Mulatto Amerimutt here, I’ve been thinking about this for a few years and still haven’t gotten a clear cut answer on my own so maybe you guys could help me, is BLEACHing my bloodline a viable option? Or should I just refrain from having offspring? Either way I really do not want to bring another life into this world that would have to grow up a straight 50/50 split Mulatto, so is having children with a pure Aryan an option or should I just avoid procreation in it’s totality?
start by posting more Anzu
Wait and get a genetically curated baby
> Letting a Tuvan throat singing forum influence you
Just be a good person, and raise your children in a strong and morally upright fashion.
Ensure that you educate them well and upright and with good values, and don't let Jewish brainwashing destroy their minds, imprint in them a sense of identity, a resistance to blind consumerism, and teach them to love themselves, the people they come from, and the people of their nation, and to build them up.
By BLEACHING your bloodline you are tainting
another's pure white blood so NO, fuck off and marry another mulatto that has higher white genes than you, repeat this a couple of generations and you'll be one drop mulatto
Are you a woman or a man?
>is BLEACHing my bloodline a viable option?
Isn’t this already illegal even though it’s currently impossible?
Already plan on doing that.
Valid point, definitely one of the biggest reasos I’m hesitant to do so.
i'll bleach your boipussy burgermutt
I am no soyboy, just posting Anzu because she’s qt.
>Isn’t this already illegal even though it’s currently impossible?
have the kid on international waters
you can try drinking bleach
I heard it has very cleasing and whitening chemicals
c'mon lil muttsy, show boipussy :3
Fellow mulatto here.
Stop being such a weak self hating cuck. Why is bleaching your bloodline the only option that comes to mind? Why are you so against further BLACKING yourself? You're already black you stupid self hating nigger. Accept it and live with it. This whole racemixing thing is a literal non-issue for the two of us, we're already lost causes (or successes, depending on who's agenda you're in favor of). Find a woman you're compatible with and just raise a strong conservative family, that's all you can do for America at this point. I don't advocate race mixing and I think it's disgusting how hard it's being pushed, but being a product of it is no reason to be a self loathing cuck.
Bleaching will take several generations most likely. Just be a nigger but not like the ones that live in Atlanta please
adopt a white child and raise it as your own
it is your only duty as a mutt
Mix with Asians.
find a nice girl near you if you ask me, childhood gf's make best long term relationships most of the time
another cuck who wants to further pollute the gene pool with american mongrels