Notice anything?
Apple Christmas Advert
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Yeah, I'm pretty sure the nigger just stole her other earbud. What's new?
Add it to the list
Race Mixing Agenda turned up to 11.
Black Male with White Female, prioritized.
how is this supposed to make me buy their product this is retarded their marketing department is retarded why are apple fanboys so autistic
>a jew walks into a nigger...
Yep. Truly fucking degenerate. I hadn’t seen that Studio one.
Notice how they pander to foot fetishists too. Foot freaks are degenerate and will be gassed on the day of the rope.
there were a lot more than that but not christmas related
They aren't even advertising anything they are related to. All I get is that shitty music and feelings are important.
I mean I don't even care about the 52% dude, because it's a standard by now for every msm. I'm just blown away by the complete absence of thoughts put in, and generated by this piece of "product".
It's like they don't even want you to think...
wow even the cock symbolism with the giraffes
the kikes that run the ad agencies seem to like to compete with one another to see who can outdo the other's propaganda
I’m glad I’m jumping ship to Samsung in The Spring.
At least the Based East Asians aren’t cucked.
Found the shitskin
shit like this is why I dumped my apple stock. fuck them. i hope tim cook gets aids and his asshole rots out and he dies slowly and painfully.
>Faggot doesn't make a thread about the countless same race couples in commercials
>Same cherries that have been posted for the last 3 weeks on Sup Forums
It has fuck all to do with Christmas for a start.
I notice you don’t deny you’re a shitskin
Fuck Off.
These whole commercials are designed towards women’s feelings.
Brainwashing them to breed with lesser reasons is a Legitimate Concern That Has To Be Stomped Out, nothing to do with Our fee fees.
anyone got the pic with bbc blackwashing history in their kids education videos?
>dialogue in 2017
And crying on the internet is supposed to solve this by...?
>being this triggered over being a shitskin
Meanwhile advertisement in Africa
t. living proof degenerate racemixing produces mental illness.
just leave, nigger
thats not a place for you
did this ages ago, as i'd rather pay $40 for an SD card that $200 for a bigger hard drive
>paki girl gets blacked
Couldnt give a shit about pakis
What ad is this for? Whos is it
Im making a blacklist of things im gonna boycott
I've explained this before on Sup Forums, no one seems to accept the straightforward capitalist Jew logic that's clearly at hand here. The only agenda is maximum profit.
>western society IS multiracial now, like it or not
>the demographic percentages don't matter, the social zeitgeist requires you to convey that multiracial society, or be branded a bigot
>TV ads are tailored to be only 30 seconds long, you can only do so much in that time
>Christmas ads are still about family values, so a family needs to be shown and you only have so much time to do it
>so you only have time to focus on a few people, and you need to show off at least two races, thus a multiracial family is the result
>men are generally attracted to white women
>women are generally attracted to black men
>so the end result looks like a coordinated attack designed to rob white men of their women, when really it's a bunch of Jews independently coming to the same conclusions for how to sell their product to the most people
although I agree that you would think they would have noticed how bad it looks by now, you'd think it would be discussed on more places than just Sup Forums
>women are generally attracted to black men
Nigger spotted.
>muh kikes
>muh niggers
>muh proud white race being destroyed
It's a fucking advertisement from a fucking world renowned company, it's in their best interest to try to appeal to everyone. It's not a difficult concept to understand, but I suppose most of you who didn't do anything past high school wouldn't really get it.
The work of the Frankfurt School Jews had not gone unnoticed by the money power and indeed, it was funded by the Rockefeller Institute. A brief and accurate summary of the Frankfurt School is encapsulated in this meme:
1. The creation of racism offences.
2. Continual change to create confusion
3. The teaching of sex and homosexuality to children
4. The undermining of schools' and teachers' authority
5. Huge immigration to destroy identity.
6. The promotion of excessive drinking
7. Emptying of churches
8. An unreliable legal system with bias against victims of crime
9. Creating dependency on the state or state benefits
10. Control and dumbing down of media
11. Encouraging the breakdown of the family
Only partly right about women though. They're malleable and being molded by the state to engage in miscegenation, it's not a natural inclination to them as such.
I'm white, and a fucking KHV at that, I'm not advocating for blacks. The way of the world is obvious. The ideal man in a woman's eyes is a tamed beast. A black who has become a family man epitomises that, and that's before even talking about their looks.
