black jew here, ama
Black jew here, ama
Do you glow in the dark?
when do you go back to Africa?
Double nigger
Rid yourself from this planet.
oy sheeit
Why aren`t you Marxist-Leninist yet?
what did I do?
in february, when I go to ethiopia to visit my family
communism destroyed my country, I even fought against the communist government myself.
stop please with racism thanks
Are you Ethiopian by change? I cannot see otherwise how you could claim to be Jewish too in that case.
yes but im living israel for 13 years
Ethiopia is the ONLY black nation that deserves respect. Dude convert to orthodox christianity, jews suck
we wuz changz
How big is your cock?
Ethiopia is pretty cool, I hear it's the only African people that maintained independence through the colonial period (even Egypt was mostly a proxy state.) Didn't the Italians somehow fail to invade you, twice or something?
>in february, when I go to ethiopia to visit my family
Don't just visit, stay there.
why do you say this about jew? we are better than the orthodox..
italia could only beat poor african countries yet call themselves tough, kek. and of course we beat them, we had guns and outnumbered.
>deus vult
fug :---D how 2 delet
Will you sit in the back of the oven
Is Sammy Davis Jr. a role model to you?
So do you steal pennies from people because you're black or because you're jewish?
I thought Sammy Davis Jr. was dead? :O
How'd you end up there?
I maybe a amermutt but at least I'm not a fucking leaf
Canada: Christian European
You: Jewish African
What do you not understand?
I steal heads off of homosexuals like yourself, if you will. :--DD
>black jew
I'm sorry for you loss
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
>be christian
Holy fuck you're retarded.
what do you think of israel?
because im too busy with my high IQ and high inches
We wuz da original jews, ma nigga.
Mayne, togetha with da Mexicans and Native Americans we wuz rooling da urth!
This god damn white debel, edomite pink faggot trying make us eat meat!
We gon kill this debel and enslave his chillen. Am i right, brotha!
israel must be a 100% jewish ethnostate and remove all of the fucking faggot kebabs
>black = nigger/negroid
american education
Ew, no way.
Get out of here you hook nosed rat toothed sand nigger.
the black israelites or whatever they are called, are brainwashed dumbasses. the only ETHNIC black jews are in ethiopia and israel. Look up the beta israelites and educate yourself
Oy vey!!
Are you Eric Andre?
brazi is white!! #refugeeswelcome
Do you think that canadians are racist?
Only the ones that don't pay for the holocaust reparations. Other than that, they're based.
what's it like playing guitar in guns n' roses?
thats the argentina flag
What I was going to ask.
based anticom jew
Is the holocaust a joke?
either way if I still get privilege points in this liberal country because im jewish then sure
whats the difference?
The black american israelites are merely pawns to the real jews. They're dumb niggers being played and it's fucking hilarious.
Based. Even if you are disrespected on Sup Forums I like you user. Ethiopians are cool.
Fuck off Lenny Kravitz
Why don't you go fly away
y-you too, g-goy
That's 'cause you're a nigger.
No you fucking moron, humans of any skin tone or race don't emit light. Fucking dumb nigger. Read a book.
Just because your nose is deformed, it doesn't mean you're a kike, you filthy nigger.
>Hating on One Piece
>one chance in life
Are you fucking retarded?
What is your opinion of Somalis?
You said you are black, meaning the nose must be cultural and not racial.
must be nuked
blacks can't be jews. you were lied to
Right? Although i do agree macs are inferior for the everyday use
>Jews: BLACKED since Jesus
What's the worst part about being a black jew?
You have to stand at the back of the oven.