Abortion in America means less nonwhites who commit crime and ruin society as a proportion. Abortion means less genetic mistakes.
Abortion in America is morally justified
That number isn't high enough.
Very low income families urban should receive tax credits for getting abortions, any welfare provided should require very low income and criminal people to have birth control implants.
I support the abortion of all nigger babies, and other sub-humans.
I do NOT support abortion of healthy human babies.
abortion in america is anally nullified
I'm highly pro abortion.
But only for nonwhites.
You can make the aborted population very highly nonwhite if you require two doctors approve abortions (niggers can find urban doctors to do so, whites will have trouble in rural areas), make abortion hard in rural and suburban areas, and promote it in urban areas.
But think about this way, crying Christians will cry about killing people that “could make a difference in the world”
Abortion is the best available means of eugenics that is lawful right now to prevent nonwhite births. I support the individuals right to the other things you listed, we should encourage abortion for nonwhites.
>I support abortion for all races.
Really, there isn't anyone worth saving. Even pure whites are disgusting.
Niggers and low income
So many children are brought to this world who live a short life of famine pain rejection and ultimately death.
What choice do the children have for when they get sacrificed in the altar of hedonism and irresponsibility.
Nature indeed is wonderful in this way for there is irony in those who choose to abort. Wonderful indeed but not beautiful.
Eugenics is evil and impractical. Look at what thousands of years of eugenics did for India.
While you are right respectively they are aborting over 50% of their conceived children.
Eugenics in a modern fashion was very successful until it was terminated by liberal and social democrats. Eugenics is the only answer to improving the genetic stock of a country and insuring the future of a country. genetic rejects must be prevented from occurring at high rates or society will decay an ddie.
pro life is a code word for anti white
Like I said, look at what it did for India. You end up with a lazy, indulgent, self-worshipping upper caste that expects to be treated as incarnate gods; and a cretinous, dirty, sub-human lower caste that are treated as less than animals.
Eugenics is literally a Hindu concept. It's certainly not an Anglo-Saxon one, as Anglo-Saxons have always acknowledged individual liberties and a fundamental respect deserved to all men.
> until it was terminated by liberal and social democrats.
They are the contemporary promoters of eugenics you imbecile ... who do you think is going to Africa and offering Africans condoms and "sexual education"? Who do you think is setting up abortion clinics in black neighbourhoods?
we can do better, America.
no you moron. india would not have an IQ of fucking 85 if they were practicing Eugenics for that long
The Indian social caste system is not an effective eugenics program and I wouldn't classify it as a government eugenics program in the first place. Soft eugenics like allowing and encouraging abortion for low quality genetic stock individuals like American Africans is morally justifiable to prevent society degradation and collapse as well as prevent crime and violence.
Too many in America oppose abortion and it is the worst thing that could happen to America that we terminated our abortion program.
spotted the christcuck everyone
Finally, eugenics cannot be practiced without a socialist / totalitarian state. In fact, the very idea of any government or corporation intruding on people's lives to the extent of controlling their breeding is a totalitarian act, as they have no natural right to do so.
Of course you will end up with a low average IQ with eugenics. You will breed a mass underclass of retards and a minority upperclass of geniuses.
On the one hand you have those who reject abortion based on the belief of possibility. Is not true that sometimes pain is the greatest gift of life for it separates the strong from the meek. Would it not be the case then than a baby born in the worst circumstances could be of such strength that his eludes the adversity of his circumstances and thrive?
For those who are pro abortion it is obvious that possibility does not precede gratification. For is it not the difference that the pro abortionist reject the possibility of his child. Does he not find justification in the idea that the faetus is not conscious hence reject its humanity.
But is not the world built on ambitions of men who dared to dream of the impossibilities. Was it not the perception of possibility that lead to civilisation. Should we not upon this principle argue the merit that even though the foetus is not conscious it deserves the gift of life based on this possibility?
But alas, it seems that we have reached the impasse of subjectivity.
The modern American social and liberal democrat terminated a once successful and nominally "left wing" program America once had ranging from things like sterilizing violent criminals to voluntary abortions.
He is claiming the social system of India is a gorm of eugenics and therefore all forms of eugenics are discredited.
I have no regard for any "natural rights" of criminal and genetically inferior individuals of society. Such individuals have no rights that should be recognized by the state because that is absolutely not in the interest of the state or society. A society not exercising such basic genetic stock controls will be doomed to a disorderly and disfunctional society. There is no argument one could make that shows more benefit than harm from allowing uncontrolled national genetic composition.
India is the one eminent example of what eugenics over a long period of time looks like. They practiced it for centuries if not millennia. It's not a coincidence that Hitler admired Hindus. Like I said, it will inevitably end up with a subhuman underclass and a villainous upperclass.
In India, certain middleclass men are expected to rape the wife of his underclass slaves. Upperclass are worshipped as gods.