Note: black soy boys aren't a thing
>trust me goyim, it’s totally innocent and the fact that every single advert depicts a black male/white female couple is pure coincidence, you crazy conspiracy theorists!
Nice try Hershel.
> muh excuses.
> meme flag.
go back to plebdit you fucking faggot
>black soy boys aren't a thing
Explain homosexual black people or dyel black lads who try to be as close to white as they can be
But it’s simply false to say white women are generally attracted to black men when the data shows white men are their most desirable choice and black men the least. You’re either a nigger or a legit cuck to espouse otherwise.
Your own insecurities about this are spilling hard there m8
Shun the media and especially porn.
>every single advert
nice argument
>spacing after greentexting
>using punctuation
nice reddit spacing dumbfuck
Well yeah it is. All the major Christmas ads in the UK - Debenhams, John Lewis, Ebay, Apple, Marks & Spencer, Morrisons - all show bm/wf combo. It’s so obvious even the normies can see it. To be in denial about this reveals your kikeish nature.
>all the major Christmas ads
Did it ever occur to you that my argument applies to larger companies, not just Apple, whose marketing doesn't want to exclude a large part of their demographic? Or is that a difficult idea to understand?
Yeah so you’re just proving what I said, ignoring the obvious deliberate promotion of bm/wf couples to suit yourself.
It is statistically proven that white females greatly prefer white men over anyone else. Stop projecting your cuck fantasies on females that find you disgusting.
just stop, this is embarrassing
How am I ignoring a deliberate promotion when I'm stating that it's specifically for the benefit of the company/companies? Are you actually retarded?
>comments are disabled
Please add it to the list. It needs to be circulated and grow with each example since there will be many
>Explain homosexual black people
they're not a romantic target for women
>dyel black lads
I don't know what that means
What are my insecurities that are spilling? I do shun the media, I don't watch much TV, I haven't yet actually seen a single one of these ads.
What I do see is a surprising number of brown babies with white mothers when I go outside.
By data are you referring to dating app studies or something? You're talking about reality there, while a Christmas TV ad is a fantasy. The fact of the matter is, even if blacks are generally more undesirable than whites, the most desirable blacks are likely to be more desirable than the most desirable whites, when it comes to like, sheer, animalistic attraction. A TV ad only has their looks and already-confirmed family-man status to convey.
Because you’re excusing the fact that they’re pushing this combination and trying to shift the focus away onto other adverts which don’t.
>you’re talking about reality there
My point exactly. This isn’t about your cuck fantasies.
>sheer animalistic attraction
Please, lay off the cuckold porn. Your psyche is being damaged and it’s turning you into a degenerate fetishist.
>be black
>sitting in your house watching TV
>random hardware store commercial comes on
>white folk talking about mowing their lawns and building houses
>"fuckin wide ppl"
>advertisement for mcdonalds comes on
>fellow black person and a white man at their local burger establishment
>kicking back, sucking down milkshakes and big macs
>some gay tagline
>"got damn, I want some mcdonalds now"
Of course it shifts focus away because it's appealing to demographics, you fucking idiot. That's how marketing/advertising is supposed to work.
What? You're not even following the argument. You're excusing the deliberate, repeated pushing of bm/wf couples in adverts which will receive the highest numbers of viewership in the name of "muh diversity" you utter spastic. You only keep proving this with every post you make.
Stop wasting posts making assumptions about what I do outside of this thread to attack me (they're wrong, I don't watch cuck porn) and instead maybe try arguing against the actual words I've typed?
Bringing reality into it is worthless. Reality in general for women is that they fuck around with chad and then settle with someone boring who's standing in life is more secure. That doesn't mean they don't continue fantasizing about fucking chad.
The same is true in who's presented on TV as being attractive compared to statistical data about who goes out with who because the reality involves practicality, while a fantasy doesn't.
>Bringing reality into it is worthless
Yeah, we should just continue blurring the lines between your fantasist cuck porn fetish and reality. Get some help you degenerate. Funny how your argument has gone from "women are generally attracted to black men" to now "women fantasize about fucking chad" though, isn't it?
Holy shit, you are dense.
>you're excusing the deliberate, repeated pushing of bm/wf couples in adverts
This is marketing. Black male and white female, white male and black female, black male and white male, brown female and black male, white female and brown male, brown male and black female.
