Be honest, you thought she'd win, didn't you?
Be honest, you thought she'd win, didn't you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not in Nov.
Things where looking plenty bad for her as the day approached. October was Hillary's month.
I did until the debates. Which I think is when many people realized that Trump was going to put it together.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
And city people are completely out of touch with this country and its history.
They live in a fantasy world of extreme government intervention.
I was worried until the crowd went nuts with the words "You'd be in jail." That was the moment that sealed this cunts fate. Swing in the breeze you fucking traitor.
LLBN Christian TV Live Stream:
Guys, you know what to do
I thought she'd be anointed, I never thought she'd win.
Lesson learn. Don't believe MSM.
Not really. Just by looking at the rallies you could see Trump had all the momentum. Hillary's rallies seemed more like overly controlled stunts.
I saw her crowds vs Trump's and I never had any doubt he'd win. I don't watch TV though which was apparently 24/7 agitprop aimed at demoralizing Trump supporters.
I actually fell for Bill Mitchell's cult of personality so I didn't
And it's only his first year.
Trump you massive fucking lowlife CUNT FROM HELL. Fuck you in the ass for eternity you fucking SLIMEBAG RAPIST PIECE OF SHIT.
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck youfuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
No, I feared she'd win.
two fucks
At no point once trump was the nominee did I think Clinton would win. It was clear that people had to vote for trump if they wanted their lives to improve. Clinton was about virtue signaling and vicarious triumph. Trump was about feeding your kids and paying your mortgage.
Maslow rules nigga
I thought she was going to steal the election, yes.
No, I didn't. It may have been a defense mechanism because I didn't want to get a horrible case of political blue balls, but I did not think that that woman would win.
No one I've ever voted for, in my 14 years of voting, has ever won, so to answer bluntly, no, I didn't think Trump was going to win. I wished & hoped he would though--and also voted for him. Maybe that was the difference. While Hillary's people were louder, they were essentially all bark & no bite when it came to the ballot box.
>city people
>cities in the US are mostly minorities and naive white yuppies
>these two groups fuel the Democratic party
Really activates the almonds.
I bet all my life savings on Hillary as a meme not expecting her to lose now my bank account is in -0.82$ and I cant afford food beside bread I have nothing i my fridge I have depression and they are about to turn off eletricity in my unit because I cant afford it I lost over 40 lbs in a year
I can prove all this for whoever is interested
I think ill end up offing myself before new year
Hillary destroyed Trump. The corrupt electoral college appointed Trump.
The definition of patriotism in 2017 is how hard you work to destroy Donald Trump.
you seriously need to lurk more before posting. People like you ruined this board.
I was in the usa in September 2016.
I knew trump was going to win because, even in LA and Seattle, visible support for trump was like 5:1.
(I'll be super honest though, I didn't believe he would win until they announced Florida for him.)
Proofs pls. Also, how are you still in the negatives a year later? Wiping out your savings shouldn't have crippled you, assuming you have a job.
You're screwed now. America just gave America's Treasury to a billionaire golfer and unemployed reality TV star.
We are 100% fucked because the Republican party is dying and this is their last gasp before extinction. They rigged the election with Russia for one last smash and grab administration.
Traitors and assholes. The Republican Party.
I lost my job and went full retarded basically
My bet was actually posted on Sup Forums reddit subreddit and it was one of the most upvoted thing there
Ill try to find it for ya
I thought she would win, but I am very glad that she did not.
I actually had 5 bucks on trump on the office bet, I was the only person with money on him.
Until we get rid of Trump, we are all 100% fucked.
It's posts like this that reinvigorate my shitposting. You liberals are so easy to trigger. It's hilarious.
That's what you get for not having faith.
You SJW's will actually need to quit bitching about some fictitious crisis and go get a job. SAD!
hey i found it first thing in google lol
Want some money?
I thought she would win because im in mobile Alabama where he got his first big crowd and our senator Sessions backed him from the get go. Everyone loved him here and that means we lose whoever we support. This time there were more areas like this than I thought. Also kkk literature was being passed around when he gave his speech here. No black people showed up even though 50% of the population is black. It looked like what the old timers describe the 1950’s being like.
The one good thing about Trump is he's proof that the Republican Party is totally fucking EXTINCT.
No, because I'm not a fucking moron who believed the 48th most accurate pollster when the top three all said Trump would win bigly.
Identical, word for for word post from a few days ago. Same picture too. Hi shareblue shill, what kind of rate are they paying these days?
I wonder
If she keeps a copy of that magazine somewhere to look at
She DID WIN, by 3 million fucking votes!
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Drumpf anyways.
FUCK Drumpf and FUCK whypeepo!
The GOP is extinct. Trump the fucking faggot cunt asshole cocksucker loser draft dodger fraud ripoff artist liar is the end.
everyone and anyone knew it was over the moment pic related.
You're awfully proud of being functionally retarded.
NO, my criteria is that the tallest and most charismatic candidate wins ERRYTIME, Clinton looking so frail and tiny next to Trump at the debates sealed the deal. I knew she would lose badly even after the filthy far-left media JEWS dropped the pussygrab tape.