Don't you realise that there is a form of natural "eugenics"? Smart and beautiful people will tend to naturally marry one another anyway. There's no need to kill the less gifted, because society can't function without common labour anyway. Criminals are criminals, they deserve punishment. Killing the innocent, no matter how deformed they are, means losing the dignity and respect of human life, which is a greater loss than any chimerical notion of genetic purity.
If state-enforced eugenics is so great, then why did white nations never practice it?
But such an argument does exists and has been demonstrated repeatedly. Is not highly fallacious to presume that genetics is merely responsible for outcome?
Would it not be prudent to consider that the socio economic niche ocupied by these so called lesser people be impossible to extinguish.
So perhaps in looking at things you can not changed would it not be wise to attempt to look at things you can change?
You seem to be advocating this position but should the state employ your tactic successively through generations would it not be true that one day you might find yourself to no longer be the greater without the lesser?
It simply is not an effective eugenics program if someone could even consider such a thing one in some crazy way. I'm talking about the American eugenics program coming back and being improved scientifically. That has nothing to do with what you are saying because rather than social stratification I am talking about eliminating the number of low stock individuals in society by medical means.
Also nations have enforced eugenics programs before in various forms I'm saying bring it back and improve it. Many individuals do not deserve to live and others should never ever be allowed to have children because their genetic imperfections cause medical, criminal, and political issues.
My problem is not with people that are poor, my problem is with people who exhibit criminal, political, and social disorderly behaviors due to their inferior genes which could be culled or reduced in number drastically with an effective eugenics program (nothing related to India or the like). This matter was undisputed science before the world repudiated the nazis for their practices.
I don't care about my own social status or such, I simply desire an orderly and low crime society of people that meet a genetic minimum standard that lessens the amount of violence and political issues.
For a person who perceives himself to be logical it is obvious that your fallacies are not logical but on the merits of your premises. Indeed you lack basic understanding of science and statistics my friend. Perhaps you are the low individual we should be looking out for.
I'm saying your own argument is false. There has been no modern multi-generational eugenics program enacted. Criminal reduction and political stability are the aims of my idea of eugenics, one can't insure that something is entirely extinguished but this is not a reason to abandon good ideas, so the idea one should not handle the matter as it is impossible is wrong.
I am a non-criminal and educated individual with no history of violence. I would not be a candidate for the sterilization of violent criminals or the like. I very well understand the science of the matter, one can improve the genetic stock of a nation with more selective breeding.
Political stability as in everyone agreeing of everything? Define this for me.
Also criminal reduction you say. Do you really think the primary factor for criminality is genes? And lets say that it is indeed the case that there are genes related to criminality. Since criminality shares many aspects with warfare would you not effectively be disarming your country?
>Political stability as in everyone agreeing of everything? Define this for me.
Political beliefs and ideals are influenced by genetics. People vote in genetic, lingual, and cultural blocks. A nation can enforce more uniformity in genetics, language, and culture. If there are less Africans then America is more right wing. If there are less whites then America is more left wing. The cause of this is genetic.
>Also criminal reduction you say. Do you really think the primary factor for criminality is genes?
One of the main factors is undoubtedly genetic in origin related to mental health and aggression. Families with more criminals tend to be more likely to spawn criminals. Twins separated at birth are more likely to be criminal if one is criminal and also exhibit similar anti-social behavioral problems. We don't need criminals and inferior genetic pools to conduct warfare. More intelligent and orderly individuals are equally more useful in war and less criminal.
i see your point on the eugenics. It sounds easy in principle but in methodology it is quite ludicrous since these things are highly non-linear.
So perhaps you might achieve a certain skew-ness in the distribution as a best case scenario. But the idea would be to effectively introduce eugenics by modifying the environment.
Create an environment where these people can not thrive and they will be removed. So perhaps from a methodology standpoint this could be easier.
digits confirm, why not sterilization and double gibs. the problem forever solved
I believe you can achieve many of the goals you want without genetic engineering and if you have the patience i would you to entertain a certain idea with me.
We have no obligation to pay anyone for anything. Forced sterilizations for violent criminals and serial recidivists.
There are endless ways to achieve what we need and some are better than others. To start moving abortion clinics as often as possible to low income nonwhite neighborhoods, legalization and red tape cutting of all
"Abortion is wrong, but without it there would be far more Blacks."
This is the kind of shit that can create a black hole, and tear open the Universe.
I think there are multiple ways to skin a cat and I choose the best way I think available with as little hesitation as possible.
Abortion is morally wrong in most cases and morally justified in the case of the US to save lives and society. It is essential.
What you say is true but it does not solve the problem. Even if you sterilise the people or abort them based on loose correlations from genetics then these people will keep appearing.
You have to remove the PRESSURES which favour such people.
>Even if you sterilise the people or abort them based on loose correlations from genetics then these people will keep appearing.
You can drastically reduce there numbers and that is a good enough starting point. I wouldn't not do something good because it isn't perfect.
I’m pro abortion because I want the niggers and spics to abort their shitty offspring.