>muh diversity
Of course it's diversity you fucking moron, how is a company supposed to appeal to its demographic if it doesn't try to represent it in the advertisements that they make? The whole diversity argument is only there because it's become such a big thing in the past few years and companies know that it's a way to cash in. It's not about being a cuck, or big black cock, or racemixing, or destroying muh beautiful white race, it's about making M O N E Y.
They're both Arabs who cares
same here got bored with iphone 7 exchanged it with LG G6
>This is marketing. Black male and white female, white male and black female, black male and white male, brown female and black male, white female and brown male, brown male and black female.
Oh look, more denial of the fact that they keep pushing the bm/wf couple far above any other racemixing combination! What a surprise! Why are you pretending they push other interracial combinations just as much as the bm/wf? What's your agenda? Keep proving my point.
>Of course it's diversity you fucking moron
95% bm/wf is not very diverse is it though, Hershel? I hardly ever see white woman/chinese man couples, or white man/indian woman couples. But for some particular reason you wanna ignore this. What do you have to hide? Come on, spill it.
big if true
>Funny how your argument has gone from "women are generally attracted to black men" to now "women fantasize about fucking chad" though, isn't it?
You're saying you wouldn't include some irresistible black asshole hunk under the category of "chad"? The stereotypical black is like the ultimate chad, you're delusional if you think otherwise. The only thing that's funny here is that you're clearly an idiot and that I've actually bothered replying to you. Need I remind you, your first response to me was that you assumed I was black? You talk about me having cuck insecurities yet you're the one who's so hung up on the apparent agenda of these ads?
Just boycott everything. It's all shit. I am seriously over this shit planet. I'm going to fuck of to Mongolia to become Buddhist or some shit and meditate my consciousness right the fuck out of my body and leave you all here to stay Jewed
Hey, it's Christmas!
How about you share yourself, and your history and all, with some dark-skinned fuck-head, yeah?
Cool, mixed-race babies. Sweet.
>The stereotypical black is like the ultimate chad
Only in your cuck fantasy porn, you degenerate fetishist. The stereotypical black is an AIDS-ridden poverty-stricken low-class uneducated lowlife. The Chad meme is actually almost exclusively applied to white men, you dense faggot, that's why it's given the most stereotypical white name. You just BTFO yourself by moving the goalposts cause your argument that "women are generally attracted to black men" didn't stick and you only realised it once you got BTFO over it ,so you had to change it to "le chad"
>you assumed I was black?
Like I said, you're either a nigger or a cuck. Turns out you're the latter.
Yeah I have to say he nailed you in one fell swoop ya cuck.
What are women attracted to
Who is more powerful?
>Boss Nigger/Kang
>White God Emperor
And I'm not talking about modern pussy white leaders who would be afraid of a nigger gangster, I'm talking about a Julius Ceaser conqurer who would slaughter countless hordes because the gods will it.
Literally no contest.
>The stereotypical black is an AIDS-ridden poverty-stricken low-class uneducated lowlife.
To the stereotypical Sup Forums-poster, yes, but what we're discussing here are stereotypical women. I didn't change my argument, my only mistake here was assuming a chad could be not-white, I reduced "chad" to "asshole that women are attracted to specifically because he's an asshole to them" which I feel sums up how people see black men pretty well.
>What are women attracted to
Yes, settling on someone who has power or at least money is the end game, and that'll often be in spite of a lack of physical attraction on the woman's part. But the fantasy goal that they're less likely to reach is someone who has power and money who is ALSO attractive. Which is why an attractive black family man works well as a fantasy man in a TV ad.
And you've summed up the hierarchy of attractiveness well in your own post despite apparently arguing against it
>3) modern pussy white leaders
>2) a nigger gangster
>1) conqurer who would slaughter countless hordes
A God Emperor isn't exactly going to be in a Christmas ad, is he? In fact you don't really see any ads depicting people like that. Ads are only short, you can't go into the nuance of the attraction found in someone who is on the surface clearly a monster. That's why a black family man is a perfect visual shorthand for that, as I said, "a tamed beast".
>stereotypical women.
You mean the kind that give the least number of responses to black men over any other ethnic group? Or are you talking about the stereotypical degenerate actresses fucking "irresistible black hunks" as you put it (cringe), in your cuck porn?
