Strike the blood

Subs out senpais


post sayaka

Have some delicious man ass


Himeragi a shit.
Threadly reminder.

Yukina a best.

Fights were awkwardly low budget for an OVA

Is there sub for To Love-ru Oav 9?

Aren't they doing other shows besides doing this one on the side?

Probably staff being stretched thin which is leading to the quality not being good as it should be.

2 other shows
But still its an OVA

Yume is cute and sexy.


Sayaka a best. A BEST.

I want to MARRY Himeragi-chan.

It has been so long that I don't know if I even care at this point.

Yukina is perfect and it's great that she's the main heroine but they're completely ignoring Avrora and the main plot. Also it seems like the sidestory basically confirmed it's a harem end which is just terrible and really causes me to doubt whether or not I want to watch the rest of the series.

Yukina is so damn cute.

I hate the fact they skipped the flashback and Avrora chapters. Plus, Kojou's dad. From all the things I've read and heard, Avrora could easily be the bestest girl of them all. As expected of a vampire loli.

maybe they're saving the serious plot for a real season 2

Yukina's VA will be dead before then.


wait, seriously? Why?

This meme isn't funny, user.

I hate how this series is developing.
At first it was just Yukina and Koujo and it was excellent. Then each arc a new girl was introduced, the series became more generic, and none of the character could truly shine since arcs were crowded with girls that didn't need to be there.

This series would be better if it was just Yukina and Asagi as rivals instead of a whole harem.

Kojou working his lolicon magic.


Strike the Shit for not giving the lolis proper fanservice.

But Yume has enough.

Next few episodes gonna have more Natsuki


Finally, I'm ready to Strike the Yukina once again.


She's a succubus who'll join the harem later. Watch the new OVAs.

I never watch ovas, they are terrible. like anime movies.

OVA doesn't automatically mean it should look any better than the series.

>I never watch ovas
Do it. They're as entertaining as the tv and has better fanservice to boot.

They dont have a weekly deadline for OVAs though
It should look better

You don't know how tight their deadlines were. They could have been tighter for all we know, or allowed less resources to make it etc. Any number of reasons really.

Does anyone know if Natsuki is part of the harem, or if she will be?

Don't tell me she will be just the loli teacher.

Best battle waifu.

She will, but she's a final boss tier character. It takes time and great effort to fang her into joining.

iie senpai, Yukina a shit

IIE senpai, Himeragi-chan is the best.

does it has loli fanservice? or fanservice for cowtits but the lolis only get a shot from behind and with fucking towels and soap everywhere?

You get loli boobs.


She's pregnant.


>Strike the Sameface

Seriously, is it too much work or too hard for the character designer to draw different hairstyles??

>three Yukinas in one scene

Oh boy




6 best girls soon?

Pleb. All girls are good except Sayaka.


>he hates harems ends

There are more shows where a guy is surrounded by women that all like him but he only ends up with one girl. Go watch one of those and let the rest of us enjoy actual Tenchi style harems.

>tfw I already forgot the geek girl's name
She's best STB tho

Link or group?

Fuck off. Sayaka is the only good girl in this shitfest aside from La Folia.

It's in this very thread.

Ah, it was the image name. I don't usually pay attention to images. Thanks.

Please get along. All girls are best girl.

Your taste is undiluted SHIT.

>says the himeraginigger

This show is dogshit and the only good thing is the imouto.

Every girl is better than Sayaka. Cry more.

>Brown Houki
>Better than anything
THK pls. You're such a hypocrite

If I picked Sayaka up for a date in my 1997 Mazda Miata would she have sex with me?

That can't be true since Sayaka is the best of all.

Nice forced meme.

How much longer until YP get to Avrora? What volume does all that shit go down in?

Who voices the loli? She sounds so familiar but I can't quite pin it down.


Fairy arc is volume 7 and volume 8 also deals with Avrora.

I hate their translations so much, but it's the only translation there is.

Sayaka a shit.

You a shit. Sayaka a goddess and a best.

>bad modern tsundere
>too tall
>grating voice
>bitch in a way that isn't cute
a shit.

>I hate their translations so much
Different series have different translators of different quality on them, surely you can't hate them all?
StB translation is kinda their odd one out since Senpai is left untranslated, when even Mahouka didn't leave Oniisama untouched.

>not prude
>hot bisexual tsundere
>perfect height
>sex voice
>aggressive in a way that's lascivious

a best.




! ! !

>le imperialism meme
It's like they're begging for more nukes.

I check out what interests and I pretty do hate all what I've seen. YP's TL policies annoys the hell out of me as they do heavy localization and care more about fluency than accuracy.


Need more Yukina. This is still not enough.

>THK proving he's a hypocrite of the worst kind
Course this isn't new since you love Stella and Claire too.

Middle schoolers man.

>already monopolizes the LN covers
>already monopolizes screentime

Nope. Less Yukina is needed to make this series interesting.

Well meme'd.

Middle schoolers are the best.

Meant for

I thought they are all high schoolers except Kojou's imouto

Himeragi is the imouto's classmate.

So any idea when the continuation of this short ova is? At least the last one was only two parts.

How did you overlook that detail when watching the show? They go to class together and Yukina wears the middle school uniform. Nagisa is barely a tiny bit older (body-wise) than Yukina too.

>One of the three clockwork retorts he always uses
You make this easy.
All you, minding one phonepost.

>being this autistic

Yuckynafags everyone.

When will Sayaka finally get the kiss?

Hopefully never.

>more recognizable buzzwords and shitposting
>being a hypocrite and extreme autistic shitposter
Stay classy, THK.

Saving best for last obviously.

Yukina already finish highschool or something like, that but it's easier to blend in as a middle schooler.