a german just asked me to "think about the negative aspects of free speech"
wtf, what do i say Sup Forums?
a german just asked me to "think about the negative aspects of free speech"
wtf, what do i say Sup Forums?
Tell him he's right. Freedom of speech allows subversion, particularly by Marxists. Their Jewish trickery and deceit can be snubbed out with reducing aspects on expression/speech.
and checked.
You can get hit if you say something people don't like.
What are the negative aspects of being a slave?
germans are the biggest cucks ever
t. kraut
There are none.
People's feelings can get hurt. Wah
that "german" is most likely to scared to face a discussion based on facts.
Thats why he wants his freedom restricted, so he doesnt have to face any form of opposition. (i dont want to face problems /hugbox/ savespace mentality)
Be with me or see a shooting squad from an angle noone wants to experience voluntarily.(typical german mindset).
You just jnow one day the EU is going to come knocking
i almost sent something akin to this, but i pussied out
Where are you having this discussion? Do you know him?
We mustn't reveal our powerlevels, shall we now?
Just another example of how great freedom of speech is. It allows invaders in without resistance, but with welcome arms instead.
online, i only interacted with him before once, i was saying the guardian sucks and he was saying it was really good
i still replied, i just didn't expose myself as a retard
What did you say and what did our based german respond?
Second this, I am curious to what he has said too.
Let me tell you how things work in real life: you defend free speech until you have the power to censor others. That's not how you think or I think. But that's how people think. They say "free speech this, free speech that" but most draw the line somewhere. If you draw the line you don't believe in free speech, that simple. You see these niggers around here going "muh free speech" over Holocaust deniers getting arrested in Germany but they don't care about fags being incarcerated in Russia for their speech. See... it's all a game. You have to be a liar. Hypocrisy is what it's all about. The people who molded your thoughts (and OF COURSE you're an independent thinker who questions everything) but this is something that some people take YEARS to learn. It's one of those things everyone knows but no one talks about and when you learn you're like "Holy shit, really?!"
i asked him for an example
instead of answering he asked me to think some more
did i get BTFO? is this the new superior tactic?
>"think about it"
>"no, think harder"
"Words don't cause harm. Dictating what people can say does."
call him a nazi
The only bad part about free speech is that leftists have just as much a right to use it as anyone else.
fugg, that's perfect
Add a stipulation that only speech which is uttered in the pursuit of tangible truth should be protected.
Marxism is bad. This is demonstrably true: PROTECTED
Marxism is GREAT. This is demonstrably a lie: Fed to the firing squads.
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty."
Don't know who originally said it, got it off the front page of the "unmasking antifa" site. Still, that quote fits this thread perfectly.
Call him a nazi in hidden terms. Say something like, German regimes in the 20th century that agreed with you are not societies I want to live in.
>the worst part about free speech is listening to people I disagree with
also checked.
When you learn about human nature, particularly the nature of women, you will want to censor the dangerous speech as much as any National Socialist.
Western People have the highest empathy of any Race. We are also the only race which practices Altruism.
Unrestricted Free Speech is what has gotten us into this trouble.
And before you say "No it's illegal to speak out against immigration"
Who do you think voted the politicians in who made those laws? "Free Speakers"
Western Women in particular have become suicidal in their avocation for immigration. Should these people remain free to conspire to destroy our Nations?