In an alternate timeline, Hillary has beaten Trump. What does the world look like now? How does Sup Forums respond?
In an alternate timeline, Hillary has beaten Trump. What does the world look like now? How does Sup Forums respond?
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The world is a nuclear wasteland.
Hillary supporters are being hunted down, and when caught, claim she saved the world by standing down and letting Russia nuke us to oblivion.
There's a rope shortage in what's left of the US of A. Lamp posts are heavy with former Democrats and Globalists stooges
... we fucked up, didn't we?
I imagine the EXACT same shit with Net Neutrality, just with a former ATT executive running the FCC instead.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
It looks literally the same. Maybe stocks are lower than they currently
but this time it's madam president wearing jewish cap
Make like a tree and shut the fuck up
there is another shill thread exactly as this one
Might be big trouble in Syria right now. Gotta show everyone you got a big clit..
Yes. Hyper intelligent liberal city people voted for Hillary.
The image is the same but I want to know what Sup Forums thinks would be different.
Similar shit as Obama:
>Partial ban of certain guns (AR-15)
>More money whoring to 3rd world countries
>More money whoring to UN
>ISIS gains more territory in Syria
>More sanctions on Russia
>More MSM whoring
>Spike in illegals crossing
>Shilling for "green energy"
>Shilling for climate change schemes
I just came back to this board after leaving in February or so. Have you been here for that fucking long or is it a new leaf?
Also why did people change cuck to soyboy? I liked cuck even though it went too mainstream
1. Boots on the ground in Syria after the chemical weapon attack.
2. Maybe not full-scale war with Russia, but we'd likely be in a proxy war (not counting Syria).
3. Immigration would be expanded and refugees would be imported to make sure no non-globalist will ever win again.
4. Gun-grabbing would officially start after Las Vegas, starting the Civil War.
1 and 3 are 100%, 2 and 4 are 55%.
Sup Forums wouldnt get a chance to respond. It'd be gone after a few months of relentless shill spam.
America would be on some very thin ice with Russia. Would likely be allied with Germany in European affairs.
Soyboy and Bugman are subclasses of Cucks.
Everybody is getting raped by TTP and cucks getting cucked by the law.
This is why I unironically think we should have voted Hillary. Hear me out. WW3 would have begun by now and we would be living in a Mad Max Post Apocalypse. We would be free to roam around killing Hillary Supporters and other cucks/commies/degenerates and form our own nation from the ruins and worship Hitler as our god (ancestor worship)
It seemed like Vegas was supposed to be the 9/11 of guns, but it didn't work because shit is so fucked up that even normies are woke now.
Yeah, there is still something super fucky going on with that. It's odd how the MSM just dropped it. I really want that real agenda to be brought to light. It's sickening what these people do for political advancement.
It looks like this.
The civil war is over
There are no kikes left in the us
The fourth Reich is established
So Hillary was going to bring about this?
That's because Las Vegas was an assassination attempt on Crown Prince Salman that went bad.
If Americans knew the truth, Saudi Arabia would be a fucking sheet of glass.
could you imagine?
>What does the world look like now?
exactly the same
>alternate universe where $hillary has beaten trump!
Oh come the fuck on, make us all look like liberal fucktards eh? It's bad enough Trudeau is literally raping the country, legal system, and is the living embodiment of "National Security Threat" to both Canada and USA... But come on. Go back to plebbit or tumbler.
wow. sounds great.
honestly the democrats are such cucks for letting Trump take power after that.
>How does Sup Forums respond
You're a newfag but i'll reply to this shitty thread anyway.
We would respond by roleplaying as if we were paid shills for Trump's campaign against your pro-hillary posting in a game of (you)s powered by a Sup Forums hardmode addon in which we can't see threads unless we get (you)'d
I would imagine that instead of
>muh Russian hackers! Impeach!
It would be
>muh e-mails! Impeach!
Everything else would be pretty much the same. Hillary would be a lame duck with a red congress.
Only shitskins voted for Hillary. White people all voted for trump.
Also, what a fucking goblin this guy would have been.
The 31% white men who voted for Hillary live in the cities. What part of that is too hard for you to understand?
Read the fucking image dumbass.
Very small CITY Trump
Small CITY Trump
Medium CITY Trump
urban cores Shillary
"City people voted for Hillary guys"
>Cucked college/university students getting their gender studies and diversity degrees from their communist professors while they beta-orbit slutty women who will never sleep with them.
Well yeah, obviously. Soyboy cucks couldn’t hack it out in the country.
America actually is 56% white as all the mexicans have been given citizenship
Cuckservatives are cucking harder than ever
This is true.
Looking at that pic, it makes sense why leftists are pushing (((diversity))) so hard. They literally can’t win without it
Funny how you think you're even 56% white now.
You're 35% white at best. Southern states are all full of nigger-spic-injun mongrels who think they're white.
Of all the white men I know that voted for Hillary, they are:
-a veteran's nurse
-a dental student
-a chemical engineering student
-a lawyer
-a high school teacher
-an IT tech salesman
All of the trump supporting men I know were degree-less or majored in something useless at a state school like business. This is in a state that went red btw.
>according to modern multiverse theory there are an infinite number of parallel universes
>hillary isn't president in any of them
And I think to myself, "what a wonderful world"
Degree or not, Trump supporters are more successful.
Pol is shut down in the weeks following the election because Hiro was thinking of doing so.
Russia is pissed at us for bombing shit in Syria.
everything is kinda the same but the US is on terrible relations with the globe and everyone is more afraid
Thank god they made guns illegal, now there are no murders!
City retards voted for drumpf, rural and suburban people all voted for Hilary.
>a post-nukular wasteland gon' be jest lahk in mah moobies
Vegas was a failed hit on a Saudi Prince. Once the plan failed it had gone far enough that a cover was needed.
By "city people" you mean blacks and mexicans.
Well: Definitely more border issues and issues pervading the border if she won
More middle eastern wars. MENA migrants pour into the first world. US ground troops in Syria, Libya, and soon Iran. Meanwhile we rattle sabers with Russia and China, making a public mockery of ourselves as we declare lines in the sand that we have no intention of defending. Our allies lose confidence while our enemies lose respect. Nuclear war always feels imminent, but would not actually happen.
The economy remains sluggish. Businesses with the right lobbyists continue to grow past monopoly market share. New businesses start less often despite massive funds available to women and nonwhites who want to start them. Nonprofits, on the other hand, spring up everywhere like fungus, lasting a year or two on average.
SJWs continue to infest education, media, and the judiciary. They expand rapidly to corporate America. Every day brings new stories of "the first woman to do X" or "the first immigrant to win Y" or "the first transracial muslim artist to be appointed to Z".
Hollywood covers for Weinstein, no mass exposure of sexual predation occurs anywhere. 2017 does not become a record year for arrests of child molesters and traffickers.
Hillary appears constantly on TV as the fawning reporters for CNN and MSNBC are given seemingly unlimited chances to ask softball, pre-approved questions. She occasionally disappears for two or three weeks at a time entirely, but few realize this due to extensive use of stock footage.
Hurricanes become a political pissing contest between government workers trying to save face. Responses are slow at best.
Basically the same as Obama - a constant slow ratcheting up of the same petty leftist shit that sucks everything you like out of American life, but not so fast that anyone is unable to rationalize just letting it happen.
1984 taught me to respect authority.
It doesn't look like anything.
It was a doomed timeline.
We all slid back in time and memed a Trump victory to set it back on track.