronomical as everything (Including the air you breathe) has to be artificially produced. So an entirely new economic paradigm will have to be created or the technology behind life support would have to advance to the level where the price point becomes trivial.
>It will
no it won't. science fiction =/= real life
>implying there aren't other ways
And space colonization doesn't just apply to Mars
Just wait user
Are you implying space colonization will NEVER happen? How basic are you, nigger? White man can achieve anything if we wanted to.
yes. it will NEVER happen. our robot descendants might see the stars, but no biological being will, ever.
such is life, deal with it.
>they actually believe that earth still sends people into space
how dumb are you
there's literally nothing out there
no point in wasting money
ISS doesn't exist
Oh look, a bunch of faggots making shit up.
You should all work for NASA.
Elon Musk is the founding father.
>ISS doesn't exist
nigga, there's something up there. I seen't it
don't be a tech nigger. The price will fall drastically when bacteria are used to convert soil nitrates to nitrogen and oxygen.
it's a dead planet with no magnetosphere to shield it from solar winds.
best case scenario, you get supercancer and get your name scribed in a footnote on wikipedia.
yay let's throw trillions into it
Something barely larger than a plane and more than 30x higher.
You saw a light at best, and are probably just lying on the internet about ever having looked up in your life.
It's a long story
That would be considered the same as a disruptive technology
Try using a telescope. There's an object shaped exactly like what they say it looks like. I'm not saying people are on there, but it's fucking up there.
As for the "plane sized and higher"
When the sun in beaming on the thing at night it lights up like a Christmas tree. There's apps that will help you see the thing. It's super easy actually.
>Are you implying space colonization will NEVER happen?
That's exactly what i'm implying. You obviously don't know anything about space.
>don't know anything about space
Probably more than you
Not very likely. You were the one who thought space colonization is possible.
Fuck off you Deluded cunt, you don't know shit and reek of borrowed authority.
then you'd realize star wars isn't real
Before the first message is even received.
Alcohol does half of my talking and borrowed authority still has a good standing if the subject matter is true.
>making up more shit
Your field of view is so small, even if you managed to point it right, you would just see a flash as it passed.
Stop parroting the retarded shit people tell you and use your brain.
Saying it's impossible is defeatist and nihilistic. What the fuck is anyone doing then since mankind is just going to get swallowed by the Sun some day then? We'll fucking make it possible.
You're fucking niggers who can't build shit your own shit so you have to tear down those who can.
>what are recordings and motorized telescopes
Nigga, have you even looked into this stuff at all?
borrowed authority is the confident fools trick.
>Saying it's impossible is defeatist and nihilistic. What the fuck is anyone doing then since mankind is just going to get swallowed by the Sun some day then? We'll fucking make it possible.
Holy fucking kek. You're definitely underage
You sound like the same dumbasses that thought you couldn't break the sound barrier. You know that, right?
>inb4 flat earth
How can we colonize something that does not exist?
Who's talking about the stars, Illyrian scum? Colonizing the solar system is not an impossible feat and we don't need to upload our consciousness into robots to do it either. Please think before you type, subhuman garbage. Such is life.
jesus fuck
A Martian colony would almost certainly end up as a communist backwater if it decided to cut itself off.
if you want to colonize something that is not suitable for human life you can go ahead and start with Antarctica
yeah, great, throw money at dead rocks, icy moons and sulphuric hellscapes while niggers burn our only planet to the ground because hey, muh will wheaton is a star trek soy boy and an idol to a generation
kys, faggot
hearty kek tho
checked and we already have technically.
Amuro did nothing wrong.
>t. Ayylmao
read a book
No joke, that's actually one of the reasons why no one really wants to deal with setting up colonies. Because they know that they (the investing nation) would spend fucktons of money setting up the project, just for the colonists to declare independence as soon as they're able to.
Holy shit, did he actually say that? Pls tell me he did, it would be perfect.
>Neighborhood is going bad
Sounds like a good reason to leave the planet
Alot of people would rather live on a low gravity hellhole with an atmosphere so toxic that one breath is fatal. than submit to the all of the terrestrial fuckery right here on Earth.
Never seems so brainlet
>investing nation
Depends on the nation desu. But if it's a private company, I see it happening super fast.
For example, if white America didn't let themselves get kiked and stayed white and kept up with funding NASA and started a Mars colony which was pretty much next on the list after the Moon, I imagine the proud Americans would stay loyal because 'Murica.
we're going to regress into sub saharan africans within 2 centuries so there'll be no neighbours to flee from anyways
Wait until they start bitching about taxes.
But y?
pretty dark dude
>Man-kinds story ends just like it began
>A small tribe huddled by a fire, moving in a soft rhythm to the beat of a leather drum...
