To what degree is the job of parenting the job of the government?
To what degree is the job of parenting the job of the government?
Very little, but it does have an indirect role.
The government should provide extensive benefits such as tax breaks, paid maternity and paternity leave, etc. to parents so that they can spend more time raising their children and focusing on giving them the best upbringing possible.
>niglet in hand
>taking ass pic for niggers meanwhile
white women were a mistake
The baby is white
to the 0 degree
I disagree on the paid parental leave. It was their choice to have children but as a taxpayer I had no say in the matter of them doing so, so I do not believe that I owe them any money to raise their children. Otherwise I largely agree with you.
Idk but I personally believe we need a parenting license and eugenics program instituted in the United States and abroad.
Instead of making it harder for successful people to breed, remove incentives for the poor and the retarded on welfare having kids.
Want to solve overpopulation? Want to help prevent undesirables who can't take care of kids properly from having kids?
1. Stop giving foreign aid to Africa. Because of this their population is booming to the point where they'll be 50% of the population by 2070
2. Take a test for parenting license
3. Remove dependent tax breaks for those unemployed or on welfare. Keep them for working families and add benefits, only for working families. Some niggers will die boohoo. Tough shit. Don't have kids you can't afford.
4. Immigration overhaul
5. Screen for genetic defects and diseases, encourage abortion, sterilize the mentally handicapped.
Will this ever happen? Maybe 1, 3, and 4. 2 and 5 a man can dream but lolbergtarians and christfags won't allow it.
Is this female empowerement or rape culture?
Zero you dumb fucking retard...
Ask any orphan how great it was to grow up in an orphanage...
lol wtf is that
the government's job is to include parenting classes in the grade school so kids grow up with the ability to raise their kids, however it is not the government's job to raise your children and if it has to they should be pressed into military service.
the real problem is when you have teachers whose views do not align with reality and then as a result teach the children absolute garbage.
> Government-approved/designed parenting classes
> Yo let your kids inject themselves with hormones and decide their gender at a young age
No, what's needed is the institution of incentives and a system which gives individual parents more time and influence over their children, and in which the government's influence over the children is somewhat minimal and limited to educating them on civics, some level of national/local history, and useful skills such as doing taxes, writing, etc.
you just illustrated my point on what happens when you get teachers whose views do not align with reality.
nice try jamal.
>If you are free, so don't get me wrong Colin Mc Britton, I'm okay with Queen forcing her way parenting you.
Only to avoid providing dysgenic incentives and to ban obscenity/ threats to their well being and to the general morality.
>Oh, you don’t love tolerance and diversity?
>No parenting licence for you :^)
Yeah didn't really think through the possible flaws of an authoritarian leftist government punishing people for wrongthink. It's just hypothetical. You could probably do straight IQ and some basic child safety questions or what not.
Where in the world do you see an ass?
That girl is flat as a tire. Makes me wonder if that kid's even hers.
depends on the suitability of the biological parent, if they are dangerously incompetent, the state has a duty to protect the child
>parenting license
>all the criminals ignore it and have assault niglets
>meanwhile law abiding citizens have to get a fucking license to have kids
it's like you want the west to die
raising a child is the highest motivator of labour, society is contingent on its privatization
If you fail you get sterilized
Sterilize felons while you're at it
Just abort illegal babies and bury the parents alive?
Tell that to the White Trash in Vancouver and Ontario, faggot.
Children have become the highest motivator for welfare checks in our country.
Do you know how monstrously authoritarian and powerful a state would have to be to be able to enforce such a system?
A system that has parenting license would already be authoritarian my dude.
look at the foot ya dingus, the color of the head is just from the angle/lighting
which is not a stable system, hence the point
> China is the example we want to follow for first world countries with nice living standards and actual freedoms
>hates girls so much he actively goes to nigger think immediately
Just pathetic you faggot. The kid is clearly white and the picture was done as a joke for her bf/husband.
Nothing to do with them. Only correct answer.
>government should provide extensive benefits such as
>paid maternity and paternity leave
niggers already have more babies to up their monthly EBT balance by $200, why the fuck wouldn't they get knocked up to have another year of free money for not working?
you're incentivizing niggers to have even more children out of wedlock with the taxpayers footing the bill
Waaaay more than it should be famalam
nice try rabbi
this depends on what you view the role of government as. the best thing you can do for society is raise good kids and incentivizing parents to do that pays for itself a thousand times over
ref: white suburban neighborhoods
>Do you know how monstrously authoritarian and powerful a state would have to be to be able to enforce such a system
Stop it user, I'm getting hard already.
You're special type of stupid arent ya faggot
>as flat as a tire
Jesus mate go jump off a building to boost your testosterone levels.
Of course the Brit from the country which epitomizes the nanny state enjoys the state being able to ram his dildo up his ass whenever it wants.
She's got a small but attractive butt.
Source: am a bunda expert.
Of course the 56% tax dodger doesn't get a semi thinking about the final solution to the dole scum question.
It's Poortugese for arse, you fucking inbred.
0! If you decide to have a kid then be fucking responsible.
