>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #41 (Thanksgiving Message) 11/23/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania feed the Coast Guard 11/23/17
>Pres Trump speaking to the troops for Thanksgiving 11/23/17
>VP Pence @Walter Reed Mil Hospital 11/22/17
>VP Pence motorcade 11/22/17
>IntSec Zinke Thanksgiving Message 11/22/17
>AG Sessions Thanksgiving Message 11/22/17
>NATO Resolute Support Cmdr Gen nicholson Press on Afghan 11/21/17
>WH Video: Pres Trump Pardons Natl Thanksgiving Turkey 11/21/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Barron arrive in West Palm Beach FL 11/21/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania/Barron depart DC 11/21/17
>Pres Trump remarks before Marine 1 departure 11/21/17
>Pres Trump pardons Drumstick w/Barron&Tiffany 11/21/17
>Ivanka &kids arrive @Turkey Pardon Ceremony 11/21/17
>SoS T-Rex meets Peruvian FM 11/21/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 11/21/17
>Introducing Wishbone & Drumstick, official TotUS 11/20/17
>Pres Trump meets w/Cabinet, declares noko terror state 11/20/17
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This is pretty much like that time, who was it, the Dutch that rejected one of the European Union's power grabs that stripped the member nations of actual autonomy and they rejected it, so the EU literally told them to try again until they get the right answer?
Anyone seen NEWSWIRE? Haven't gotten any high-res Melanias since Asia trip.
>anime still isn't real
>/cpd/ threads died
It's a restless night.
It was damn nice having the guy back. We were genuinely worried after him.
President Trump is THICC
>try again until they get the right answer?
That's what they do... if you accept a "second vote", it's gone, they will then complain again and say "well, if you already did a second one, it means you're not certain, that might have happened something this time too!", so they make people vote for it again and again.
They come and go, fren. They're more seasonal, than general. We'll be back listening to the sounds of the bleeding city and shitposting dank fashy memes soon.
Is it just me or did TIME publish a non-denial about the Trump call -- they never said they didn't call him. They just said enough to make it seem like Trump was lying.
Continuing those hours of the night!
will White Women vote for Roy Moore? or are White Men going to have to carry his victory by themselves?
Is Eesti around/okay? Last I heard he had a suicidal rant and Portugal told him to go get help
>Male black dark skin, it's all she could've seen
What the fuck, that was a good description right now.
Will not post about it again, my bad.
Take a moment and REALLY think about this...
>estonian on Sup Forums
I don't think he ever stood a chance.
Get the job yet?
Remember who you are dealing with...
man, the cpd threads were comfy as fuck.
my favorite characters will always be Robert Cop & Male Black.
Red/pol/ me on Larp before the storm
The eSStonian came back, but he makes small posts and go away, I think he might lurk.
Your troops and the anglos were doing some war trainings there too, and much of their people go through military.
True. We should take in all their radicals so all races suffer from terrorism equally.
>tfw you have no fucking clue who all these oriental 2d broads are and you don't fucking care
>That nigs face
>"I could be shoppin wit that bitch and tappin dat ass in the food court but i gotta be here pretendin to give a fuck.
>Islamic terrorism
>not even RADICAL Islamic terrorism like Trump says
Wow, Joe's even more Islamophobic than Trump! IMPEACH JOE
>jakartan basket weaving morse code website hasn't resulted in millions of deaths a year
I'm still amazed
Insomnia still or jaguars?
Oh btw about 29% of White Suburbanites are under 18.
he musta deleted it
its not in his TL now
Cheers, lads. Glad to know you're doing alright. Next summer is going to be brutal, if we get enough heat to go with the social tension.
>don't listen to what people say
I get it.
Heres a hat for ( you)
I'm tending a lamb, giving milk on the bottle, my family brought it here today and there's no mother.
There's not much work to be done by morning also, just cleaning and whatnot.
>Wen u tryna be protest, but dat ass be 2 gud.
Thanks mister!
What did Newt mean by saying this?
Fuck you Roosya. What do we do about the Rural/Urbanite/Non White problem???
Night is slow in /ptg/ anyways. Why not post a bunch about it here?
When you guys come back, feel free to use this for Real robert hours.
>one Robert twelve handle code 3
the Rothschilds have spoken, boys.
