So as you may know, Reddit is in a little bit of an uproar about President Trump's pick for the FCC chairmanship. Despite being a poo-in-loo, he wants to end net neutrality. This has made reddit very mad, and they are currently calling their congressmen to keep net neutrality
>What should Sup Forums do?
We should troll everyone. Make messages supporting net neutrality, but with our take on it:
>Don't hand our civilization's greatest achievement to a bunch of greedy kikes, etc
This will make reddit very mad, as they are being connected to bad people like us.
>How do I get started?
>Step 1:
Make a fake phone number
>Step 2:
Find out where your fake phone is supposedly from: the first three digits determine this
>Step 3:
Contact "your" local congressman and give them hell
>Step 4:
Whether net neutrality lives or dies, this way we can meme ourselves into another victory.
Operation (((Jewwit)))
Other urls found in this thread:
It’s a Comcast thread
>pay actual money
Communist detected
that's a copyrighted image
Copyright is nothing more than the government granting an illegal monopoly on the use of a concept to a certain group. Private property should only be enforced by one's own means and not by the state
i'll make a note of that
I beg to dispute your this case using a private nuclear bomb would not be recreational, it would be strictly for business purposes
>the net neutrlity argument ends up looking bad
>we end up looking bad
>net neutrality gets a fast track to getting fucked
I know Sup Forums is full of self-hating plebbit dickshit immigrants, but if you think this board is stupid enough to fall for your retarded ruse, then you should probably kill yourself and your immediate family.
>Believing in copyright
O sweet summer child
This is fucking retarded. Net neutrality is the only thing which is keeping (((them))) from destroying alternative media, if you don't support it you're an absolute brainlet
>Implying that net neutrality ending would be a bad thing
Why shouldn't a private company be allowed to use its property as it wishes to?
Alternative media is already getting fucked over.
>Google is hitting sites that don't do the Jews' bidding hard by pulling their advertising
>Even normies like
Not to mention the Daily Stormer getting Shoahed. Granted, the Stormer asked for it, but sooner or later they're going to come by (((public demand))) to pull the plug on our Nepali eggroll baking forum
Let's say comcast builds a fence right in front of your driveway. The fence is 1 inch off your private property, so it isn't violating your property rights.
Is that cool in your ancap rule book?
do you know anything about property law commie?
Why would I be stupid enough to put my driveway in a position where it can be blocked off by any passing kike?
r/politics is the most cancerous place on the internet, I could really not care any less about what any of those faggots has to say.
>do you know anything about property law commie?
You tell me, leaf. Ancaps like yourself keep changing the definition of private property from one post to another.
>Private property should only be enforced by one's own means and not by the state
Because it's anti consumer and I don't want to get fucked.
Suppose in this thought experiment, the comcast kike buys the road right in front of your driveway after you built it, then decides to build a fence there
Is that ok?
Yes, but over the passage of time the people who create and maintain roads will make more money than the people who ruin perfectly good roads, and eventually the comcast kikes will have to sell themselves into slavery to eat, so the world is better off in the end
>I-i-it's all just a librul ruse you goys... I mean guys. Net Neutrality is totally gay and lame.
>It will be perfectly fine and have no ulterior motives, just like our privatized prison systems
Fuck off, you cocksucking faglord.
>Yes, but over the passage of time the people who create and maintain roads will make more money than the people who ruin perfectly good roads
Wasn't finished. Now suppose the gate has a fence and every time you wanna leave your house, the comcast kike charges you for it, collecting a lot of money. Since he owns the road he can decide where you can go because he's fenced off a lot of other properties as well. Comcast can prevent you from entering them any other properties on the road.
>eventually the comcast kikes will have to sell themselves into slavery to eat, so the world is better off in the end
eventually is a long time. Eventually Rome fell into decay.