American Racemix Family Meme

>be me, half Chinese, half English
>currently seeing a solid 8 white chick
>blonde, blue eyes, smart, like one inch taller than me, two years younger
>we knew each other in college, didn't really pay attention to her but she was obviously into me then
>she and I met again in Dallas two years ago and have been dating since
>moved in together a while ago, like over a year
>I rake in a lot now, but she's stuck with me through the shit times when I wasn't, so I'm almost certain she's not just in it for the cash
>upgraded to our new apartment when I started pulling in six figures
>talking about marriage now, and every now and then she throws in hints about having kids
>recently dropped a fat check for the ring, custom made with five ruby inlays

I'm hitting the scotch enough to wanna hear Sup Forums's view on this. We've talked and she wants a few years to ourselves before we have kids, but I'm still nervous.

I know most of you are gonna sperg out over not having any gooks ruining your perfect little fucking purity thing or whatever. Still, I'm so far right that I'm almost past Milton Friedman, I figure it'd be good if I have a couple sons and make them that way, too. What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Eh, you can be an exception. Doesn't mean the rest of your family or anyone else of your race is going to be allowed to live.

post the sauce you fuck.

If you think about it, your kids will be 3/4 white, and if they have kids with whites, they'll be 7/8 white. At that point, especially because you're half Asian and not half black or anything, it won't even be discernible that they're not 100% white.

I say go for it. Most of the people on here wouldn't even be able to tell that your kids are 1/4 not white.

>Asian guys

Good for you my half teapot friend

I'm glad I can be your exception, Abo-man. When your people discover the wheel, I will come there so you can try.
Artist is 'silver meteor', and I think the series is Dagashi something.
I actually look a lot more white than Asian. My cousin got the whole stereotypical Asian look and does the whole 'vidya 24/7' thing.

I think that some time in the future you are going to look back and regret the choices you've made. Don't believe me now, but when the time comes maybe you'll look back and remember my warning.

good for you user proud of you
make babies with her

Talk to me when you can open your eyes.

the thought of asians having penises makes me really uncomfortable
it's unnatural


>upgraded to our new apartment when I started pulling in six figures

damn, what's your job?
also you're probably fine to racemix under these circumstances

>'things that never happened' the post

75% whites are white to me unless the 25% is black

Dear god someone eat a ban & post the whole pic!

>Most of the people on here wouldn't even be able to tell that your kids are 1/4 not white.
Oh, yes they would, but thanks a lot for the support, man! My little brother is a pianist and I was an athlete, so I think we should get them involved in something like that.
>taking a warning
>from a leaf
How can you read this? Don't you people communicate with, like, dead spiders and didgeridoos?

>You're so far right that you're almost past Milton Friedman
So you're a basic bitch conservative, ffs Ludwig von Mises famously called Friedman and his like socialists at Mont Pelerin.
Literally a single google image search.

>le leaf meme
haha you're a lost cause. I'll be laughing when you look back on this and realize I was right

I'm 100% nigger with about 20% native blood and 20% chink, I'm dating an OVER 9000/0 sheboon transqueen and I make a million a minute. What does Sup Forums think? Can Sup Forums please validate my existence? I need validation from this taiwanese tuberculosis forum

Half at least 6 beautiful quapa children. God speed.

T. blonde/light-eyed white man.

t. Angry hapa larping

I'm 100% nigger with about 20% native blood and 20% chink, I'm dating an OVER 9000/0 sheboon transqueen and I make a million a minute. What does Sup Forums think? Can Sup Forums please validate my existence? I need validation from this taiwanese tuberculosis forum sahgayyyy

Your last name is asian or euro?

Find a hapa wife OP. Don't mess up her offsprings.

>says he's far right
Lol. Nice larp chinkyboi
The absolute state of Canadian pro-cuckery. Sad!

>recently dropped a fat check for the ring, custom made with five ruby inlays

There is little hope for you.

I am half white/half anglo and was just looking up Elliot Rodger, then immediately after came to pol when this thread was on top of the feed. WEIRD SYNCHRONICITY SHIT. Meme magick is truly real.

>going to pol for advice on this
leave her, she deserves better

I mean, I appreciated economists like Hayek while I was studying economics. Looks like I have to read Mises, now. I've heard a lot about him, but he wasn't really covered at my university.
K. Well, if you think you're right, then surely you have a different pan of action that would be better than mine. So, shoot. Lemme hear it.
Literally born into the position to race mix. What would you suggest I do?
Didn't even dent my checkbook, poorfag.
>phrasing a bragging thread to be an advice thread
>whitey getting insecure

>your'e selfish fucking half gook enjoy your upcoming divorce and inevitable suicide.

I'm a crypto-mischling with a white last name. If I marry a white girl will my kids still be Jews?

>Didn't even dent my checkbook, poorfag.

Not the point.

Marry Chinese person or a hapa. It's that simple. If you weren't a low IQ chink boy larper you would know.

75% white user here. 25% Asian. I don't think it is a problem, but you should definitely instill racial identity in them from a young age. I had identity problems until I chose white myself recently. My dad could have saved me from a lot of issues if he had given me that.

I'm a quappa and I'm a faggot loser

THERE IT IS! There it fucking is!
I've got so many friends who are terrified of commitment because of the upturn in divorce. How can you pretend to be some kind of vanguard of your own race when you're too scared to even propose to a woman?

