Actual thoughts on this guy? Personally I think he's probably a good man but just didn't know how to properly go about his political activism.
Actual thoughts on this guy...
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Pulls off the bald/beard look impressively, not many can.
Could be a future politician,
>He was a good man who just accidentally killed 75 people
gas yourself retard
>killed 75 people
no, he killed 75 communists. The only reprehensible thing he did was give National Socialism bad publicity.
Possibly controlled opposition. Commiting a mass shooting is the worst way to promote your ideology. Literally raghead tier. He might be a good guy irl though.
Choose one
he is a mson too
enlighten me. what is the best way to 'promote your ideology'?
kill yourself
a great, great man
He looked better when he was younger and had hair.
force. the next hero will be the man who blows up a sand/nigger nursery on EU soil
>didn't know how to properly go about his political activism
>If you kill your enemy they win
Of course there's a leaf behind the memeflag.
idk how. but i think sluaghtering a bunch of kids is bad for whatever you want to represent.
>muh kids
They all were old enough to know what they were doing. In Austria most of them were legal and allowed to vote.
"Always kill a traitor before the enemy, Jim "
but killing the children of communists who want to kill yours isn't.
The kids were marx lite anyways, nothing of value was lost.
Jej, I remember a guy on here posting how one of his classmates kicked the bucket that day. I quote
>lol he was a jewy faggot anyways
probably a cabal operative
probably cabal operative
Edgy for 2017 sure. But not objectively. During the cold war or anytime before that, advocating the murder of commies was completely acceptable.
Personally I like White Mandela
He took his activism to what he considered the root of the problem and where it would hurt them most (i.e. the children of left-wing politicians). Attacking defenceless teenagers does seem kind of low. If he was going to attack anyone, it should have been the people actually making the decisions.
Before being revealed as NatSoc, he tried to pose as a conservative/tea party supporter to get the left and media to turn on moderate conservatives and inflame tensions, eventually resulting in societal unrest and people pushed to the 'extreme' ends of the political spectrum. He was a lot more logistical and thoughtful about this than OP gives him credit for.
MK ULTRA victim and political patsy to discredit with racial identity in Europe
okay. let me try something else. murdering people to get your point across is not a good idea. even if they are commies faggots or whatnot you shouldnt kill them for simply existing. but thats just me. maybe im a sick sadistic fuck.
it certainly works for both jews and muslims.
get your head out of jesus's ass
Dude's a fucking asshole. Let him rot.
I'm reading the book one of us at the moment, same story as always, fucked up single mum ruining kid but over all I think what he did was great
Poor cunt got trapped on an island full of commies.
What would you do?
You're talking to shills, or complete idiots who have been influenced by shills. Hard to tell.
>durr go out and get caught murdering brown children goyim! That will help your cause heh heh heh
He did in the proper way. The only way to get his message out to a huge demographic was to use violence.
Eliminating the opposition is genuine form of political discourse. Literally every political ideology in history has required force to be implemented. It doesn't matter what the substance of the ideology is. Violence is necessary always to make truly significant change in a society.
Seems counterproductive to the cause he was trying to promote. What were the results for the Labour Party in the following elections?
Didn't he also claim to be a Zionist as well? I have to admit, that's pretty smart
"murdering brown children" lmao what?
they were all white.
>shoot up a marxist hatching station
this is bad why?
muh children
communists aren't even human let alone white
Great pic thanks for he guffaw
they were no longer children once they got into political activism
funny,, but he did predict what was going to happen to europe back then in hes manifesto
>didn't he also claim to be a Zionist
Yep. His manifesto was more like something Trump would write than Mein Kampf.