How does Sup Forums feel about katanagatari?
How does Sup Forums feel about katanagatari?
It was pretty fucking great.
Best girl
7/10 . i liked the artstyle and the last fight . wonder why a lot of faggots consider it as a masterpiece.
Top tier anime.
Excellent taste user.
What I think is that it's been on my 'shit I should rewatch' list for a couple years now
It was okay. Not a big fan, but I don't regret watching it.
Only anime I consider to be perfect
Artsyle was pretty offputting.
Also you cant take a guy seriously if he walks around without a shirt.
>walks around without a shirt.
He had arm shirts
Best girl won.
still mad
I watched it like 6 months ago but i have no idea what happened.
can someone tl dr? it really didnt make any sense
why was the cheerio girl a bitch at the end?
She originally planned to use him and dispose of him like the tool he was, she then fell in love with him as a real human being.
She told him all of this as she died so she wouldn't have any regrets.
It aint hard nigga.
Boss Rush was pure awesomeness.
Also, i like hypercompetent autistic MC thing.
Any good series except FMP with this?
She was only pretending.
to be retarded?
It was decent. The boss rush ending was really bad, though.
for seven years!
It was great.
>people hated the ending
The entire last episode was the best. What exactl was bad about the boss rush?
Still mad.
Your life.
it's shit
swords? I like swords
Im not hypercompetent.
Not even competent
more like incompetent