Even if your hair/eyes are brown, almost all white people have something non whites don't have.
>hair is brunette
>eyes are not brown
>vice versa
>both features are brown but are light brown, not shit-tier dark brown
Even if your hair/eyes are brown, almost all white people have something non whites don't have.
>hair is brunette
>eyes are not brown
>vice versa
>both features are brown but are light brown, not shit-tier dark brown
>tfw red hair + male
you faggots have no idea what it's like
I have auburn hair and light blue eyes. I swear me no 56
>dark blue eyes
>blonde hair turned light brown
just like you, but with more autism and insecurity and more liberal people i live with
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
>tfw blonde with green eyes
Its like I'm not even white
>You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy
am all of those except the last
>Do people in your life trust and respect you
no but they tolerate me cause i can be useful and im family so they cant get rid of me
>What does your family think of you
they think im a dumb child and thinly hide their disappointment
>Are you capable of raising children
yes but i am not capable of having anything with a female
>blonde hair blue eyes
can't join the ethnostate though
that pretty much sums up everything
very well said user
> What’s it like to have blonde hair and blue eyes?
It's alright, when i'm on holiday in another country european people always jokingly say i look like a nazi
I am this but breed Asians exclusively. I've been considering breeding a white woman since I started reading Sup Forums the other day. I made bad decisions throughout my life but at least I reproduce.
My girly blue eyes are pretty much the only salvageable feature that I have.
It's a shame they are hidden under sunken eyelids and gross irreversible acne.
Otherwise I would have quite a nice face.
You need to be the father for yourself that yours wasn't for you. Get that shit together.
There's really not one, single white woman in this entire world who you can find who will trust and follow you? Not one? She doesn't have to be pretty.
haha this
i also intentionally try to speak extra harsh german when being abroad
tfw multiple people in italy are sometimes heiling towards me
When I was a child my grandma used to joke how if I was born in her time Nazis would have abducted me. I wish I was born then, I'd probably be in Agartha now
>You need to be the father for yourself that yours wasn't for you. Get that shit together.
my father was fine, very well above average as parenting goes, my failure is purely on me
>There's really not one, single white woman in this entire world who you can find who will trust and follow you?
there is a ton of them, but there is none who i would like or want to spend time with
It's a good feeling honestly, it makes me sad that people in the future wont have these beautiful features
I have blue eyes and had blond hair until my early 30's then it turned brown and fell out, now i'm just a blue-eyed slap-head
Also pro-tip: Blond = masucline - Blonde = Feminine
good shit man, someone should make a bot that does this
>there is none who i would like or want to spend time with
Yet you think you're ready to be a father? With all due respect I find that hard to believe. Your relationship with your partner is the foundation of the child's development.
>Yet you think you're ready to be a father? With all due respect I find that hard to believe. Your relationship with your partner is the foundation of the child's development.
i've never had a relationship, but i grew up as an oldest child in a large family with a shitton of relatives so i'd say i know a thing or 2 about family affairs
Have that plus abs, chiseled face, great height
>no gf
>shitty job
I blame capitalism
Feels fucking great!
W-wait, what was that?
Oh Im racist? For what? Oh I am white and got blue eyes... AND Im blonde?! Extra fucking racist I guess!
Yes I can get any work I want buuuut Jamal needs it more, even though he isn´t a heartsurgeon like me. But I dont want to be racist now?
Ah, beautiful Sweden, elongated with forest and lakes... oh right, a lot of European nations went out and colonized half the world... and? Sweden had a very little part of that.
Oh I am suppose to feel collectivly ashamed for something that my poor farmer ancestors didn´t do?
And so on and so on.
But that is basically every white person in the West now.
Overall through my soon 30 years, it´s been good.
I am not the tallest, but I am handsome and (no bragging) girls do look my way.
Weirdly enough, a lot of black/browned haired girls have done this:
>Can I touch your hair
Thing that niggers complain about, never bothered me though.
Damn lucky cunt
Feels fucking great!
W-wait, what was that?
Oh Im racist? For what? Oh I am white and got blue eyes... AND Im blonde?! Extra fucking racist I guess!
Yes I can get any work I want buuuut Jamal needs it more, even though he isn´t a heartsurgeon like me. But I dont want to be racist now?
Ah, beautiful Sweden, elongated with forest and lakes... oh right, a lot of European nations went out and colonized half the world... and? Sweden had a very little part of that.
Oh I am suppose to feel collectivly ashamed for something that my poor farmer ancestors didn´t do?
And so on and so on.
But that is basically every white person in the West now.
Overall through my soon 30 years, it´s been good.
I am not the tallest, but I am handsome and (no bragging) girls do look my way.
Weirdly enough, a lot of black/browned haired girls have done this:
>Can I touch your hair
Thing that niggers complain about, never bothered me though.
>tfw handsome and got great facial features but brown eyes
just fucking kill me
>tfw brown hair and bluey-green eyes
feels good tbqh famalam
My siblings and I always get complements if we meet someone new and are standing together on our hair. My irises only get mentioned by old ladies because they change from green to blue from the outside to the inside. Also, the summer sun makes my hair even blonder.
It's overrated. A nice little confidence boost when you look in the mirror before entering the brown hordes of the American public but it certainly does not get you any free pussy (even being attractive).
same here. Hair gets super blonde in summer.
eyes also turn green sometimes, so that's cool.
>All these larping faggots.
Why do 52 percenters have such an obsession with larping as pure blood whites?
same here. Hair gets blonde streaks in summer.
eyes also turn green sometimes, so that's cool.
you guys held a part of the area I was from oddly enough, Delaware, and Maryland.
The log cabins thats famous over here for the early settlers, were introduced to them by the Swedes living in the area, before leaving to go back to Sweden.
>Green eyes
>Black hair
Master eye color 2%
It's statistically certain some blonde whites exist in the United states moron. Half of its immigration has been from NW Europe.
It's nothing special, dumb ass! I honestly couldn't give a damn about my blond hair and blue eyes.
My mother had beautiful red hair and blue eyes with porcelain skin. She fell for the dumb trend and tried to get tans by laying out and tanning beds a couple of times.
It killed her. But she was beautiful inside and out.
I inherited her hair, but got light brown/amber eyes from dad (he has black hair and light brown eyes and his beard grew red, so he never grew it out).
My younger sister was born with a headfull of jet black hair. The summer after her first birthday it transformed into red like mine and our mom. Her eyes change color.
Prince Harry is always gushed over more than Prince William. Red hair is better than no hair.
Side note, blondes have the highest rate of thin hair; not baldness, but thin hair. One sister has thin hair, and another has thick hair. The thick haired one got harrased by random bystanders constantly while on missions trip in China. People walking down the street would stop her and touch her hair.
>tfw live in new zealand
>literally every white person has blue eyes
what happened america?
Nothing special fucking chang stay away from my dogs
>have blue eyes and blonde hair
>euro Sup Forumstards call me a mongrel mutt
>us Sup Forumstards call me a spic
You can not win here..
Now imagine being an actual rare white brazilian.
At this point I just LARP as the darkest motherfucker in the favela because it makes no difference anyway.
my group of friends all have blue eyes and whenever a non blue eyed comes around they always point it out and you can tell they feel kinda sad they aren't master race