With private prisons turning courts into auction houses for black prisoners (slaves) how can you deny racism exists? Blacks are locked in private prison where they are forced to work and American prisons are some of the worst in the world. Constant forced labor with solitary confinement.
Stop Denying Racism
Other urls found in this thread:
then stop committing crimes if you don't want to be a slave
We don't deny that it exists, we deny that it's bad.
Blacks are forced into a life of crime via no opportunity.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Perhaps fathers should stick around and raisea their kids. Not having a father figure is one of the leading factors that determines if somebody will end up in prison. 70% of black kids don't have their father involved in their life.
writing a paper on this, can i get some sources?
>for black prisoners
>posts picture with white prisoners working too
Not too good at this are you OP?
I had a fathers, got no opportunity in life and this is coming from an affluent (dad was in 10%) white male. I can't fucking imagine how hard it would be for a poor black even with a father
Lies they put themselves in that position...
>Trying to subvert Sup Forums
Blacks desire the life of crime despite the multitude of opportunities available to them. It appeals to low-IQ groups.
lmao they live in America. There's literally nowhere they'd have a greater opportunity
So then you believe if you were caught j walking slavery for you is okay
There is nothing wrong with racism
If these stupid monkeys don't like white people they should be expelled from work countries
Okay so if someone beat the shit out of you because of your skin color it's okay then
Look how black workers are treated in Saudi Arabia or Dubai there you will see true slavery
I wouldn't say that I would place that specific problem on the drug war
I'm spreading my opinion
That's not true at all. Blacks are systemically discriminated against.
My dad was wealthy and almost became a congressmen. I'm as white as it gets and am above average height (though not by much). If i have no opportunity in life then how do you expect a poor black kid to have opportunity
I live here too, got no opportunity.
Wut bout Wakanda muh nikka? Dat sheeit reel.
Whytes hid dat sheit from us son.
The 50s say other wise
If you got put in jail you 99% of the time deserved it. The stories about malicious for profit, capitalistic prisons is untrue, these type of prisons have education training programs to help inmates get back on their feet and straighten out these people after they've exited the excessive testosterone stage. Everything democrooks tell you about for profit prisons are lies just like "caring" for blacks via welfare dependency, gun laws will save lives and immigrants will improve the economy and won't take available jobs.
They are treated like kings over there compared to American prisoners. Besides they aren't even really slaves they can leave any time they want, it's just they can't leave the country.
Doesn't matter if a prisoner gets a degree in physics from Harvard. The fact that once you are incarcerated you can never get another descent job again
fuck you niggers
You had massive opportunities, you simply chose not to use them.
Look at this EVEN worse condition, that disproves your point
>I'm spreading my opinion
Opinion is carbon copy of leftwing agenda dribble. Fucking embarrassing.
Syfamdik Waycim Durr er dur
So then your for the drug war?
I have had no opportunities
Shut the hell up.
Have fun being a minority in a few decades
>I have had no opportunities
Less painful to think about it that way, isn't it? Don't worry, I understand.
Ugh, pick a single angle before you bait your line. This is awful.
I know you want to believe you had opportunity in life since it's a coping mechanism for you. It's painful to think of yourself as a victim, but it's a fact that you are a victim of the system. If it comforts you to believe you had opportunity, go for it.
Negroes are jew slaves
Deport the entire nigger population to Liberia. Problem solved.
Racism is a rational and healthy response to the wide variation in the behavior of Homo sapiens.
It's the only time you'll ever see them working though, so it's a good thing. Wouldn't you rather see them doing forced labor than out looting, killing and raping?
Yeah those basketball players from millionaire families getting free college educations were forced by grim necessity to steal those 700 dollar sunglasses in China.
I used my opportunities to put myself in a comfortable place in life. Others didn't. Too bad.
Yeah totally, the poor black kids whos mothers can't afford to feed them are handed wealth to them for free YEP
You are a failure and you are venting. The only thing that comforts you is believing you had a CHANCE
>Implying that will ever happen
White dictatorship Civil war or balkanization will happen first
The most racist thing about this thread is that you are making a direct correlation between being a prisoner and being black.
If its a private prison, it has white, asian, mexican/mestizo, arab, etc... and the rules apply evenly. Thus not systemic racism. They work all inmates.
Now if the argument is blacks are disproprtionately incarcerated look at the homocide/violent crime rate in their community.
Now if the arguement is that its because of economic factor, you honestly can not be helped. You'll swallow the dick of every liberal excuse maker who shows up with a new reason black people don't do well. I mean at a certain point you have to be fucking honest with yourself user...
Wake the fuck up.
Yep because one case is basically everyone
Make me
>muh racism
Fact: proximity to darker skin color is correlated strongly with worse outcomes.
So someone can sock you in the face, just because their racist and that makes it less horrible?
Even wealthy blacks exhibit the highest levels of criminality. That means that your thesis that poverty causes crime is wrong.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to make you feel better
Another shill post.
>I've never seen what the Middle East actually looks like
Indians and dark skinned Asains
I understand your pain and resentment, but it's not too late. If you're on Sup Forums, you're probably not too old to make something out of yourself. Better than wallowing in self-pity, I promise.
> Be me
> Born in nigger majority ghetto town.
> Family poor as fuck for from 10 onward
> Dicked off in school until I realized I can either turn to crime and get arrested or apply myself and make an honest living
> Choose honest living
> Worked hard. Got successful. Had to make opportunities happen.