I was thinking more like Haiti or Somalia, but in the end, yes, after the four horsemen sweep the ashes, all that will remain are a couple of apes staring into the night sky, wondering what the twinkling dots are.
Yeah we'll throw our money at money rocks filled with valuable material that would crash our economy when we'd mine out a single asteroid. Kill yourself right now.
> I imagine the proud Americans would stay loyal because 'Murica.
That's not how it works, and America itself is the perfect rebuttal. It was founded by colonists who no longer wanted to bother staying connected to England. And in the 1800s, we had people come here from Ireland, Germany, Italy, Poland, etc who ditched their own countries' loyalty.
It's like aspeciation in evolution. When separated well enough for a long enough time, they diverge into two different entities.
On a totally different note, I'm also apprehensive about the idea of colonizing outer space under the current paradigm. Because whether state-funded or privately-funded, you KNOW they'd force some bullshit diversity garbage and make sure the colony is filled with fucktons of people form all different races, ensuring that everyone would need to BLANDA UPP to keep the colony going and turn into disgust mixed-race mudpeople. No way they'd let us just have a colony of explicitly white people
does that include shipping?
Also, let's not throw our money at rotating habitats that could house billions on their own, with enough material in the asteroid belt to build hundreds of designed, normal gravity utopias. I'm sure everyone is gonna live on Pluto or something, ex dee. How dumb can one person be?
Are you actually implying that people won't want to spend the money to ship materials to markets on Earth? You just need one asteroid, Balkan scum. You like lamenting over niggers taking over our precious Earth when you can count yourself firmly in that category?
>searching for something (much) better
It really, REALY isn’t pointless. Reduce you’re faggotry.
Pick one.
Fear not, Daddy Musk king of kings shall save us yet!
HAHAHAHAHAH the fucking keg is reflecting On the lower right. Fucking NASA decievers in full IDGAF mode.
>those clouds too.
the minute they get a space AA gun working, hopefully. keep those dirty earth spics out
>pretending we know what is in asteroids. Prove it t me with science. In case you forgot:
That's fucking three strikes on "guessing what is in a particular space rock." god fucking damnit I hate "$cience" quackery
>not calling them vaccbacks
Found the newfag.
Why is OP telling us about Infinite Warfare's story line?
the real question is how do we tell the earth fags they arent space-white?
normie as fuck but still, underrated
7777 KEKEKEKEKEKE, kek wills it faggots.
it's been confirmed already that there's nothing for you to find calm down
immortality + relativistic time dilation = (relatively) short journeys
>implying tesla wasn't right and all of modern science isn't wrong
Morty Shekelberg from the Interplanetary Bank will already control the economy and the puppet leaders
checked. same with underwater colonies. that would be easier than mars, yet no one has done it yet.
>muh special relativity
You are the very, very best goy
See You absolute retard.
space attracts more people to TV so they stick with fake cosmonauts hanging on ropes
>how to get mars sterilized, once again
someone post the leaked UN documents on how they would deal with any future hypothetical breakaway space colony.
you're an embarrassment to my croation grandfathers.
A lot of oil companies have done deep pressure research stations, as well as a variety of colonial research stations
>Mars can be terraformed
With no atmosphere to speak off, 1/3 of the gravity and its current climate? Fuck off retard, its a pipedream.
Without terraforming it won't work long term, ie. Something sustainable. No core, no magnetic field, radiation exposure and solar winds stripping atmo and blasting more radiation, won't be able to terraform. Best bet would be a Jupiter moon. Jupiters field would protect it, and tidal forces can keep it warm and provide some kind of energy to work with. Might be too far from the sun though.
It will never work. The gravity is not tailored to human beings, god knows what would happen if we tried to conceive children on mars. I'm convinced it's too much of a shift for us to adapt to as well.
They won't be able to procreate, they will stagnate, develop illness's and issues from lessening gravity, and may not be able to survive solar radiation.
Generational spacecraft could totally be thing. Honestly, a pretty easy thing at that.
First off, you are retarded and they dont exist even theoretically (makingnshit up isn't a theory)
Second, it's a fucking horror movie. Imagine 200 years later little user jr is in class and he hears about earth for the first time, sees pictures, sees roller coasters and beaches and mountains...
Then realizes, he was born on this ship and will die on it. His great great great grandchildren will likewise be born into their own coffin, for hundreds of generations; not even knowing if there is a comfy planet at the end of it all.
Mutiny or brainwashing is an absolute certainty, fucking nightmare fuel either way.
>How long after until it declare independence and forms the first Martian nation?
Funny you should ask that, user.
yep, I guess we should all just plan to die here without any hope or even attempting to survive.
Guess what faggot? If they made generation ships tomorrow, you would still die here.
Welcome to reality you deluded schizo.