How to stop the trans epidemic?
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By mating with women like the one in the OP.
It is simple OP. Stop the pizzagate elites. Get to work. They are crafty degenerates in the elite ranks.
I don't get what the problem is if they actually look good. Imagine having a GF that's not retarded totally retarded like a girl. Just ignore the pengus and go straight for the boipussi, fuckin' problem solved. And if you're worried about mental disorders, have you been with an actual woman?
End normalization and doctors that encourage
life altering surgery as a treatment for a mental illness.
slug's shows on chaturbate were pretty funny
Hans here gets it.
First, create a large-scale propaganda flood w/ something like "This is what schools are teaching our children, . Stop it before it's too late" than a picture of some gross tranny kids
make something like amputees popular on Sup Forums for like 10 years and your tranny problem will be solved.
Do men have high estrogen?
Is it something they consume every day?
Does it make the government look like a total faggot for not interviewing? Is it easier to just change the laws to make faggotrynok?
What would happen if gay marriage were to become prolific? Who would benefit from having family units designed around perversion? Would their kids end up being some other identification other than cis 70% of the time? Is there a gay agenda? Why do schools teach about butt sex in 3rd grade? Follow the white rabbit.
Or you know just fucking call the feds and get them all butt fucked hard in federal fuck you in the ass prison. You’re all about to get culturally enriched. It’s getting cool outside isnt it.
Oh no no no no
>how to stop the trans epidemic?
See pic related
Newfags, you stop fucking worrying about it. The only reason it's an issue is because you're obsessed with it.
Ignore it, keep insisting that they are men if engaged, and move on.
The whole trans thing is probably the most hilarious part of our modern times. As if it's not hard enough to be a guy. Cheating, gold digging, lying whores. Shitskins and immigrants. Competing with everyone for job due to multi multiculturalism and over population. The govt and jew trying to soy me up. Making race mixing vids on MTV. And to finish the combo, guys with fake tits and wigs try to trick me into fuckin them.
I fucking hate this age.
Mandatory testosterone injections for all soyboys. There's already a precedent that gender issues can be solved with hormone injections.
This dude, this.
We are speaking about an incredibly small % of trannies and the non-mutilated variety, but I'd love to have a potentially sane person on the other end of the relationship for a change.
I pray this is a troll or some evolution of payed shill. I'm not even going to explain, this is stupid on multiple trade center levels.
how do you stop trying to control other peoples' lives and learn to live as a productive member of society?
bringing back bullying
Women are only insane if you trigger them or let them be. Have a firm hand, have your shit in order and make sure you aren't dating some mentally ill daddy issue girl. Nowadays most women have some type of insecurity triggered disorder. But if you learn to deal with it you can enjoy what comes with it.
The only times women truly appear insane is when you fuck up, either by picking the wrong girl or your actions. Or when you end up breaking apart. Women just deal with this differently and their go to way is to start tons of drama in the end so they get your attention and you chase. Giving them closure.
Usually guys refer to that ending period as the defining moment. But don't realize this is on purpose and how to mitigatie it. If you let her break it off you are already behind.
just ignore the penis lmao its not like its in the way or anything
>. Imagine having a GF that's not retarded totally retarded like a girl.
They all are though. They like over compensate for their lack of girl physique by having super "girl brain" brains. It's fucking awful.
Yeah while at it, why not just beat eachother off and fuck eachother in the ass. Skip the female part completly.
It will only happen when faggots stop imposing their beliefs onto our children through the public school system trying to groom them to become faggots, lizzies and trannies or plain victims of faggot, tranny and lizzy pedos.
This. They act like parodies of what they THINK a woman/girl acts like. Caricatures that all sound like "80s valley girls" or "90s bimbos". No real woman acts like that, and no matter how much they think they "pass" they always have something they can't change that makes it obvious they are trannies.
can you elaborate on your experiences with this? I think most people won't know what you're talking about
God banned trannies for a reason
Progressive Liberals have taken over the public school system and are implementing policies that are purposefully dumbing down our kids to combat "white privilege". youtube.com
Parenting and homeschooling.
give me the cummies daddy
>Caricatures that all sound like "80s valley girls" or "90s bimbos".
That's what I'm into though.
Actually I think the way to stop it is this:
Shitlords all declare they are women without dressing like women taking hormones or doing anything vaguely feminine
Then apply to comp sci scholarships for women
Computer training intensives for women
Sports scholarships
Go into locker rooms as women
Basically do exactly what trans "women" like laurel Hubbard are doing but no pretense about it-- win the medals mediocre male athletes like laurel and andraya yearwood have become women to win
Get the free college rides and affirmative action they are getting "as women"
Mediocre betas use trans identity to beat easier opponents
Run for office with funding for women like Lily madigan in the U.K.
So do the same without sterilizing yourself or medically mutilating yourself and take it from them
This will peak trans/red pill enough people and likely reap you the financial benefits these pathetic beta males are reaping in the meantime
You'll probably be able to get some sjw lesbians to have sex with you to prove how progressive they are
Just peak it faster
shunning and ridicule