I came from the same petri dish as them. Either they made their bed and can sleep in it by commit a crime or they're too fucking stupid, on average, to desire an honest life. Either way they deserve it.
Actually their more likely to be caught, words matter, think before you speak
>I live here too, got no opportunity.
So are you a degenerate criminal?
Also, there are countless opportunities in America and the West, you just have to take initiative yourself, not be a lazy bum expecting handouts.
>street shitting rapists
>desperate third world slants
proving my point
Stop using denialism to cope.
>I cud have been a star!!!
No you couldn't have stop trying to comfort yourself
Racism is a good thing
It's a self-defense mechanism and it helps a lot
It's not racist to correlate blacks with prisoners since our policemen are racist and arrest blacks
All a black in America has to do is not be a complete fuck-up in high school. Honestly that's it. There are scholarships all over the country desperate to find a black kid with a fucking C average to give free money to. But that is asking too much of them, naw dawg i'ma be in the NBA nawamsayin', and I be sellin' that yay until den. Workin' on my rap album. Muh dik. Etc.
Drug war, wellfare state and current prison system if fancy yourself any kind of libertarian or actually anything besides some kind BIG as fuck government type guy you should be against it
But let's say you don't like minority's and like the sight of them in cuffs, weell my friend it won't be and rainbows since these policies are beginning to encompass whites as well (poor whites that is)
Both with higher iqs then whites and who's countries are projected to surpass the us and Europe
Obviously they are only on Sup Forums because of the University of California shilling project.
Again so then it's cool for someone to discriminate against you
You had no opportunity? bs, the only thing holding back blacks, is black culture. Blacks blame "racism" for all their problems because it absolves them of responsibility. single motherhood is the number one problem, ghetto thot moms don't raise their kids, no dads, kids are fucked right from the get go. Every now and then one attempt to succeed and guess what? They do, shit is handed to them on a platter because of AA laws and social justice charities that are desperate to find a black person that gives a shit. who is responsible for corrupting black culture?
I'm sill in high school I'm 18. Just flunked a test even though I studied. That means lower average won't get into college and will therefor fail at life
Besides the first half to degree, that's not how any of that works
Not true for flips or poos, also they will exceed us only because of sheer volume of people combined with development. Whites are 9% of the global population and falling. They don't need to let a bunch of sandniggers and spics in.
I'm not black.
Racism exists because blacks are inferior
It's not slavery if you opt in by breaking the law.
Yeah exactly. Whites over here, others over there.
pussy culture needs to die
And why do you think single motherhood is a problem
Drug war, welfare state, ect, ect
Passively lashing out at others isn't going to improve your situation and won't give you lasting satisfaction, I guarantee that. Don't give up on yourself. The internet gives you access to lots of online opportunities to catch-up on that education you weren't interested in back in the day. Check out Coursera, edx, Udemy, etc. It's a start, and it'll give you the confidence you need.
Federal student loans
Affirmative action
Mentorship and outreach programs
Accept the help you're given and use it to move upward
So let me get this straight... you're saying its racist to arrest someone if they're black? That they should be able to commit any crime unmolested?
That's pretty fucking racist of you, honestly
>America has the worst prisons in the world
Someone doesn't know America has two continents, and one is vastly worse than the other.
It really fucking does. I remember a time when weak men got bullied and shoved into being strong, and minorities got bullied into assimilating
1 who talked about letting people in
However since you brought it up, it's a little funny you can next to nothing to stop it
2) how is it not true the bell curve that you love so much says that Asains have the second highest iq and several people who study this project India becoming a major player on the world stage in a few decades
Private prisons are shit, but they're also less than 10% of the current inmate population, and declining. The idea that America has a lot of prisoners because the prison industry demands it, rather than America has a lot of retarded white trash and niggers, is pretty laughable.
>he believes the chinaman
You know they only submit the IQ results of their brightest, right? They have an insane superiority complex about being number 1 in Asia, when they aren't even close to the smaller countries in terms of IQ.
So then how come whites are about to become minority's in the countries they're most congregated then?
It's the way of the world. Go to any black majority country or neighborhood and watch as they swarm you for anything they think they can get.
Also nice cherry pick
Maybe they should stop doing so much crime.
Because women are inferior and they were allowed to vote. It was one honest mistake, and the world may never recover from it.
What exactly was the point you were trying to make
Hmm something tells me you're not cool with affirmative action
black crime is much worse than you know, many more crimes are committed than black people are arrested, watch this video OP
Do your own research, asshole.
Well, with that attitude you are already setting yourself up for failure. Plus, you are only 18 and still in high school meaning your adult life has barely even started yet. Of course in high school every little test seems trivial. Maybe you wont get into your first choice of university, so what? There will be many years to improve or find a job and move on. The worst thing to do is blame lack of ambition on oppression, other people or your own faults.
So then when White's are the minority, it's totally cool to beat them into submission
>Poo in loo powerhouse
But what about the boos in the loos?
>"Beyond a reasonable doubt."
The court system is extremely sided to the defendant. The system was designed to be extra careful and let a thousand guilty men go free rather than put an innocent man in jail. Innocent prisoners are extremely rare.
Blacks are arrested because they commit crimes. They commit more crimes than other ethnicities in North America. More than other ethnicities in Europe. More than other ethnicities in China and Japan. More than other ethnicities in Africa. There is no system or place on the entire planet where black people aren't committing more crime than anyone else. This is a fact. Please refute it if you can.
Where'd you learn this from?
I'm black
Lol okay buddy