I went to go watch kimi no na wa today...

I went to go watch kimi no na wa today, was surprised it's still airing after 2 months (and even had the whole theatre filled)

I emjoyed it quite a bit, what did Sup Forums think of it?

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forced drama

Still no BR release, right?
Why would anyone have seen it, except if they are some kind of disgusting shitter that actually goes outside to places

It's pretty good, definitely Shinkai's best work yet. Also, he finally has a well-animated movie after years of solely relying on pretty visuals.

Worse than Rebellion.

which part of it? i thought the dad part was a bit weak

yeah I didn't like being around people but the theatre experience was definitely worth it

I thought so too, at least shinkai doesn't make me mad like mamoru hosoda. Mamoru's shit makes me so pissed with all it's wasted potential

what's rebellion?

It is possible to judge by hair style.

Mitsuha(in taki) = ponytail

Plebbit shit

Its a garbage melodramatic shit that you see in chickflicks.

Sweet same theatre as me

>being a Singaporefag

They extended the run, I think. It got quite popular especially after good reviews in the papers. Additionally, its convention season (AFA and EOY CosFest) so that probably contributed to it too.

Just going to repost my opinion because the previous thread went to archive right when my post was submitted.

The buildup for the story did not integrate well with the non-committal ending. I agree that artfully leaving things untold can be a great narrative device (think Sora no Woto, YKK and so on), but this smacks of Shinkai wanting to shoehorn his signature ending, albeit with an optimistic twist. It renders the ending very hollow in comparison to the climax, which I rate extremely highly from Taki finding out Mitsuha was dead and going on the journey to Itomori ruins till the meteorite hit.

It was underwhelming compared to koe no katachi, personally.

I mean, it's pretty. Mitsuha is cute. The ending felt tacked on for mass appeal.

It was definitely enjoyable. 7/10

Weakest link was definitely the dad, as well as The last part of the movie having it's timeline stuff work too conveniently for itself.

I think it's up there ahead of most anime films despite it's flaws

2many people i wanted an empty theatre so I could whine about the CG cars

felt like there were 4 points where the movie could have ended on, but it decided to drag on a bit. Eventually the climax doesn't pay off for all of the buildup it had.

Yeah felt a bit like a hollow happy ending. All his efforts seem all for naught and then suddenly things just work out

It has more common sense than the words from Harakiri Khaw.

>felt like there were 4 points where the movie could have ended on, but it decided to drag on a bit. Eventually the climax doesn't pay off for all of the buildup it had.

Yes, I'm not even someone who only wants to see an unambiguous happy ending. Would have been satisfied even if it was a bitter ending like Mitsuha dying for real or him never having recognised her after he steps out of the Starbucks he saw Tessie and Sayaka in. It'd have been typical Shinkai, but at least the whole story would be that much tighter. However, given how he dragged it out, a less hollow conclusion would have been great.

>tfw Malaysia but can't see it until after Christmas
I hope it's still showing by then, we're not as weeaboo as you.

It was melodramatic and should have ended ten minutes before it did. Everything after the twist was just watching the plot get worse and worse. First half was fun, but parts of it were tainted by the rest of the film.

I dunno, I'd think more developed places like Penang, Malacca or KL are just as weeb.

I really enjoyed it. Not perfect and not the 10/10 GOAT that people praise it as being.

But enjoyable enough to warrant a rewatch. The OST was nice too.

>forced drama
Nice meme.

>implying it wasn't forced drama
>implying the animation, artwork and music weren't also forced

You might be out of luck as the planned run is for two weeks only.

How does one force animation, art and music?

Plaza is pretty much the only theatre left showing it.

But for an anime to run for over a month is fairly incredible, I don't think I ever remember a non-ghibli movie running this long. And even with the 5 showings a day they're all still packed.

I don't know. Ask Shinkai.

It's the most visually appealing anime movie I've ever seen.

It's not the best in the story department but then again Shinkai isn't exactly known for that. In terms of romance and character development its actually quite lacking.

However, if you can't recognise that it's a 10/10 masterpiece on the technical side then you should prob just stick to animu shows. There's a reason filmfags worldwide are loving it.

Garden of Words is still easily the prettiest but there's a lot here for your mouth to water over.


I'm glad that this has a more 'typical' anime design when you compare it to Shinkai's other stuff. The designs in, say, Voices of a Distant Star and 5CM/s were always a bit off to me, even when they were first released (as much as I love VoaDS).

Garden of Words was a step in the right direction for me, and this was prime.


1. Forced colorization,
2. Meme colors,
3. Meme hair,
4. Forced illustration, and
5. Meme dialogue.

>forced criticism

How bad did the theater smell? What was the Sausage:Bun ratio?

>giving a fuck about the male:female ratio in a room of strangers watching a film in the dark
Found the 12-year-old

just another overrated movie

>Garden of Words is still easily the prettiest
nice meme

Are you talking about character design?
If so, that's pretty obvious since Shinkai can't draw faces for shit. Kotonoha and this had a entire team doing that for him

>nice meme
What else then?

start by watching the entirety of his work

I cried.

Though I also cried at K-On, so I may just be overly sensitive

I did too, user. Shinkai's good at the drama.

Reminder that Mitsuha's VA is cute and can actually sing.