>I choose the best way I think
Are you open to a better way which is demonstrably better? If you are then you must be willing to at least attempt a more in depth analysis.
Before you pull the trigger on these people are you sure this will not backlash? Are you sure there isn't a better way? So if you were to focus on this problem for the next 5 years you would come back with this same solution?
You can't be sure of anything but living is an act of constant interpretation and action. Don't sit still because you are afraid of doing something wrong. Backlash would be worth the benefit if executed well. I don't see what is wrong with what I say so you are welcome to show me how I am wrong if I am wrong.
they need to conceive fewer in the first place. paying nig males to get snipped is the most humane and effective solution since some of these ghetto black dudes can sire over a dozen nigs. tell them the procedure is reversible (half true) and they'd go all in.
environmental pressures don't favor blacks, they die much much younger. they're just too stupid to use reliable birth control.
Return to doing this. Institutionalize the insane again, sterelize the threats like the insane and criminals.
Then they start knocking each other up for abortion checks.
>after 2 abortions, you are permanently sterilized
whadda ya think, anons?
Fear is not the question but rather responsibility. It is easy to talk lightly of taking people lives and a different story in doing so and especially easier when the government is going to do this for you.
What you need is identity and values. It would be far more optimal to go this route and has been demonstrated in the past in America. The Greeks immigrants were far worst than the negroes in terms of criminality and rapes when they first came to America. However they have adapted since then through embracing certain values and are now together with the jews projected to be the strongest political lobby and if you look closely you will see the academia filled with them.
We need to get this number higher
On the contrary. Welfare and white guilt are just as much to blame as enabling forces for the blacks. Consider than in America before the second wave of black immigration the posterior black community had been well integrated embracing values such as family and hard work. Just because the media does not report them does not mean they don't exist.
Bill and Melinda foundation is literally trying to do this in Africa
That's not good enough, correct solution is, you're born negro you're getting sterilization, simple as that
No, I'm saying one should be ineligible for what minimal welfare should be allowed to exist unless they get birth control implants and swear no pregnancy
Blacks and latinos have more abortions than whites and they still out do them in birthrates.
Goodbye whitey
There's 11M+ illegal shitskins in this country, and none of them are getting deported. Whitey is truly fucked
I don't think you understand me. I'm saying sterilize every nog but give them double gibs to entice them to do it of their own free will. in 50 or 60 years the entire problem would be gone forever. it's a small price to pay in the long term
Abortion just delays the racial conflict. If abortion were never made legal in the US, it would've solved its racial problem when the US was an 85% white country, instead of a 35% white country. Thanks baby boomers, yet again fucking the US.
I think I understand you I'm just saying foremost we should force many to get an abortion and be sterilized no matter what they want.
Abortion is what is/has been holding back the flood. America is better for having it and should have had more. Southern states heavily restrict it despite the overwhelming amount of nigger.
>nigger detected
The vast majority of US immigrant blacks are on welfare.
It's what 13% of the population having 35% of the total abortions in the US? That's pretty high
>90% white
>80% white
>70% white
>60% white
>56% white
It would be much worse without abortion, that is the math, Mr. I know shit and didn't fail math class.
not when you consider how promiscuous they are.
also for most white people it's the last resort. for blacks they do it because they already have too many kids as it is.
It could be worse. Without abortions whites would be at less than 30%
Abortion is the only thing keeping the nigger population in check. Without it a full 25% of Americans would be niggers.
Shame it isn't 100%
you're right. fucking boomers
Again, you're just delaying the inevitable. You should've dealt with this issue in the 80s and 90s when you were the vast majority. Now you'll be starting when you're a minority.
I do believe that you never know where the next world changing person will come from, but the odds of a black kid raised in the ghetto with an illiterate mother are astronomically small. Nothing close to the potential cost saved of feeding, schooling, and housing that person in prison.
There isn't a way to go back in time yet, you are a foreigner so that is fine for you to spout that because it bares no consequences for you. People who live in reality and are realistic have to have a plan of action moving forward that doesn't involve throwing their hands up. We move forward trying to do our best.
Propose you’re policies to increase this number, or to move to permanent sterilisation.
All niggers, mulattos, and quadroons are instantly sterilized at birth, it's as simple as that. We wipe them out within a generation.
How do you propose to do that?And good luck getting to the rich blacks with bodyguards and political power
Tax credits for sterilisation.
Indian caste system is racial in origin m8.
yes, yes, yes, keep ignoring the problem. Maybe it'll go away on its own!
No you guys the black abortion rates are not what you think they are. Christopher Cantwell explained this issue very well:
Niggers may abort a lot of babies, but they still give birth to a lot of babies. So they will abort like 3 babies but still give birth to 6 babies.
White women will abort 2-3 babies and will give birth to none.
I'm not ignoring the problem, I am proposing drastic policy to deal with it and realistic steps to achieve it. Learn to read.
I would love to see the proof of that.
Where is the "Unspeakable" gene?
If this were true the US black birth rate wouldn't be below replacement level