Illegal immigrant votes
I would suck dick for money atm
oh well I think ill stop being retarded and get a job and attempt to recover the mess my life has become
There is another shill thread exactly as this one
I didn't want her to win, but thought she would win. I was pleasantly surprised when the results started coming in.
Lookxs like Trump and Putin can't afford enough shills to deflect the TRUTH about the pervert faggot rapist cunt asshole Trump, the absolute FAILURE in every possible way as a human being on this planet.
And YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Trump needs to have his fucking FACE BEATEN IN.
You're way too fucking new to be here
Pavement monkeys
Yes. Even after Comey announced thst he had reopened the investigation and despite knowing that the polls were heavily skewed bullshit, I didn't have my hopes up election day. I'm glad I was wrong.
Win what, the presidency? Because that's not how the game works. She didn't win.
reposting from a few threads ago
This post always gets so many (you)s
if you off yourself take out some globalist scumbags, you will live on, here we will speak your name for 1000 years, based hungarian user
City people voted for Sanders. Dumbass old white women voted for Clinton
>City people voted for Sanders.
lol no
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Sanders.
To be honest i did thought she was going to win because all the shilling and everywhere was saying she had it in the bag. Except for Sup Forums and other certain places said he was going to win. I almost lost my cool but i just ignored all the shilling.
She got more votes so she won you stupid fucking WHITE MALE!
Keep your hatred off this Sup Forums!
How could you not? Everyone in the media was on her side and even had the president ask people to vote for her. She had it all and still fucking lost.
My old white grandmother voted for Trump. She literally said “I just don’t trust that bitch” when she voted.
>Be honest, you thought she'd win, didn't you?
i thought she would lose by a margin, and she did.
it was obvious which way her campaign was going after she killed off sanders.
I didn't know who was going to win to be honest. I thought it could go either way. But I never thought Trump couldn't win, like a lot of people.
my mother said the same exact thing
I mostly did, yes.
I held out hope... but mostly I thought it would be shit like almost every other time that there seemed to be the possibility of something interesting happening.
Dog bless Roland Blumpf ;---D
No which is why I made £3000 betting on Trump
No. And no one else thought she would win either because she has the charm of a wet noodle. Even people who voted for her conducted themselves as though trump's victory was inevitable, and that's what really pushed him to victory. Snobbish European politicians and media organizations treated him as if he were already in the whitehouse just so they could have an idiot to mock and feel good about themselves. In short, people spent so much time preparing themselves for a trump presidency that they meme'd him into office. Hillary would have won if they hadn't made trump out to be special (for good or ill).
nah man id never kill anyone im too much of a cuck for that
Clinton is a hoeeeeeeeee...
In all honesty, yes. I thought that Trump didn't really have a chance against the machine, but it would be fun to root for him.
I was amazed as everyone when he pulled off a victory.
Thinking a woman will vote for another woman just based on sex turned out to be a fallicy.
>City people all voted for Hillary
Feb 2016. I told Robert that Trump would win the whole thing
Well, sure. Mostly because there were no valid arguments being made to the contrary. It turns out that validity is not a measurement of accuracy.
>rural and suburban retards
>you thought she'd win, didn't you?
I was waiting for her to have a stroke on television. She probably would have if they didn't hide her away in a coffin to rejuvenate.
There are some on this thread who keep yelling obscenities at the fact that a narcissistic self made millionaire won the presidency, instead of some corrupt career politician who claimed was under sniper fire in Bosnia, but when i actually saw step off the Hercules military plane, there was none, a long time ago.
Have these dipshits ever heard of self reflection?
If by "win" you mean "steal," then yes. In a fair election I thought she would lose by a landslide. As it turned out, though, in a *rigged* election she lost by a landslide! Ha fuckin' ha!
And I sure am grateful, because if she had "won," instead of me making a comment on Sup Forums at this very moment, I and everyone else, including (You), would be nothing more than radioactive fallout floating around in the stratosphere right now.
>Be honest, you thought she'd win, didn't you?
No, I was positive that she would lose. She is not an acceptable candidate. No amount of Jew NPR shilling and cheerleading was going to change that fact. People just hate her guts.
What's absurd (and a little bit terrifying) is that most of the shills were telling us - accurately - that Hillary was a crook and a willing employee of donor corporations who belonged in jail and would never win.
Then they were legitimately shocked and horrified when she didn't win. It's always a little unsettling to see Bolshevist behavior right out of 1984 in action.
Honestly, yes I did and it still makes me smile whenever I think about November 8, 2016.
OC what do y'all think?
I did. I voted for Don and held my breath until about midnight, desu. Now I'm gonna sage this waste of time thread. No one wants to think of what could have been when all the worlds a circus.
High Crimes and Treason.
Pizzagate ties to Clinton and Comet Ping Pong.
Watch "Clinton Cash"
The Scalia emails outing the assassination hurt her chances.
Also the talking in code about molesting children didnt help her.
define "win" ?
if you mean placed into power then yes honestly