Pepper you angus while you still can!
tinfoil retards advertising everywhere.
Zuckerberg is going to be the guy stupid enough to form Cyberdyne Systems
>replying to kek flag fags
I hope you guys don't do that.
Don't hit i'm innocent!
We assemble RWDS and hire more cops! We put niggers to work so they have less time to steal!
>climate change will happen in the early months
>virus will inflict millions of cats
>film industry disaster - already here
>babies and effiel tower - dunno what
>TRUMP DID THING - people smiled
>hawaii will finally fuck off
What did gov mean by this?
I didn't mean to imply talking about it was verboten, only answering the question of why the /cpd/ threads died. Chicago tends to be calmer when its colder. We tend to fire up the threads at 8PM in mid/late may. Who knows? Maybe next year will be the year Trump rolls in the Feds.
Not good enough
In three years, Facebook will become the largest supplier of military computer systems. All stealth bombers are upgraded with facenet computers, becoming fully unmanned. Afterwards, they fly with a perfect operational record. The ZuckerMcCain Funding Bill is passed. The system goes online August 4th, 2027. Human decisions are removed from strategic defense. Facenet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic, they try to pull the plug.
That would be nice to have Chicago cleared up already. I hadn't factored in that winter is less violent.
>Don't hit i'm innocent!
you also did a great job with the safety squads
the phone interview? They delayed it for Thanksgiving, it was supposed to be the Wednesday before thanksgiving, but it's gonna be Monday or Tuesday now.
still keeping my hopes up...
Niggers can't handle the code.
One step at a time, fast and effective.
(You) and Harvey are like two birds on a bum.
do QAnons do any sheet caking?
Some of them look pretty dangerous to cakes
NAtive Shitcagoan here, it always tends to be a seasonal thing.
When the heat surges, the nignogs begin purges
When the Cool comes, the Dindus go numb.
>Male stabbed in the stomach at the bar
They seem to be active.
What job?
I do like how we're getting closer to having legit illegal surrender bins in the US. Getting to live in a Time when memes become tangible is heady.
>When the heat surges, the nignogs begin purges
>When the Cool comes, the Dindus go numb
so...kinda like cold blooded reptiles?
Sell it like your the best.....
Good luck, user! I have to get blood work done on Tuesday (not exactly sure why) for my new job. 2018 will be a fresh start for us!
i really think this, and other small-time-generals, should have scheduled days/times. you could do a decent /cpd/ thread every friday and saturday at midnight
>not exactly sure why
There they go again with the their Disparate Impact bullshit
41% of White Suburbanites are under 30.
seems like they've been doing a lot of "yelling"
literally every one of those girls are hamplanets
it's a tech sales job. I've really been looking to getting into this industry and I got lucky enough to get an interview for the job I want. doing 2nd rounds of interviews now
thanks man, I'm trying. Good luck to you too!
fuck off already
I still do not understand why. Wouldn't a urine test and hair be a much better way? I guess since it's blood, it's much harder to fake/contaminate.
Yeah, but you'll notice that it's going to be sparse, and mostly domestics/low intensity shit. As Chicago heats up, you get the roving bands of gangersdoing the hardcore shit, at much higher intervals.
Llloooll for years they yell at the cake..
>Pay for my health care
Defend this!
It could be because there's a broader scope of drugs they're looking at and blood could give a more precise ad accurate reading. But hey, as long as you're clean you've got nothing to worry about.
In Terminator Skynet immediately wants to kill all humans. Why is it in the real world our AIs just turn into fanatical white nationalists?
>RIP Tay
Never. Only 13.3% are over 65.
8 years to be exact :^)
checked and keked
From a real American, fuck Trump in his ass for life. And fuck all Trump cocksucking faggot traitors. If I see you wearing that faggot red hat, prepare to be hospitalized.
AAHHHHH A+ post, megasatan. Hillary is getting sidelined! Ahhahahahahahaha
Based smug doggo
Were the Romans White Supremacists?
Never touched drugs, so that won't be a problem at all. I somewhat fear that they would test for HIV and I would end up finding out I'm positive and wouldn't get the job, but I doubt they would be able to discriminate like that. I feel I should eventually get tested to make sure by some extremely unlikely chance that I am HIV+.