This really is the ultimate redpill, and it's in plain sight for everyone to see. Open propaganda and social conditioning aimed at white women, always.
Imagine constantly being bombarded with propaganda via social conditioning, to not have children that look like you, white children. In a climate where whitey is the big bad wolf. Imagine thinking there was nothing wrong with that.
Crazy times.
Imagine the outcry if all these depictions were of Arab Muslim women with white men. Sand people wouldn't have it. And if wouldn't serve the anti white narrative.
We have been made meek and to believe our heritage means nothing while everyone else is taught to value and cherish their's.
These are sick times, and it won't last forever. The hypocrisy is the ultimate red pill.
I am sick and tired of niggers being shoved in my face like this.
Why show niggers or muslims on something that has to do with Christmas?
So we should just accept propaganda?
God fucking damn it, why can't you understand the dichotomy between reality and fantasy that we're discussing here? Are you actually retarded?
Why have I had to repeat myself this often? Do you have time to be replying to me? Aren't you still in the middle of trying to figure out how to dress yourself for the day? Working out that the toilet and the sink are different things? You'd better hurry up and sort yourself out before your carer comes and finds you've shat in the sink and tried to clean your soiled jammies in the toilet. I'm no good at shitposting, my point is fuck man, you're an idiot.
You're really stuck on your cuck fantasies. You should seek some help, virgin. You've just admitted that this is all some fantasy being pushed, not reality. - therefore retracting your initial statement that "women are generally attracted to black men". This has greatly triggered you.
We need to make propaganda of white men with Arabs and blacks. That's the exact opposite of what they want.
No we should refrain from pushing racemixing in any form. Two wrongs don't make a right, leaf.
It'll make nogs chimp out. The reason they don't make bleached propaganda is that the black men would be pissed, and the Jews would lose the blacks
I'm okay with this.
>"Ahh yes, the reason white women won't sleep with me is because they get brainwashed by Jewish commercials."
We are being systematically replaced.
>that giraffe symbolism
The kikes aren't even trying to be subtle anymore.
Good, that's what always causes their downfall.
kek if this is all it takes
lol try Germany. Unless you force yourself to watch ads every day you can go weeks without seeing a single German male 24/7/365
someone post the christmas t-mobile ad it has two blacks in it depicting santa and his son, and neither of them or fat or have a white beard, it's offensive
you got fkd by your own gubermints that were sending you and your children to die in the mines and factories back in 1800s. and prior to that were misplacing you all over the colonies. and somehow you still find stupidity in your dumb skulls to wave the flags and pick on other euros.
your own will ensure that your grand daughters and 100% boned by poos, ahmeds ahmeds and mikembes. please tell me a story about judens pol.
me stupid euro me not know intricate english language.
first colonial cunt in this shithole, while im still stuck here and b4 i get the fuck away from you cunts, first colonial cunt that pushes 1 fucking bit too much is fucking done. oiiiii saiii 1st world countree. bunch of literal cucks.
youforgot sainsburys
their ad is basically random wogs jumping around
>he wants to breed with easily brainwashed women
White genocide is happening whether people admit it or not.
Kill or be killed. You are running out of time.
Correct. And this will stop when the war comes. Soon, all these beautiful different colors will be covered in blood. It is the only true human color: red.
Let it flow.
Stop tolerating each other, and start killing.
Why listen or debate and argue, when it is so much simpler to just kill your enemies?
that was horrific, just two years ago things were so different
This one? This is on their YT channel
>family values
What are you going on about?
They did it because they thought ethnically conscious white people were a tiny minority, smaller than the potential non-white/liberal white customers they would gain. Which was entirely true up until last year.
Found the kike
A real life poo man!
>>men are generally attracted to white women
>>women are generally attracted to black men
This has been shown to be not statistically true. They're showing middle-class white women living in a nice home with a stable family because they're the target audience.
> appeal to everyone
So why are there hordes of niggers there in the first place
These commercials are reflecting on reality, interracial couples aren't taboo and they're everywhere. Your small racist cult on Sup Forums does not reflect the views of society, my older sister is dating a black man and he's cool as fuck and even lets me say nigga when we hang out. So fuck off, there's plenty of good black men out there.
You probably won't buy it. White men are fiscally responsible. Women and niggers are responsible for like 90% of spending on stupid shit.