And how does it make me selfish? I honestly want to know.

No you need to marry a Aussie Muslim for that

So, yeah, the kids are definitely playing sports.


>another non white identifying as white
You aren't White. One drop rule fag.

>It's another thread were nonwhites tell eachother they are white

>blonde, blue eyes, smart, like one inch taller than me, two years younger
You can't fool us OP, it's impossible that such creature exists in burgerland.

It's another bong getting arrested for being run over headline.

I'm an Orthodox Catholic. The one drop rule only applies to Christ killers.

Actually that's every thread, nevermind.

>Marry Chinese person
I've dated several Asian women in the past and they were all leeches. I swear to Christ, the second they think they've got you, the charades are over and they become manipulative bitches, especially the ones who are actually from Asia. Fucking never again, man.
Oh, no. I'm not white. I just act like I am.

Applies all mutts m8. A husky mixed with a pug is no longer a husky or pug. It is a mutt. Gotta have those light eyes and light hair. What you should do is bleach an azn gril

Akchooally that's every British headline

she is the rare specimen that we keep in our laboratories... the beautiful and tenacious purebred 60% woman

You do know what site you're on right? It's always been a well kept secret that Sup Forums was full of asians

I strongly advice you to get a vasectomy or to find a gook women. I'm the child of amwf, so I think I can give you some pretty good insights as to the misery that awaits you.

Your daughter will be a whore who will always be inferior to white chicks and will thus feel resentful to you and your whore wife. To deal with her daddy issues, she will fuck every white dude who talks to her. Your sons, however, can go one of two roads. Either they'll end up like Elliot Rodgers or they'll become like me and want nothing more than to strangle every race-traitor, regardless of the race. Nobody wants to be mixed, so no matter how successful they are, they'll still fucking hate you for fucking them over.

Meh there's no white people in America, you're chink and your waifu has some nigger and spic blood, no doubt
Americans racemixing is absolute non-issue

sounds like you're full of shit you chink manlet

The 25% will never go away in me. But racial loyalty and preference are there, and my kids will be 12.5%.

OP is half Chinese, I think he knows what it's like

>dad is half nip half mexican
>mom is has more native in her blood than glorious Spanish
>tfw when unattractive mongrel of an autist with no true identity being 1st gen american
I just want a qt nip waifu like my dad failed to get. It's not fair.

As a quappa it's not that bad, my kids will be virtually white/slavic. heil hitler

What a strange thing to say.

dont listen to angry virgins user. just get a prenup so she cant fuck you out of half of everything you got.


>Well kept
Kek. I wish they'd start doing a better job.

There's a reason why sharters get so offended at le 56%, it cuts deeply in their delusions of being both saviours of the white race while having negro, Indian and chink blood
>we is white passin!
>we is lihgtzikin,

Meh, fine by me, I don't know why you're even asking Sup Forums for input when you clearly love this woman.

you better teach your children to speak chinese to help them succeed in life. My chinese pal got a 2 million grant for his company in china from their commie gov. amongst other investors. He's inviting me to come over and make money too cause he trusts me and wants white people to make his company look global but I need to speak the language first. Gdi I want that easy cash now.

>I'm so far right that I'm almost past this mainstream Jewish economist who advised world leaders on how to sell out the nation at the benefit of international finance.
Holy fucking shit are you retarded? Since when are mainstream libertarians far right?

Okay, uh. Wow. That's a pretty sad way of living. I never really felt either way, but I guess that's just because my dad is white or whatever. I don't know what you'd chock it up to. Have fun with your self-inflicted misery, I guess.
How so?
My dad's from your country, shitdick.

>I'm almost certain she's not just in it for the cash
people change nigga watch your shit.


No he isn't shitskin

Somebody's got to take out the trash. At least you're not a nigger.

It's called a prenup, jackass. You think I'm fucking stupid?
Oh, yeah he is. He even has dual citizenship.

Every gook or paki I've ever met thinks they act white. They never do.

as if

Gooks need to die OP...KYS asshole

All Gooks need to die...Sorry your half breed ass needs to go...Day of the Rope for Chinese IQ retards

Cringe as fuck
>Sup Forums pls approve of me the post
This is why your repulsive quadroon children will be weak, feminine, and ineffectual.

Let me be perfectly clear. You are not white. It does not matter if you are a Hapa. You are and will always remain inferior. And I am filled with glee knowing your soon to be wife will take the house, the kids, the dog, your bank account, and a significant portion of your income for decades to come when she inevitably bails for a superior specimen.

White pride worldwide.

>X axis extreme is (libertarianism)
>Y axis extreme is also Libertarian
Great chart, good job. Right wing is conservatism, order and natural law, left wing is progressivism, egalitarianism and utopianism.

Unless your net worth is in the millions, a prenup in almost every state in the US is worth less than a stick of gum. You may want to read up in the matter, chinklet.

>it's "muh gurl is different" meme again

we need to invent a new word for a hapa hapa

Pure raw larping right there. The day of the rope will never happened, it should have happened countless times before. Its embarrassing as fuck whenever someone thinks anything like this will happen. You're all absolutely shackled by the jew.

Marry a white girl and you can create the next James Allsup.