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She's Jewess. The nose knows.
The Jews really aren't hiding anymore
lel thought it was this faggot in the vid for a sec
she is Jewish
Stop it.
Trudeu looks weird with a beard.
Not even close, guy in video may be a manlet but he's no midget.
white guys are so insecure about the future
I punch my pregnant asian gf
The next generation will be Hispanic. Not even beaners will fuck niggers
Who is the target audience for porn like this? Does it actually draw dimes?
This is what we fought for and died for, eh?
BBC is made for white women
Fuck white people.
Hello cheng
Not really. Jews admit that black on white porn is much more about politics than it is turning a profit. Let that sink in for a moment. Jews, a prolifically avaricious contingent of the human race, will suffer a net loss if it means having a chance to disseminate their goy hatred into people's subliminal psychosexual landscape.
Maybe niggers? I don't know, user, I just don't know.
The reason black men's dicks always hang like that is because they've had their tendon snipped to make it longer. BBC is a myth, realistically they just have limp ones.
This. BMWF porn is always a net loss, and pornstars who do it lose a shit ton of fans, so much so that Jews have to literally make them sign a contract that if they shoot some vids some of them have to be with a nig.
Same exact post on Sup Forums. Porn stars name is aj applegate. Cant find this video on any free sites, which means whoever is making these threads has access to this either by buying it or producing it. Whats the agenda here Moshe?
You realize this porn is made for niggers because they crave white women but can't get any. Right?
I’m not denying it, but where did they say that?
Nope. It's actually made for Nogs.
The market is black men and white men who hate white women. It has the same appeal of bestiality. The idea is to see a woman degraded.
in his dreams
Not even niggers like to watch other niggers fuck, they're disgusted by themselves
Yes. The other side was trying to prevent this.
>The market is black men
This is the main market, but everyone knows nogs are cheaper than kikes, and that's why all these flopped videos end up for free on xhamster and pornhub to try and appeal to literal cucks.
Serious question: Who here is white and watches this shit?
literally a jew
What did the Jew say to anger the ape?
I don't watch any porn anymore, but even when I did I never saw the appeal in interracial.
>Serious question: Who here is white and watches this shit?
Here? I can't imagine anybody.
Some idiot who loves the NBA and rap music is probably their target audience.
dumb cuck poster
pretty funny, especially when you know little 12 year old white boy internet tough guys are getting booty blasted by it.
People who hate women and blacks. Think about it, some stupid white bitch being destroyed and degraded by a dumb nog with a BBC and loving every moment of it. Completely ruining her hundred generation European bloodline. Most white guys hate both so seeing a white cunt getting BTFO is great. It's also why Pakis and Indians love it too
me in the back
Fucking retard. Complete grammar school.
Everyone here is a closet cuck. Everyone.
you sound triggered
Why did you post the exact same thread in Sup Forums?
Come on now at least try and break the stereotype that Sup Forums and Sup Forums are just two sids of the same coin
Yeah. Your leaf educational system failed you. As a teacher, I have to be upset.
calm down
They're obviously into this shit. Whatever they truly are, Khazars or descendants of Levantines, they're not fit for this world. They deserve extinction.
This is true.
I've been asking for years What is going to happen to the black gene pool with all this toxic sludge dumping into it.
Whites, specifically white males, are literally causing a brain drain effect. All of the good genes are leaving the blacks and literally the worst ones possible from all races are entering it, if they weren't subhuman before, they will be before long.
The black race has literally become a genetic trash can.
Why is it that niggers are always trying to push rope?
You fags are beta as fuck
I hate their fucking religion with a passion but I would certainly annihilate this hijab wearing paki and convert her to agnosticism and indoctrinate her into the ideals of life, liberty and freedom. By way of big white cock.
>I don't watch any porn anymore
lol ok.
They're literally dying out:
"Although risks varied across parental race categories, stillbirth was associated with a higher-than-expected risk for interracial couples: mother white-father black, relative risk (RR) 1.17 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.10-1.26) and mother black-father white, RR 1.37 (95% CI 1.21-1.54) compared with mother white-father white parents. The RR for stillbirth was even higher among mother black-father black parents (RR 1.67, 95% CI 1.62-1.72)."
The interracial fetish on their part is probably a subconscious desire to preserve their genes as best they can.
nice try but that jewish guy wasn't even her bf, he was just her study buddy.
I’m 6’4”250. I would so love to have this happen to me just so I could murder them both in self defense.
I get disgusted watching negros defiling white woman, it should be labeled a crime against humanity
To be honest, I'm completely okay with the bleaching thing.
grr...damn black ppl...grrr...rarr... i hate them because different color skin...grrr...
I can't get the webm on my phone what's happening?
>mfw all the little insecure faggots ITT trying to play the old "heh, nice try, they're not even WHITE so there's no reason for my fragile masculinity, which is also tied to race because i have nothing to offer on a personal level but coat tail riding the accomplishments of others who happen to share a race with me is fine, to be threatened AT ALL hehehehehe" card
this is PERFECT.
>The black race has literally become a genetic trash can.
They were always and will always be the black lining inside the dumpster can, nothing else
lol ok
i don't
Nah seriously guys if you go watch Amateur cuckold porn it's all black guys and Jewess bitches. Seriously.
The only women who really bought into fucking nigger dick are Jewesses. The irony, is niggerific.
He wishes
>nobody's posted the source
australians are good for literally nothing it seems
What? Explain!!!
it's simple.
Kill all male muslims.
Fornicate with suppressed female muslims and remove them from their religion while preserving the basic principalities of dressing at least moderately conservative.
asian girl pranks probably
theyre always doing shit like that
t. dicklet wh*teboi
If you can get an erection watching filth/propaganda like this, you should be gassed. I'm being 100 % serious.The people involved in the creation of this travesty should be tortured to death to send a message.
always badly dyed blonde hair.
little white cuck bitch boy gets manhandled by a black man while a white woman giggles about it. the black man proceeds to present his dick to the white woman, who is more than willing to fellate him for leveraging his superiority over the doughy, emasculated, coward bitch white boy.
it's fucking funny as shit.
fuck, someone finally said it
he wishes he was violently beaten up by a nigger then forced to watch his girlfriend raped in front of him? gee i dont know dawg, i'm gonna need to see a source on that.
You don't like seeing white women defiled?
That bitch is horribly ugly,
What a prize. Nigger is thinking
to himself he just scored Paris Hilton.
Top kek.
Honestly, that's kinda my thinking for most minority groups.
/vandal nationalism.
Really? Your go-to pretty white girl was Paris Hilton? Have you been living under a rock for a decade? Seriously wtf...
Damn really aspirational couple. I'm sure the bottle blonde with paternal issues and the tattooed thug nigger wearing a baseball cap as an adult man really love each other. #relationshipgoals.
t. jealous subhuman with tremendous penis envy who wishes he could get a girlfriend that look half as good as she does
>negros defiling white woman, it should be labeled a crime against humanity
qeq, underrated
No, I'm an adult man with other things to worry about and more going on in my life than tfwnogf, unlike you who is still struggling to cope with your various shades of /r9k/ syndrome. I actually have a job to go to today, unlike you.
Why do lefty cucks always hide behind memeflags? I wonder where are they actually from.. mmhm....