That's a damn fine ass tho
just revoke benefits and welfare
and let the nature remove the sick in mind democrats
It is the governments job to make sure pedophiles cant just snatch our kids when they go to take out the trash but they have all but failed at that. Im all for homeschooling. I dont know how people cant trust these faggots with kids 10 hours a day.
no, its not
And Czech for coat
then you get trash dumb iq multiplying faster than us
we should have let kids starve
So: I ask you:
Do you want 10,000 kids to starve?
I just hope they hold you up and force you to watch them starve you nigger
just remove the jew and stop the persistent attacks on the weak human minds
The government should provide basic support to parenting and ensure education. It should intervene as little as possible, especially in family matters, as it can make a lot of harm.
See the The_Norwegian_Child_Welfare_Services and the harm that it does to families and children:
In Norway you can't even hit on the ass your child if he doesn't behave and this has produced generations of entitled brats that have deep problems. Some of them are well and fine but others that would require a bit of good old ass whooping are not so fine.
Personally I don't like other people or even the government to come into my home and say what I should and should not do. If the government provides extensive benefits then it feels entitled to say how you should behave behind home walls.
My mates Italian mum would slap him to the floor and beat him if he forgot to hang out the washing. Fuck it was funny and he feared her so much whereas she'd just make me food. Going over there was always tops cause him, one of his brothers or all of them were getting a smackdown.
Only when parents are fucked beyond repair or otherwise incapable of raising their child can the child be taken in by Social workers. That child is then put to a Foster home or to municipal facility.
Government should be designed to stop us from doing stupid shit to other people. That's it. If someone wants to smash a window, they can smash the ones in their house. If they want to smash windows at my house, I want a taxpayer funded executioner to axe him before he does.
it's not unless the child is at very serious risk and even then it should be the parents that are parented
subversion of parental freedom is the moist heinous crime of them all
No, that's up to the community really. They can decide how they have families take care of other children etc.
Unless the government is paying them with money that isn't from taxes like import tariffs from companies not owned by a resident/citizen or it's from a business that the government owns.
If Australian; about 100%.
We are all raised by a nanny state.
Only cumskins let the gov parent their children
I bet this little whore fucked with several niggers
Wrong. Government benefits to parents always ends up subsidizing the breeding of the worst people at the expense of the people who actually should be breeding. Let the poor be so poor that they dare not have children or if they do have children they starve and the problems will solve themselves.
What the actual fuck is wrong with women
I've had parents and children split up because the child reported abuse to me. So think about that the next time you decide to "discipline" your child. They have mouths and they'll soon realize that what you are doing is wrong.
Hitting children is savage.
t. school teacher
Good luck getting to the power to implement that and then maintaining it for the next 1000 years, before the traitors get their hands on the policy.
fuck off rabbi
>being this much of a faggot
>meme flag
hillary should've won just to let burgerland burn and be started anew
>ID: UkuK
Can't make that shit up cucky
It's female rape culture & pedophilia.
>sexual photos with baby
I feel like I was eye rape by that ass.
>Hey girl, you want to receive all these benefits, you just have to pop a nigglet
i don't want my tax money going to the child of a woman i didn't get to fuck
british isle residers take the cake for the least hot word/slang for ass. "arse" i think of a fat pub wench with orange teeth belching that word out
To answer the op, zero
If you want to help people, do it with your own money, find people who want to do the same thing as you do
Fucking brits, why do they always want to be slaves of the government?
Arse is an actual German word, not slang, you uncultured swine. Fuck off back to watching Honey BooBoo you inbred fuckwit.
what am i supposed to know every gay word ever created? whatever angry sperg
>The government should
Stopped reading there.
The Lilliputians believe that parents marry out of sexual desire rather than love of children. Therefore they deny any filial obligation and establish public schools for children.
>Arse is an actual German word, not slang, you uncultured swine.
It is not. Arse is newenglish. The root of the word is ars without "e" in ahd. mhd. and other germanic & nordic languages. In "modern" german it is Arsch.
>gibs to parents so that they can spend more time raising their children
Being married should be sufficient for this. If you can't afford for one person in the household to stop working long enough to rear children then you shouldn't have children until you unfuck you finances. maternity leave is only required for the upkeep of poor single mothers which is the very thing we don't want to incentivize
>uncultured swine
>inbred fuckwit
>Arse is a German word
>totally incorrect about something he's absolutely sure of
I smell soy
id smash
>nigger child
>nigger mating ritual
It checks out.
Better plan:
Give a semi-permanent birth control (norplant?) and $25,000 to any woman/ghetto girl who wants it. Trust me 25K is a drop in the bucket if Shananay has 1 kid she cant support. Fingerprint her to avoid fraud.
She can get birth control removed if she meets 2 or more criteria:
1. Marriage certificate
2. Child raising classes taken
3. Stable employment/part or full time
4. Drug test negative
5. High school degree
6. No felonies for X years
Its a win win. It would work!
offer $50,000 and a Lexus for permanent sterilization. Problem solved in one generation
yeah, your right, they would jump on that in a second