Imagine you’re saying the same thing about Jewish refugees during WWII. If you’re okay with that, you do you - if that makes you feel horrified and defensive....think about why.
All of your refugee hate
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They aren't refugees. They are economic immigrants who want an easy life in Europe. Most of them don't appreciate what they get and after a while they want the same shit in Europe like in their home countries. They are islamic invaders, not people who need help.
They aren't escaping genocide
You cannot simply equate Jews who have lived in Europe for hundreds of years and are unlikely to cause trouble with Muslims who can’t go one week without slaughtering each other.
You can let a cat loose in a town and expect no trouble, but can you do the same with a tiger?
Jews are not fucking European. The only problem I have with Hitler are weak-ass Nuremberg Laws, being lax with anti-Slavic sentiment, recognizing the subhuman USSR as a state and not securing the union with the British Empire to wipe out Judeo-Bolshevism with
Russia before mass migration from Central Asia, Egypt, etc
Russia now
>You cannot simply equate Jews who have lived in Europe for hundreds of years
Actually, you fucking can. Whatever is not of pure blood is not Native and has no fucking place in Europe.
Ever wonder why so many of Poles rock that “Der Untermensch” look?
That’s because “Poles” often have those subhuman negro genes thru Jewish side (jews are 2-6% nigger) manifested in them.
I can say that the share of Ashkenazi Jewish, Lipka Tatar or Armenian ancestry among the general population in Poland lays between 30-40%
That means poland is 60-70% white, as white as mongrel united states
Let that sink in lmao, even Germany with 10mln nonwhites and massive influx of "refugees" is whiter than Poland
Poles cant claim that Poland didn’t :
A - gave refuge to subhuman gypsies killed by Germans
B - bring armenians to Europe
C - give a homeland to the jews
D - import lipka tatars
The next generation of Europe will look like this if they don't come to their senses
Do you realize where you're posting this?
>mass migration
Every racemixed pederast can say these mean-nothing words today.
A better question to ask is who do tatar, armenian, pontic greek, gypsy, jewish, northern caucasus and central asian subhumans enjoy equal rights? Actually mongrelization is far greater threat than reproduction or lack of “strict immigration laws”. The White Genocide is not mass immigration or decreasing birthrates, the White Genocide is ten 1/128 black "White" US hookers being able to sneak into Finland and procreate unchallenged. What we need are racial laws and eugenics to get rid of weak genes
There must be a Constitution Article I - “Only those of good character and of pure Northeastern, Central and Notthwestern European Blood shall be citizens”
>comparing the genocide of people that lived in Europe for 2000 years with wanting African gibsmigrants to fuck off back to their shithole
True but that’s beside the point. I was replying to OPs question (who judging by the flag is either another leftist from reddit or just a troll) in a way that a reddit mind couldn’t refute.
>comparing the genocide of people that lived in Europe for 2000 years
>for 2000 years
Who cares? An immigrant is an immigrant. Be it a fullblooded Jew “from” Vienna or 1/512 sandnigger kike rat living in delusion of being a Pole.
I agree with you, just pointing out that "refugees" have even less rights to be here than a Jew who is still not European despite living here for two millennia
Why don't they fix their own shit holes and stop begging for the white man's scraps?
>even less rights
You got tricked into muh “lived for a while here, muh property, muh shared history” bullshit. Mixed? Oven. Foreign? Oven.
Not thinking this way is what got us in the situation we are in the first place.
>comparing the genocide of people that lived in Europe for 2000 years
*leeched off of Europe for 2000years
Jews didn't flee to my country. They fled from it, and I'm OK with that.
> if that makes you feel horrified and defensive....think about why
it doesn't
>Imagine you’re saying the same thing about Jewish refugees during WWII
Nahh, we take the good ones, the nazis and help them to go to Argentina
except they're not actually refugees fleeing war
they're just a bunch of dirt bags trying to move up in life and get free gibs
Fuck the Jews and fuck people like you.
>1 post by this ID
a real refuge goes to the next country over, not travel 50 to get to Germany for the Gibbs,
Are you saying that in lets say 300 years Poland will be surrounded by muslim shitskins to the west, mongolian russians to the east, somali swedes to the north and gypsy slovaks to the south?
Not quite
Prob this is last hope of the Europe
You're gonna have to wage a war on 4 fronts in the future. We'd gladly help you, but we're still dealing with a corrupt government, misbehaving moroccons, and the islamic menace to the west (England) and east (Germany) as well. Godspeed.
t.Albanian diaspora who got rejected from poland
Im not sure we want your help dude weed lmao. You called our immigrants "New fucking Moroccans". Comparing us to pedo, inbred desert moon god worshipping shitskins was pretty mean.
we should've gassed the kikes ourselves
krauts obviously failed at it, and we were repaid with oir kindness with the subversion of our nation by these kikes
>dude weed lmao
Literally only shitskin centrals that have that mentality. They'll get the boot too.
