Did anyone see the Kancolle movie?
(For the newfag mods: yes, It's anime)
Did anyone see the Kancolle movie?
(For the newfag mods: yes, It's anime)
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Still waiting and hoping for it not to be as bad as people say it is.
How much 3DCG did they use?
1 is too many
waiting for cam-rips before i buy it because im afraid of what they will do to it. In the mean time, here is another rip
Yes, I have seen it. It was the logical end for the anime story line.
Though I'm not sure how a second season in the same universe is supposed to work, so I'm hoping for a reboot.
Hey Anons noob question here, where do you get your doujanish. I'm specifically looking for some with iowa in them.
Sounds like another stealth game thread, image dumping thread to me, given that you faggots have never wanted to discuss anything including the sole reason that allowed your threads to stay, which was the upcoming movie. Thank you mods.
I hope the second season would be something like this
B-but muh board culture.
Nope, I'm only interested in talking about the fucking anime movie and season 2 of the anime.
And I'm only interested in sucking Mogami's dick.
Shigure for season 2 MC!
>Yandere being the MC of an anime
That would be great
Mogami is a cute girl without a dick.
Too bad.
Licking her belly is good enough though.
I kind of dislike the fact that the anime barely does anything with the height of the characters.
Will you apologize to Shoukaku for the shitty NTR memes now?
Just use it on Turkey instead.
Never did go with that nonsense. She's as pure as most kanmusu.
>92 damage
Who cares, and no.
>small c
A telltale sign is OP using "Kancolle" instead of "KanColle". The former is a sign of a delete on sight thread. The latter is a 60% chance of being a thread with translations.
no, I have her superior sister Zuikaku and the other armored carrier, Taihou.
she's the most pure slut than the other girls in the fleet, heck she even beat Suzuya.
You do realize Taihou can't use jets?
What's the plot summary of the movie?
Tell me something about this girl without using a word that rhymes with cut.
Used goods
A pet.
Why did Tanaka bully Taihou?
Jets needs an armored flight deck and catapult, Taihou has no catapult.
How tough do you think she'll be if she shows up in-game?
The strongest Abyss in history.
Grand old lady a cute
Hey you can't post fan art here, you're only allowed to post official screenshots of the movie or anime.
It's funny how the "/ak" or Girls und Panzer threads never get deleted.
Is Suzuya gonna be in the movie?
Yeah for a few seconds.
i hear DD6 wasnt in the movie
I just want a movie about Suzuya doing enjo kousai for old men, but falls in love with the Admiral because he's yasashii and treats her like a human being instead of an onahole.
>treating a ship like a human
stop being silly
Except that anime/movie Suzuya is a lesbian.
Sup Forums isn't a place for lolis
What if we have one about the not so trendy good girl who just wants a steady relationship with her admiral but can't because whenever she tries to confess to him there's always some other girl with him?
Would Gasa or Suzuya win in a fist fight for a date with their admiral?
They'd both lose when the Admiral scolds them for fighting.
where would i buy all the kancolle manga that's out there
i can't find any
and i'm a cuck with money who likes physical copies
also where would i start anyway
Dear god I hope not. We need more ichiban!
Agano-class is the true girlfriend class
Yes and lest we not forget haihai
this is so fucking retarded that i have to believe it's real. so land bases don't exist in animeverse. like midway and henderson.
Kobe beef please.
Why don't we get more interactions between the two preppy girls?
Because Kinuwho?
Someone needs to talk to Kinugasa about her sexual urges.
That's rather disturbing, and therefore, not daijobu
Translate it weebs
How can anyone choose Suzuya when they can have Kinugasa's tender love and pure heart?
Because you can have Suzuya's tender love and pure heart.
The anime was silly and full of amusing levels of quality. But did the Blu-ray release actually improve anything animation wise?
Who's that girl in the back who got airbrushed out?
looks like samidare?
Why not both?
I want Zuihou for Christmas!
But Kinugasa is an actually mature girl and knows how to have a real relationship.
Are Gasa-fags the most hipster?
Trying to ruin Kinugasa's shining smile should be illegal.
A cute.
It's an average smile. Just like Kinugasa herself.
Semen demons. Specially Hai Hai.
The biggest semen demon of them all isn't even in your picture though.
That one's just easy access in her abyssal form.
Her abyssal form isn't as sexy though.
KanColle for PS4
Never ever.
Kancolle MMO
>KanColle for PS4
then how about the gameplay/mechanics of kancolle for ps4?
It's a 2D fighting game.
>Kancolle MMO
it would be the same as World of Warships
It's a dating sim
It's funny how low effort Kadokawa's stuff are with KanColle.
They are just mediocre.
>small c
What do you mean?
>Kinugasa love
the anime and movie are shit and you should kill yourself lmao
We need more close quarters combat in this.
Are there any other WW2 ships who survive to this day besides Iowa?
No bully Ta!
In-game? No.
I want to be bullied by Takao instead.
I mean in real life, that could be introduced in the future.
anal queen