>having sex with people just becusse of their skin tone
>this is not viewed as racist
>having sex with people just becusse of their skin tone
>this is not viewed as racist
Is that your homework assignment?
White skin is aesthetically more pleasing than the literal color of shit.
Finding the opposite sex of your own race more attractive is now somehow racist?
Try again Ari.
>everyone prefers to have sex with mostly people with the same skin tone
>everyone is racist
>racist is a meaningless distinction
>racism doesn't exist
Like most things in life, it's only racist if White people do it.
The average nog isn't attractive (pic)
I fuck attractive women regardless of their skin tone, so I don't have an explanation for you. The only people I've known in real life who legit refuse to date all people of particular skin tones with no exceptions are women, so you'd have to ask them.
>having sex
Lesbians not having sex with me just because I'm a man is sexist.
'Racist' isn't immoral, not even slightly, and it's truth. Truth is 'racist'.
Perhaps, but most black females that I have been exposed to have been rather high-tier. It might also have to do with fact that I live university city, but I digress and respectfully disagree with your point.
>just because
Well, no, that's not right.
It's not a matter of whether it racists or not, but whether it's bad or not. Who cares if it's racist
White women
>skin is fair like snow
>hair can be multiple colors, usually bright and colorful
>lips are pink and cute
>eyes can be any color, typically shiny colors like blue or green. If they are brown they're shiny brown
>nipples and pussy are pink
>skin has different variants of color on it such as pink
Non-white girls (asians excluded
>skin is shit toned
>almost guarranteed black hair
>almost guarranteed brown or black eyes
>lips and nipples will be brown
>pussy will be brown butthole colored or horse pussy, niggers have horse pussies
>nipples and everything else will be brown
>everything is just variants of brown and black
Just a tone you say? Gee... do I want a beautiful colorful painting, or 50 shades of shit?
Yes, and?
Most of violent criminals are males not females.
I should of specified. I was talking about how I’ve been rejected by several girls becusse I was not niggerish enough, and I am baffled how they don’t see the irony in how it’s racist to only want to fuck niggers.
Are you Black or White?
one can argue that BLACKED is racist for the sole purpose of using blacks as sex objects.
Sup Forums can literally cause a shit storm for BLACKED by saying blacks are still slaves, but to the sex industry in shit like BLACKED.
you guys can very easily do this and sjws will very quickly pick this up because the logic is already laid out for them, they just need some reason to pick it up.
*inhales deeply*
awww, yeah bitch, gimme that heavenly perfume.
Oh, a little stutter in your step~ Don't worry if the klingons rear their heads. I'll consider it a hershey's treat :9
when did people start behaving like hedonistic animals?
>becusse of their skin tone
Nigger detected! Enjoy your ban.
Skin tone isn't race.
>using an isolated example to express a statement about a larger group of people
you aren’t gonna be able to beat/convert the left without an actual argument
>implying the left listens to arguments
kek, you already lost
>implying anybody here cares if it's racist
I only sleep with black men, does that make me racist?
>using an isolated example to argue against an isolated example
Sex is sex, the only thing that matters is who is going to have your children
I don't care how many times I am called a racist. I simply don't find them attractive. Same with fat women or women who are full of tattoos/piercings and dye their hair.
still pretty white girl on previous image doesn't look anything like a pretty black girl on this image aswell as old hags are nothing like each other
and those differences are similar to those of tigers->pantheras which means different species
People are still allowed to have preferences faggot. Some people also prefer certain hair colours, certain body features and other things which are predetermined by your genetics, they do not get called out for being biggots tho.
What? You don't want to have sex with the liberal girl with 15 tattoos and green hair? Bad Goy!
>bars on windows
Blow it out your ass
Is this Jamaica?
I respect you for implying our fingoloid race is beautiful
I will literally send you thousand bucks in paypal right now if you find a me a picture of an attractive looking abbo women.
Look at the girl you posted OP. If that was a big black ass of the same size it wouldn't be as arousing. White skin just looks way better for women. They need to have a white girl face too though. Can't be an albino ape since they look hideous.
Basically you could give a white girl black skin and she would still look attractive. You cannot do the reverse for black women since they just have a natural ugliness or lack of femininity.
Would you prefer statistics?
>tfw black
>tfw never fucked a black chick
What am I doing wrong?
Ur not good looking or famous or rich or ripped.
Don't know how the situation is in Limeyland, but the pic explains the situation in America.
you're a nigger
No it just makes you have a black eye and single motherhood.
> checks flag
strong words jose
You're a stupid ugly a nigger.
Nipples literal colour of my excrement.
Most violent criminals are raised by single mothers.
Does this count as inflation fetish because holy milkers batman.
Black eye, sure. But single motherhood. Gay sex don't work like that Burger. You were talking to Sven ffs
Every white man on this board should be refusing to use condoms, ejaculating inside every time they have sex and only having sex with white women.
If you refuse these terms you are a traitor to the cause.
inb4 that one half abo who still looks like a monkey despite being caked in makeup
How's the super gonnhorea?
White woman in all honesty kinda gross me out, ive kinda had bad experiences with them in regards to the hygiene department for some reason. Anyone have same experience?
And usually i dont find the typical american white very attractive as they look like the le 56% face. Only north/east euro looking white girls gib me boner.
stories please
the average negress
"racism" is just the name of a concept
It refers to ideologies that pose some races as "superior" to others
Not every distinction between races is called "racism", because racism is an ideology, not anything related with race
You can pose the question of "why would one have sexual preferences over race without thinking one is superior to another", but it's stretching it too much, because there are so many other sexual preferences
But yes, there is an implicit tendency that sexual preferences are about selecting the most important features in the gene pool
The thing is that this does not necesarily mean there's an underlying ideology of "superioriy"
eg. I love being "wh*Te", and cumskins are probably more intelligent, but prefer quadroons.
Even if one wants the survival/continuation of their race first and foremost, xenophilia could perfectly be explained as a way of incursionating into new genetic territories, because even if your genes are "better", your child might have the best of two worlds instead of being inbred with "better" genes
Although probably is just Sup Forums that made me an oil driller
pic related to trigger people
you can't fool me with your photomaniggatry
Roach you mean?
Racism is exclusion of a race because of their race, so, it is racist. The end
sex doesn't exist, stop falling for the hoax
That makes you a LARPing cuckposter
One Race, Human Race.
Gender and Race are a construct
>not having sex with another Race is racist
Post more asses you got from pol
>just because of skin tone
>because of skin tone
why are you here
People have been farting since the beginning of time.
Of course it's racist.
Explain why racism is bad in personal terms like who you fuck or spend time with.
na impregnate blacks too. Just don't married them. Save that for a real women.
>Argentina an expert on whiteness
>the best black people will get more and more bleached
>the worst white people will get more and more blacked
I'm okay with this.
Check this ass out boys
>50% white with white features
>lowkey colonization fetish thread
Carry on
Why does she have two asses?
this one isnt mixed its not uncommon coming from east africa the part that had more interaction with the world and arabs
futafags are the worst fags
seeing those nuts
The real Red Pill is that White women are the most race loyal, particularly the attractive ones.
These ugly she-boons, are your fucking standards lower than a drunk midget trying to play limbo? What the fuck is your problem?
Bet that weave in their hair smells like literal fucking ass, too.
"mongrel" 56% here, no, sexual preference for lighter skin tones doesn't mean you're racist.
what is the origin of BRRRRRAAAAAAPPPPPosting?
ethiopian and eastern chicks are fine as, in most cases, like that one in pic.
>two asses
das right mang
she has yours and hers
>having sex with people just becusse of their gender
>this is not viewed as sexist
burger logic