What did they mean by this?
And why am I a Nazi?
What did they mean by this?
And why am I a Nazi?
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I swear when I see this, I wonder how the fuck will I prevent my future child from being exposed to this shit.
Look at that, that is only the beginning, I am afraid in about 5 years we will see children in romance movies with adults.
Fuck, the future is bleak
You have to train your child to detest what is evil.
>Look at that, that is only the beginning, I am afraid in about 5 years we will see children in romance movies with adults.
More like if you look in the past movies.
Reminder that in the 70s pedophilia was hip, and the people rose and voted for conservatives to end it.
dude the Louis CK movie that got cancelled was about an underage girl being whored out to an old hollywood movie producer by her father
>can you archive it pls
>pretty pls kind bigot scum
So THIS is the power of the white race I've been hearing so much about. huh.
>we will see children in romance movies with adults
Oh no! This elsa pedo pizza shill is worried we are going back to literature that was common a few decades ago but now its movies. Kys.
Already happened. Watch The Time Travelers Wife
A few years ago it was Jaden Smith wearing dresses and skirts. Then it was trannies. Now it's shit about boys wearing makeup. Leftist scum. Just fucking stop it before we have to make you stop.
Yeah, and makeup is largely unregulated. It is not expected to be ingested, so the FDA doesn't give a damn. So you absolutely shouldn't be slathering the stuff on your young children. Halloween facepaint often has lead in it, sometimes a shitload, but it doesn't stop the bastards sticking FDA-approved emblems all over their packaging. If you look at recent fineprint concealed in the instructions, they typically state "don't put the following colors anywhere near eyes or mouth". Makeup is not for kids, until we're sure it's devoid of agents that fuck up development.
we already have seen that. Ever seen the movie "blank check"?
I mean not only that. Recently there are so many campaigns aimed for children (cartoons, YouTube videos, etc..)to "discover their sexuality". It is obvious this is a preparation for a political shift the likes of which our generation has never seen.
Norbro has got to be a bot right? How are you on it so fast?
I hope the kid gets beat the literal shit out of every day of his life
ever seen Leon the professional?
This day and age a kid would probably get beat up for making fun of him.
single moms dude. single moms cause this shit.
very different concept there, bubs.
Can any of you give a rational argument why boys shouldn't wear makeup that doesn't appeal to emotion or fear of what you don't understand?
make up is kill, who cares.
Please don't flame me for asking this question but... I just CANNOT believe this is actually a trend... so is it possible that The New York Times have just simply made this entire story up in the hopes that it will influence kids to actually do it because they think it's the "cool" thing to do? Or similarly, influence their parents to sort of push it or encourage it on the kids?
zero people should wear make up you lying piece of shit.
The Jew york times has been famous for ages for claiming "trends" that don't exist or discovering trends years after they happen. What this article is really saying is that one of the rich cunts this person knows has a degenerate kid who wore some makeup once. All NYTimes trend pieces are trash. Consider them to be proto-Huffpost
What's their end game?
We are, our demise that is.
I thought the worst my kids would have to deal with was the endless horde of mindless sheep exasperating for stimulae 24/7, always on their cellphones, computers, gameboys and whatnot. Fearing only power outages and internet down times. Always connected, always lit up by some near by screen. Absolute technological hostages.
CAN IT?????
>because it is a mature, self reliant one
Because traditional gender roles should stay that way.
Probably has a script that looks for links to archive, fills the post out so he just has to click post and maybe type a captcha if he is a retard and doesn't use a pass.
I find it ironic that a lot of women would push for this shit under the guise of progressivism and yet utter in the same breathe "Where did all the masculine men go?".
Step 1: Remove the Jews
Pedophilia is a legitimate sexual orientation... for that evil Neanderthal race. They are not lying when they type those pro-pedo slogans - but you must realize that everything they say is true only in relation to Jews.
Just like Freud's entire theory was simply based on analyzing the Jewish genetic mental pathology present in himself.
eeeew, if you threw a penny at his face it would leave a mark
That's different.
How about.....
>no-one wear makeup because caking yourself in processed baby dicks is subhuman-tier
>my ancestor
how is it at all different? it portrays a grown man falling in love with an underage girl.
This has definitely been going on the rise
8.8 million followers, mostly women who will influence boys into being like this degenerate just to get a chance at that sweet pussy.
We are in the age of the Kali Yuga. Ride the tiger lad, it's only getting worse from here
The time will come soon very soon, we are currently living in the weirmar republic era soon tho
Anyone who uses the word "norms" should honestly be shot.
Pretty much. I have one son and three daughters and my son is wise to the reality of gender and he's only 7. Don't sweat it, it's not hard to beat this.
Also no one should have to shave. If a beard happens to grown on one's neck, that's just how the red-pill is swallowed.
I'm surprised they're still running shit like this. The whole idea was to cover for the day when their masters were shown to be a bunch of pedophiles. The ship sailed a little sooner than they were anticipating.
no, it portrays a young girl falling in love with a man who took her in, kept her safe and refused her advances when she got weird
until the end of the movie before he dies.
We love you
Straight Lolita shit
now im going to have to rewatch this, haven't seen it in a while
She was fugly with the make up and without it...poor example
I got bored once, and used my ex's old eye liner that she had left behind. Not like anything crazy, just eye liner. Then, I didn't know how to get it off. I washed and I washed, and it just pretty much stayed put. She didn't leave behind any makeup remover. I had to meet up with my dad the next day, and I thought I had got it all off, but he noticed right away and was all
>SON! What the fuck is going on with your eyes!
I played it off at the time, but I'm pretty sure my face turned red, and he knew some degeneracy was afoot.
If this is the case, then it proves my point.
Single mothers know fuck all on how to maintain a family and doing this to their own sons is tantamount to child abuse.
Yeah, about that...look, just a head's up, if the left paves the why for me to fuck children, I'm switching sides and joining them. Sorry, but I would.
I'm not one of the good guys, I'm a bad guy who sides with the right out of mutual self-interest. But if they offer me my darkest desires I'm going turncoat so fast you won't even know.
Peak Emma
You would think so, but the author of this gem is a Chink that married one of them and adopted its social mores.
The whole makeapp fiasco made me think that these companies are just out to assault people self-esteem so they can market products to them to "make up" for them. Now they just want the other half of the pie.
Well that and mentally ill freaks and pedos who want to sexually exploit children.
You fight now, like your ancestors have fought for yours.