>You called our immigrants "New fucking Moroccans"
Haven't heard this one before. Source?
we dont take kind your types around here
One of my high school buddies works in transportation. Told me he gets called that all the time.
I was in Amsterdam for a day for my 19th birthday. Went to check out a coffee shop and some nigger came to me and tried selling me cocaine. The fuck.
we should have partnered with Hitler sent the Jews to Palestine and crushed the soviets along side the Reich
Of course it's a nigger.
That place barely qualifies as Holland these days. I wish we could put a big fence complete with border security around it and just lop any undesirables in there. I'm sure they'd welcome it.
Given that the Polish definition of progress is having Tatar cock in one hole and a Jewish one in the other, while some Armenian fucks his wife, I guess even Russia and Germany are pretty backwards
Daily reminder that Poland is the most tolerant nation.
I mean it's fucking impressive for a "99% White Nation TM" (ask them how many of them have lipka tatar or jewish background)
Krystian Legierski
Anna Grodzka
John Godson
Two Polish teenagers arrested for insulting Turkish workers in restaurant in Gdansk, and calling them "niggers" and "dirts" and ordering them "get the fuck out from Poland".
* Niggers, check.
* Gay rights activists, check.
* Transsexuals, check
* Polish, check.
* Politician, check.
* most racemixers in Britain and Germany are ethnically Polish?, check!
* tens of thousands of shitskin international students? Check!
* super candy - President with subhuman Jewish wife? Check!
Poland Yes! Not even Sweden is this progressive
Fuck off with your shitty copypastas, we all know you got cucked by one.
Okay, but at least we're not 15% muslim :^)
t. Pawel Cwelski, the subhuman on a low paid job
What’s more likely me being Albanian (speculation based on shitposting) or being a Swiss/German citizen (confirmed) with huge account (confirmed) taking a shit on brainlets and mongrels while monitoring the exchange markets?
Either way, at very least you are having a discussion with Shkreli-tier Shqip
At least we are not muslim is what Brazilian and American subhuman mongrels say to themselves each time the bomb goes off in London or France
>but they did
why do you think 6 gorilian died? because murica was racist towards jews, and didn't allow them to come, only few.
Refugees will be given safe harbor but they must each kill a Jew
>number of terrorist attacks in Poland since 1945 - 0.
Hello there.
It’s not a good thing, idiot. Terrosism heats up the ethnic tensions.
Open borders today - Racial War in a decade
whoops wrong pic
If you dont stop refugee influx this will be your country soon, my dude.
There is nothing wrong with small, controlled, LEGAL migration. There is nothing wrong with throwing a bit of charity at people who have had their houses and cities destroyed by civil war.
That does not mean I want fucking Djabongo Mumbasa and his eighteen kids coming to my country because he wants a higher salary.
Yeah, this shit is untrue.
I know Ireland, we're doing better than most of Europe.
We're not doing well, but we're doing much better than this bullshit graphic suggests.
Get your shit right.
I don't hate refugees. I hate politicians who are so foolish to not see the consequences of their actions. I hate politicians who see what is happening, but are to cowardly to speak about it. I hate the middle class people who in their ignorance and desire for absolution throw the future of their children on the sacrificial fire. I hate the neo-marxist academics who have instilled a sense of communal guilt and a lack of purpose in white europeans. I hate the Islamists, who come to my country to spread their vile barbarism in the void of cultural identity that left-wing academia has created in western society.
I don't hate muslim refugees and I don't even hate economic migrants who come to infest our social systems like parasites. I don't want them here, but I can hardly blame them because they have practically been issued a formal invitation.
i like that pic anyway user
let's say the 6 gorillion are true and let's say I'm okay with jewish refugees in WW II
now let's comare those two groups
>minority in all countries
>specifically targeted for complete annihilation
>not welcome anywhere within the local community
>rich and usually working people
>whole families mostly
>behaved and integrated
>part of the normal population in a country
>could be hit randomly but almost never targeted
>not specifically hated by their next door neighbours
>poor people who are mostly not doing anything
>overwhelming amounts of young, able-bodied men without children, wives or other weaker people
>try to apply shariah wherever they go instead of complying to local law
really gets the night nogging
Actually jews do cause a lot of harm in france for example the jews do more crimes then muslims.
What kind of crime? Tax fraud?
Doesn't matter catholicism is dropping and is itself rotten from the very fucking head.
Imagine YOU paying for them!
it's actually very sad to see these families migrate because of local terrorism and massive poverty. Imagine one going back to home and watching it blast in front of you.
I hope every country in EU will be responsible and accept equal distribution of them in their territories.
Neither were the jews; holohoax never happened
>Jewish refugees during WWII
I would have paid them to go back to Auschwitz, and they'd have taken the money because they're greedy jews. Sand niggers on the other hand, I wouldnt even extend that courtesy
>should of just kept the highly educated ones
what are you talking about because that was a mistake too