Prison school 238
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Are they going to end up back in prison after this?
Can't think of a worse Namek arc than this.
Dear Santa,
for Christmas, I would Like you to kill this stupid arc
-love, user
The Chairman is to decide that, but I think they should cause it's the point of this manga.
oh, tnx for reminding us, after next week it's a few breaks for sure.
Any words of SEASON TSU / 2?
Where could the season 2 end? Could it really go as far as the end of the cavalry in 12 episodes?
I seriously hope this series bombs like shit as well as his other manga, so the author has to move to the hentai industry and start drawing porn of his characters. I mean actual porn.
>as well as his other manga
Take it back immediatly.
season 2 ends under the blankets with Hana and Kiyoshi. It's another 90 chapters as first season went. 3rd season is probably end of manga so around 270 chapters in total which is about 20 to go. That's just my thoughts
what other manga?
It's been too damn long
>his other manga,
That manga is great. This one is shit.
the author puprposely streching out to make 3 seasons:
>S1 is 90chapters
>S2 is another 90 - HAna n Kiyoshi under the blankets
>S3 is next 90 chapters - end of a battle and WET Contest
In total 270 ch. or 35-6 episodes
it isn't shit it's just slow, gtfo
does anyone see the light at the end of the tunnel for this arc?
cause i don't
Isn't that stupid?
He just could add the end of the arc in a place where the pacing fits or write additional story boards for the anime if necessary.
It does not have to be 90 chapters.
The first season was rushed as it is.
I can see it and it's a huge explosion. We already see a bit of it in this chapter and it's great.
The chapter with the kiss lost its Boner-ificness due to the pacing.
that part is a half joke, but that's what I see. He's doing it like he wants but the anime will go this way in 3 seasons from what we see. Thanks for reply
I really wasn't expecting the helicopter crash.
that won't happen, what u read was joke. user said that he could wish they all die in a explosion, but even if heli crashes no one will die.
what, who said helicopter would crash
>stopped reading 3 chapters after kiyoshi and hana changed panties
>more than one year later and every character is litarally still in the same fucking spot as before
This manga is hands down worse than fucking Naruto, just erase it already. It's never going to be good again, not with this shit pacing.
The only good thing about this mess of a manga was the kiyoshi and hana stuff because it captures perfectly what it is like to be young and experiment with your sexuality and that shit, but now its just MUH ANDRE and MUH FUNNY CHAIRMAN memes. Horrible.
>>more than one year later and every character is litarally still in the same fucking spot as before
Hanafags everyone.
second season of anime ends when Kiyoshi and Hana hides under blankets 3rd season is wet contest, but won't be soon.
pg 14
>Mari: FATHER!
>Is it big...?
-by google TRL
>Tree Amitabha!
Does it mean something?
Are you talking about Me and the Devil Blues, the extremly loose manga on Robert Johnson
南無三 = I believe in the Three Holy Treasures of Buddhism
Or "Oh my god!" in non-heathen.
Hanafags disgust me, she's not even all that great of a character
Haven't read in a while.
Is VP back yet?
Yes. She came back just a few chapters ago.
Still Namek?
raw senmanga for original scans.
U r right on time. Veep is back and thi manga will be over in 2017 on summer.
>literally nothing happens for the 428 time in a row
too bad 4 you, huh?
season 2? any news?
>Still on this arc
It's been a year already come on.
they hit the helicopter, maybe he crashes...